use crate::innerlude::*; use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec}; /// The stack instructions we use to diff and create new nodes. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum DiffInstruction<'a> { DiffNode { old: &'a VNode<'a>, new: &'a VNode<'a>, }, DiffChildren { old: &'a [VNode<'a>], new: &'a [VNode<'a>], }, Create { node: &'a VNode<'a>, }, /// pushes the node elements onto the stack for use in mount PrepareMoveNode { node: &'a VNode<'a>, }, Mount { and: MountType<'a>, }, PopScope, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum MountType<'a> { Absorb, Append, Replace { old: &'a VNode<'a> }, ReplaceByElementId { el: ElementId }, InsertAfter { other_node: &'a VNode<'a> }, InsertBefore { other_node: &'a VNode<'a> }, } pub struct DiffStack<'bump> { instructions: Vec>, nodes_created_stack: SmallVec<[usize; 10]>, pub scope_stack: SmallVec<[ScopeId; 5]>, } impl<'bump> DiffStack<'bump> { pub fn new(cur_scope: ScopeId) -> Self { Self { instructions: Vec::with_capacity(1000), nodes_created_stack: smallvec![], scope_stack: smallvec![cur_scope], } } pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option> { self.instructions.pop() } pub fn pop_scope(&mut self) -> Option { self.scope_stack.pop() } pub fn push(&mut self, instruction: DiffInstruction<'bump>) { self.instructions.push(instruction) } pub fn create_children(&mut self, children: &'bump [VNode<'bump>], and: MountType<'bump>) { self.nodes_created_stack.push(0); self.instructions.push(DiffInstruction::Mount { and }); for child in children.into_iter().rev() { self.instructions .push(DiffInstruction::Create { node: child }); } } pub fn push_nodes_created(&mut self, count: usize) { self.nodes_created_stack.push(count); } pub fn create_node(&mut self, node: &'bump VNode<'bump>, and: MountType<'bump>) { self.nodes_created_stack.push(0); self.instructions.push(DiffInstruction::Mount { and }); self.instructions.push(DiffInstruction::Create { node }); } pub fn add_child_count(&mut self, count: usize) { *self.nodes_created_stack.last_mut().unwrap() += count; } pub fn pop_nodes_created(&mut self) -> usize { self.nodes_created_stack.pop().unwrap() } pub fn current_scope(&self) -> Option { self.scope_stack.last().map(|f| f.clone()) } pub fn create_component(&mut self, idx: ScopeId, node: &'bump VNode<'bump>) { // Push the new scope onto the stack self.scope_stack.push(idx); self.instructions.push(DiffInstruction::PopScope); // Run the creation algorithm with this scope on the stack // ?? I think we treat components as framgnets?? self.instructions.push(DiffInstruction::Create { node }); } }