[config] default_to_workspace = false min_version = "0.32.4" [env] CARGO_MAKE_CLIPPY_ARGS = "-- --deny=warnings" CARGO_MAKE_EXTEND_WORKSPACE_MAKEFILE = true [config.modify_core_tasks] namespace = "core" private = true [tasks.tests-setup] private = true script = [ """ test_flags = array --headless --firefox dioxus_test_features = set wasm_test dioxus_test_flags = array_join ${test_flags} " " echo "running tests with flags: ${dioxus_test_flags} and features: ${dioxus_test_features}" set_env DIOXUS_TEST_FLAGS ${dioxus_test_flags} set_env DIOXUS_TEST_FEATURES ${dioxus_test_features} """, ] script_runner = "@duckscript" [tasks.tests] category = "Testing" dependencies = ["tests-setup"] description = "Run all tests" env = {CARGO_MAKE_WORKSPACE_SKIP_MEMBERS = ["**/examples/*"]} run_task = {name = ["test-flow", "test-with-browser"], fork = true} [tasks.build] command = "cargo" args = ["build"] [tasks.test-flow] dependencies = ["test"] private = true [tasks.test] dependencies = ["build"] command = "cargo" args = ["test", "--lib", "--bins", "--tests", "--examples", "--workspace", "--exclude", "dioxus-router"] private = true [tasks.test-with-browser] env = { CARGO_MAKE_WORKSPACE_INCLUDE_MEMBERS = ["**/packages/router"] } private = true workspace = true