use dioxus::html::input_data::keyboard_types::{Code, Key, Modifiers}; use dioxus::prelude::*; use dioxus_native_core::exports::shipyard::Component; use dioxus_native_core::node_ref::*; use dioxus_native_core::prelude::*; use dioxus_native_core::utils::cursor::{Cursor, Pos}; use dioxus_native_core_macro::partial_derive_state; // ANCHOR: state_impl struct FontSize(f64); // All states need to derive Component #[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, Component)] struct Size(f64, f64); /// Derive some of the boilerplate for the State implementation #[partial_derive_state] impl State for Size { type ParentDependencies = (); // The size of the current node depends on the size of its children type ChildDependencies = (Self,); type NodeDependencies = (); // Size only cares about the width, height, and text parts of the current node const NODE_MASK: NodeMaskBuilder<'static> = NodeMaskBuilder::new() // Get access to the width and height attributes .with_attrs(AttributeMaskBuilder::Some(&["width", "height"])) // Get access to the text of the node .with_text(); fn update<'a>( &mut self, node_view: NodeView<()>, _node: ::ElementBorrowed<'a>, _parent: Option<::ElementBorrowed<'a>>, children: Vec<::ElementBorrowed<'a>>, context: &SendAnyMap, ) -> bool { let font_size = context.get::().unwrap().0; let mut width; let mut height; if let Some(text) = node_view.text() { // if the node has text, use the text to size our object width = text.len() as f64 * font_size; height = font_size; } else { // otherwise, the size is the maximum size of the children width = children .iter() .map(|(item,)| item.0) .reduce(|accum, item| if accum >= item { accum } else { item }) .unwrap_or(0.0); height = children .iter() .map(|(item,)| item.1) .reduce(|accum, item| if accum >= item { accum } else { item }) .unwrap_or(0.0); } // if the node contains a width or height attribute it overrides the other size for a in node_view.attributes().into_iter().flatten() { match &* { "width" => width = a.value.as_float().unwrap(), "height" => height = a.value.as_float().unwrap(), // because Size only depends on the width and height, no other attributes will be passed to the member _ => panic!(), } } // to determine what other parts of the dom need to be updated we return a boolean that marks if this member changed let changed = (width != self.0) || (height != self.1); *self = Self(width, height); changed } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Component)] struct TextColor { r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, } #[partial_derive_state] impl State for TextColor { // TextColor depends on the TextColor part of the parent type ParentDependencies = (Self,); type ChildDependencies = (); type NodeDependencies = (); // TextColor only cares about the color attribute of the current node const NODE_MASK: NodeMaskBuilder<'static> = // Get access to the color attribute NodeMaskBuilder::new().with_attrs(AttributeMaskBuilder::Some(&["color"])); fn update<'a>( &mut self, node_view: NodeView<()>, _node: ::ElementBorrowed<'a>, parent: Option<::ElementBorrowed<'a>>, _children: Vec<::ElementBorrowed<'a>>, _context: &SendAnyMap, ) -> bool { // TextColor only depends on the color tag, so getting the first tag is equivilent to looking through all tags let new = match node_view .attributes() .and_then(|mut attrs| .and_then(|attr| attr.value.as_text()) { // if there is a color tag, translate it Some("red") => TextColor { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }, Some("green") => TextColor { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0 }, Some("blue") => TextColor { r: 0, g: 0, b: 255 }, Some(color) => panic!("unknown color {color}"), // otherwise check if the node has a parent and inherit that color None => match parent { Some((parent,)) => *parent, None => Self::default(), }, }; // check if the member has changed let changed = new != *self; *self = new; changed } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Component)] struct Border(bool); #[partial_derive_state] impl State for Border { // TextColor depends on the TextColor part of the parent type ParentDependencies = (Self,); type ChildDependencies = (); type NodeDependencies = (); // Border does not depended on any other member in the current node const NODE_MASK: NodeMaskBuilder<'static> = // Get access to the border attribute NodeMaskBuilder::new().with_attrs(AttributeMaskBuilder::Some(&["border"])); fn update<'a>( &mut self, node_view: NodeView<()>, _node: ::ElementBorrowed<'a>, _parent: Option<::ElementBorrowed<'a>>, _children: Vec<::ElementBorrowed<'a>>, _context: &SendAnyMap, ) -> bool { // check if the node contians a border attribute let new = Self( node_view .attributes() .and_then(|mut attrs||a| == "border")) .is_some(), ); // check if the member has changed let changed = new != *self; *self = new; changed } } // ANCHOR_END: state_impl // ANCHOR: rendering fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element { let count = use_state(cx, || 0); use_future(cx, (count,), |(count,)| async move { loop { tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)).await; count.set(*count + 1); } }); cx.render(rsx! { div{ color: "red", "{count}" } }) } // create the vdom, the real_dom, and the binding layer between them let mut vdom = VirtualDom::new(app); let mut rdom: RealDom = RealDom::new([ Border::to_type_erased(), TextColor::to_type_erased(), Size::to_type_erased(), ]); let mut dioxus_intigration_state = DioxusState::create(&mut rdom); let mutations = vdom.rebuild(); // update the structure of the real_dom tree dioxus_intigration_state.apply_mutations(&mut rdom, mutations); let mut ctx = SendAnyMap::new(); // set the font size to 3.3 ctx.insert(FontSize(3.3)); // update the State for nodes in the real_dom tree let _to_rerender = rdom.update_state(ctx); // we need to run the vdom in a async runtime tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_all() .build()? .block_on(async { loop { // wait for the vdom to update vdom.wait_for_work().await; // get the mutations from the vdom let mutations = vdom.render_immediate(); // update the structure of the real_dom tree dioxus_intigration_state.apply_mutations(&mut rdom, mutations); // update the state of the real_dom tree let mut ctx = SendAnyMap::new(); // set the font size to 3.3 ctx.insert(FontSize(3.3)); let _to_rerender = rdom.update_state(ctx); // render... rdom.traverse_depth_first(|node| { let indent = " ".repeat(node.height() as usize); let color = *node.get::().unwrap(); let size = *node.get::().unwrap(); let border = *node.get::().unwrap(); let id =; let node = node.node_type(); let node_type = &*node; println!("{indent}{id:?} {color:?} {size:?} {border:?} {node_type:?}"); }); } }) } // ANCHOR_END: rendering // ANCHOR: derive_state // All states must derive Component ( // They also must implement Default or provide a custom implementation of create in the State trait #[derive(Default, Component)] struct MyState; /// Derive some of the boilerplate for the State implementation #[partial_derive_state] impl State for MyState { // The states of the parent nodes this state depends on type ParentDependencies = (); // The states of the child nodes this state depends on type ChildDependencies = (Self,); // The states of the current node this state depends on type NodeDependencies = (); // The parts of the current text, element, or placeholder node in the tree that this state depends on const NODE_MASK: NodeMaskBuilder<'static> = NodeMaskBuilder::new(); // How to update the state of the current node based on the state of the parent nodes, child nodes, and the current node // Returns true if the node was updated and false if the node was not updated fn update<'a>( &mut self, // The view of the current node limited to the parts this state depends on _node_view: NodeView<()>, // The state of the current node that this state depends on _node: ::ElementBorrowed<'a>, // The state of the parent nodes that this state depends on _parent: Option<::ElementBorrowed<'a>>, // The state of the child nodes that this state depends on _children: Vec<::ElementBorrowed<'a>>, // The context of the current node used to pass global state into the tree _context: &SendAnyMap, ) -> bool { todo!() } // partial_derive_state will generate a default implementation of all the other methods } // ANCHOR_END: derive_state #[allow(unused)] // ANCHOR: cursor fn text_editing() { let mut cursor = Cursor::default(); let mut text = String::new(); // handle keyboard input with a max text length of 10 cursor.handle_input( &Code::ArrowRight, &Key::ArrowRight, &Modifiers::empty(), &mut text, 10, ); // mannually select text between characters 0-5 on the first line (this could be from dragging with a mouse) cursor.start = Pos::new(0, 0); cursor.end = Some(Pos::new(5, 0)); // delete the selected text and move the cursor to the start of the selection cursor.delete_selection(&mut text); } // ANCHOR_END: cursor