use dioxus_core::*; use std::fmt::Arguments; macro_rules! no_namespace_trait_methods { ( $( $(#[$attr:meta])* $name:ident; )* ) => { $( $(#[$attr])* fn $name<'a>(&self, cx: NodeFactory<'a>, val: Arguments) -> Attribute<'a> { cx.attr(stringify!($name), val, None, false) } )* }; } macro_rules! style_trait_methods { ( $( $(#[$attr:meta])* $name:ident: $lit:literal, )* ) => { $( #[inline] $(#[$attr])* fn $name<'a>(&self, cx: NodeFactory<'a>, val: Arguments) -> Attribute<'a> { cx.attr($lit, val, Some("style"), false) } )* }; } macro_rules! aria_trait_methods { ( $( $(#[$attr:meta])* $name:ident: $lit:literal, )* ) => { $( $(#[$attr])* fn $name<'a>(&self, cx: NodeFactory<'a>, val: Arguments) -> Attribute<'a> { cx.attr($lit, val, None, false) } )* }; } pub trait GlobalAttributes { no_namespace_trait_methods! { accesskey; /// The HTML class attribute is used to specify a class for an HTML element. /// /// ## Details /// Multiple HTML elements can share the same class. /// /// The class global attribute is a space-separated list of the case-sensitive classes of the element. /// Classes allow CSS and Javascript to select and access specific elements via the class selectors or /// functions like the DOM method document.getElementsByClassName. /// /// ## Example /// /// ### HTML: /// ```html ///
Above point sounds a bit obvious. Remove/rewrite?
/// ``` /// /// ### CSS: /// ```css /// .note { /// font-style: italic; /// font-weight: bold; /// } /// /// .editorial { /// background: rgb(255, 0, 0, .25); /// padding: 10px; /// } /// ``` class; contenteditable; data; dir; draggable; hidden; id; lang; spellcheck; style; tabindex; title; translate; role; /// dangerous_inner_html is Dioxus's replacement for using innerHTML in the browser DOM. In general, setting /// HTML from code is risky because it’s easy to inadvertently expose your users to a cross-site scripting (XSS) /// attack. So, you can set HTML directly from Dioxus, but you have to type out dangerous_inner_html to remind /// yourself that it’s dangerous dangerous_inner_html; } // This macro creates an explicit method call for each of the style attributes. // // The left token specifies the name of the attribute in the rsx! macro, and the right string literal specifies the // actual name of the attribute generated. // // This roughly follows the html spec style_trait_methods! { /// Specifies the alignment of flexible container's items within the flex container. align_content: "align-content", /// Specifies the default alignment for items within the flex container. align_items: "align-items", /// Specifies the alignment for selected items within the flex container. align_self: "align-self", /// Specifies the keyframe_based animations. animation: "animation", /// Specifies when the animation will start. animation_delay: "animation-delay", /// Specifies whether the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles or not. animation_direction: "animation-direction", /// Specifies the number of seconds or milliseconds an animation should take to complete one cycle animation_duration: "animation-duration", /// Specifies how a CSS animation should apply styles to its target before and after it is executing animation_fill_mode: "animation-fill-mode", /// Specifies the number of times an animation cycle should be played before stopping. animation_iteration_count: "animation-iteration-count", /// Specifies the name of @keyframes defined animations that should be applied to the selected element animation_name: "animation-name", /// Specifies whether the animation is running or paused. animation_play_state: "animation-play-state", /// Specifies how a CSS animation should progress over the duration of each cycle. animation_timing_function: "animation-timing-function", /// Specifies whether or not the "back" side of a transformed element is visible when facing the user. backface_visibility: "backface-visibility", /// Defines a variety of background properties within one declaration. background: "background", /// Specify whether the background image is fixed in the viewport or scrolls. background_attachment: "background-attachment", /// Specifies the painting area of the background. background_clip: "background-clip", /// Defines an element's background color. background_color: "background-color", /// Defines an element's background image. background_image: "background-image", /// Specifies the positioning area of the background images. background_origin: "background-origin", /// Defines the origin of a background image. background_position: "background-position", /// Specify whether/how the background image is tiled. background_repeat: "background-repeat", /// Specifies the size of the background images. background_size: "background-size", /// Sets the width, style, and color for all four sides of an element's border. border: "border", /// Sets the width, style, and color of the bottom border of an element. border_bottom: "border-bottom", /// Sets the color of the bottom border of an element. border_bottom_color: "border-bottom-color", /// Defines the shape of the bottom_left border corner of an element. border_bottom_left_radius: "border-bottom-left-radius", /// Defines the shape of the bottom_right border corner of an element. border_bottom_right_radius: "border-bottom-right-radius", /// Sets the style of the bottom border of an element. border_bottom_style: "border-bottom-style", /// Sets the width of the bottom border of an element. border_bottom_width: "border-bottom-width", /// Specifies whether table cell borders are connected or separated. border_collapse: "border-collapse", /// Sets the color of the border on all the four sides of an element. border_color: "border-color", /// Specifies how an image is to be used in place of the border styles. border_image: "border-image", /// Specifies the amount by which the border image area extends beyond the border box. border_image_outset: "border-image-outset", /// Specifies whether the image_border should be repeated, rounded or stretched. border_image_repeat: "border-image-repeat", /// Specifies the inward offsets of the image_border. border_image_slice: "border-image-slice", /// Specifies the location of the image to be used as a border. border_image_source: "border-image-source", /// Specifies the width of the image_border. border_image_width: "border-image-width", /// Sets the width, style, and color of the left border of an element. border_left: "border-left", /// Sets the color of the left border of an element. border_left_color: "border-left-color", /// Sets the style of the left border of an element. border_left_style: "border-left-style", /// Sets the width of the left border of an element. border_left_width: "border-left-width", /// Defines the shape of the border corners of an element. border_radius: "border-radius", /// Sets the width, style, and color of the right border of an element. border_right: "border-right", /// Sets the color of the right border of an element. border_right_color: "border-right-color", /// Sets the style of the right border of an element. border_right_style: "border-right-style", /// Sets the width of the right border of an element. border_right_width: "border-right-width", /// Sets the spacing between the borders of adjacent table cells. border_spacing: "border-spacing", /// Sets the style of the border on all the four sides of an element. border_style: "border-style", /// Sets the width, style, and color of the top border of an element. border_top: "border-top", /// Sets the color of the top border of an element. border_top_color: "border-top-color", /// Defines the shape of the top_left border corner of an element. border_top_left_radius: "border-top-left-radius", /// Defines the shape of the top_right border corner of an element. border_top_right_radius: "border-top-right-radius", /// Sets the style of the top border of an element. border_top_style: "border-top-style", /// Sets the width of the top border of an element. border_top_width: "border-top-width", /// Sets the width of the border on all the four sides of an element. border_width: "border-width", /// Specify the location of the bottom edge of the positioned element. bottom: "bottom", /// Applies one or more drop_shadows to the element's box. box_shadow: "box-shadow", /// Alter the default CSS box model. box_sizing: "box-sizing", /// Specify the position of table's caption. caption_side: "caption-side", /// Specifies the placement of an element in relation to floating elements. clear: "clear", /// Defines the clipping region. clip: "clip", /// Specify the color of the text of an element. color: "color", /// Specifies the number of columns in a multi_column element. column_count: "column-count", /// Specifies how columns will be filled. column_fill: "column-fill", /// Specifies the gap between the columns in a multi_column element. column_gap: "column-gap", /// Specifies a straight line, or "rule", to be drawn between each column in a multi_column element. column_rule: "column-rule", /// Specifies the color of the rules drawn between columns in a multi_column layout. column_rule_color: "column-rule-color", /// Specifies the style of the rule drawn between the columns in a multi_column layout. column_rule_style: "column-rule-style", /// Specifies the width of the rule drawn between the columns in a multi_column layout. column_rule_width: "column-rule-width", /// Specifies how many columns an element spans across in a multi_column layout. column_span: "column-span", /// Specifies the optimal width of the columns in a multi_column element. column_width: "column-width", /// A shorthand property for setting column_width and column_count properties. columns: "columns", /// Inserts generated content. content: "content", /// Increments one or more counter values. counter_increment: "counter-increment", /// Creates or resets one or more counters. counter_reset: "counter-reset", /// Specify the type of cursor. cursor: "cursor", /// Define the text direction/writing direction. direction: "direction", /// Specifies how an element is displayed onscreen. display: "display", /// Show or hide borders and backgrounds of empty table cells. empty_cells: "empty-cells", /// Specifies the components of a flexible length. flex: "flex", /// Specifies the initial main size of the flex item. flex_basis: "flex-basis", /// Specifies the direction of the flexible items. flex_direction: "flex-direction", /// A shorthand property for the flex_direction and the flex_wrap properties. flex_flow: "flex-flow", /// Specifies how the flex item will grow relative to the other items inside the flex container. flex_grow: "flex-grow", /// Specifies how the flex item will shrink relative to the other items inside the flex container flex_shrink: "flex-shrink", /// Specifies whether the flexible items should wrap or not. flex_wrap: "flex-wrap", /// Specifies whether or not a box should float. float: "float", /// Defines a variety of font properties within one declaration. font: "font", /// Defines a list of fonts for element. font_family: "font-family", /// Defines the font size for the text. font_size: "font-size", /// Preserves the readability of text when font fallback occurs. font_size_adjust: "font-size-adjust", /// Selects a normal, condensed, or expanded face from a font. font_stretch: "font-stretch", /// Defines the font style for the text. font_style: "font-style", /// Specify the font variant. font_variant: "font-variant", /// Specify the font weight of the text. font_weight: "font-weight", /// Specify the height of an element. height: "height", /// Specifies how flex items are aligned along the main axis of the flex container after any flexible lengths and auto margins have been resolved. justify_content: "justify-content", /// Specify the location of the left edge of the positioned element. left: "left", /// Sets the extra spacing between letters. letter_spacing: "letter-spacing", /// Sets the height between lines of text. line_height: "line-height", /// Defines the display style for a list and list elements. list_style: "list-style", /// Specifies the image to be used as a list_item marker. list_style_image: "list-style-image", /// Specifies the position of the list_item marker. list_style_position: "list-style-position", /// Specifies the marker style for a list_item. list_styler_type: "list-style-type", /// Sets the margin on all four sides of the element. margin: "margin", /// Sets the bottom margin of the element. margin_bottom: "margin-bottom", /// Sets the left margin of the element. margin_left: "margin-left", /// Sets the right margin of the element. margin_right: "margin-right", /// Sets the top margin of the element. margin_top: "margin-top", /// Specify the maximum height of an element. max_height: "max-height", /// Specify the maximum width of an element. max_width: "max-width", /// Specify the minimum height of an element. min_height: "min-height", /// Specify the minimum width of an element. min_width: "min-width", /// Specifies the transparency of an element. opacity: "opacity", /// Specifies the order in which a flex items are displayed and laid out within a flex container. order: "order", /// Sets the width, style, and color for all four sides of an element's outline. outline: "outline", /// Sets the color of the outline. outline_color: "outline-color", /// Set the space between an outline and the border edge of an element. outline_offset: "outline-offset", /// Sets a style for an outline. outline_style: "outline-style", /// Sets the width of the outline. outline_width: "outline-width", /// Specifies the treatment of content that overflows the element's box. overflow: "overflow", /// Specifies the treatment of content that overflows the element's box horizontally. overflow_x: "overflow-x", /// Specifies the treatment of content that overflows the element's box vertically. overflow_y: "overflow-y", /// Sets the padding on all four sides of the element. padding: "padding", /// Sets the padding to the bottom side of an element. padding_bottom: "padding-bottom", /// Sets the padding to the left side of an element. padding_left: "padding-left", /// Sets the padding to the right side of an element. padding_right: "padding-right", /// Sets the padding to the top side of an element. padding_top: "padding-top", /// Insert a page breaks after an element. page_break_after: "page-break-after", /// Insert a page breaks before an element. page_break_before: "page-break-before", /// Insert a page breaks inside an element. page_break_inside: "page-break-inside", /// Defines the perspective from which all child elements of the object are viewed. perspective: "perspective", /// Defines the origin (the vanishing point for the 3D space) for the perspective property. perspective_origin: "perspective-origin", /// Specifies how an element is positioned. position: "position", /// The pointer-events CSS property sets under what circumstances (if any) a particular graphic element can /// become the target of pointer events. /// /// MDN: [`pointer_events`]( pointer_events: "pointer-events", /// Specifies quotation marks for embedded quotations. quotes: "quotes", /// Specifies whether or not an element is resizable by the user. resize: "resize", /// Specify the location of the right edge of the positioned element. right: "right", /// Specifies the length of the tab character. tab_size: "tab-size", /// Specifies a table layout algorithm. table_layout: "table-layout", /// Sets the horizontal alignment of inline content. text_align: "text-align", /// Specifies how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when is justify.", text_align_last: "text-align-last", /// Specifies the decoration added to text. text_decoration: "text-decoration", /// Specifies the color of the text_decoration_line. text_decoration_color: "text-decoration-color", /// Specifies what kind of line decorations are added to the element. text_decoration_line: "text-decoration-line", /// Specifies the style of the lines specified by the text_decoration_line property text_decoration_style: "text-decoration-style", /// Indent the first line of text. text_indent: "text-indent", /// Specifies the justification method to use when the text_align property is set to justify. text_justify: "text-justify", /// Specifies how the text content will be displayed, when it overflows the block containers. text_overflow: "text-overflow", /// Applies one or more shadows to the text content of an element. text_shadow: "text-shadow", /// Transforms the case of the text. text_transform: "text-transform", /// Specify the location of the top edge of the positioned element. top: "top", /// Applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. transform: "transform", /// Defines the origin of transformation for an element. transform_origin: "transform-origin", /// Specifies how nested elements are rendered in 3D space. transform_style: "transform-style", /// Defines the transition between two states of an element. transition: "transition", /// Specifies when the transition effect will start. transition_delay: "transition-delay", /// Specifies the number of seconds or milliseconds a transition effect should take to complete. transition_duration: "transition-duration", /// Specifies the names of the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied. transition_property: "transition-property", /// Specifies the speed curve of the transition effect. transition_timing_function: "transition-timing-function", /// Sets the vertical positioning of an element relative to the current text baseline. vertical_align: "vertical-align", /// Specifies whether or not an element is visible. visibility: "visibility", /// Specifies how white space inside the element is handled. white_space: "white-space", /// Specify the width of an element. width: "width", /// Specifies how to break lines within words. word_break: "word-break", /// Sets the spacing between words. word_spacing: "word-spacing", /// Specifies whether to break words when the content overflows the boundaries of its container. word_wrap: "word-wrap", /// Specifies a layering or stacking order for positioned elements. z_index : "z-index", } aria_trait_methods! { aria_current: "aria-current", aria_details: "aria-details", aria_disabled: "aria-disabled", aria_hidden: "aria-hidden", aria_invalid: "aria-invalid", aria_keyshortcuts: "aria-keyshortcuts", aria_label: "aria-label", aria_roledescription: "aria-roledescription", // Widget Attributes aria_autocomplete: "aria-autocomplete", aria_checked: "aria-checked", aria_expanded: "aria-expanded", aria_haspopup: "aria-haspopup", aria_level: "aria-level", aria_modal: "aria-modal", aria_multiline: "aria-multiline", aria_multiselectable: "aria-multiselectable", aria_orientation: "aria-orientation", aria_placeholder: "aria-placeholder", aria_pressed: "aria-pressed", aria_readonly: "aria-readonly", aria_required: "aria-required", aria_selected: "aria-selected", aria_sort: "aria-sort", aria_valuemax: "aria-valuemax", aria_valuemin: "aria-valuemin", aria_valuenow: "aria-valuenow", aria_valuetext: "aria-valuetext", // Live Region Attributes aria_atomic: "aria-atomic", aria_busy: "aria-busy", aria_live: "aria-live", aria_relevant: "aria-relevant", aria_dropeffect: "aria-dropeffect", aria_grabbed: "aria-grabbed", // Relationship Attributes aria_activedescendant: "aria-activedescendant", aria_colcount: "aria-colcount", aria_colindex: "aria-colindex", aria_colspan: "aria-colspan", aria_controls: "aria-controls", aria_describedby: "aria-describedby", aria_errormessage: "aria-errormessage", aria_flowto: "aria-flowto", aria_labelledby: "aria-labelledby", aria_owns: "aria-owns", aria_posinset: "aria-posinset", aria_rowcount: "aria-rowcount", aria_rowindex: "aria-rowindex", aria_rowspan: "aria-rowspan", aria_setsize: "aria-setsize", } } pub trait SvgAttributes { aria_trait_methods! { accent_height: "accent-height", accumulate: "accumulate", additive: "additive", alignment_baseline: "alignment-baseline", alphabetic: "alphabetic", amplitude: "amplitude", arabic_form: "arabic-form", ascent: "ascent", attributeName: "attributeName", attributeType: "attributeType", azimuth: "azimuth", baseFrequency: "baseFrequency", baseline_shift: "baseline-shift", baseProfile: "baseProfile", bbox: "bbox", begin: "begin", bias: "bias", by: "by", calcMode: "calcMode", cap_height: "cap-height", class: "class", clip: "clip", clipPathUnits: "clipPathUnits", clip_path: "clip-path", clip_rule: "clip-rule", color: "color", color_interpolation: "color-interpolation", color_interpolation_filters: "color-interpolation-filters", color_profile: "color-profile", color_rendering: "color-rendering", contentScriptType: "contentScriptType", contentStyleType: "contentStyleType", crossorigin: "crossorigin", cursor: "cursor", cx: "cx", cy: "cy", d: "d", decelerate: "decelerate", descent: "descent", diffuseConstant: "diffuseConstant", direction: "direction", display: "display", divisor: "divisor", dominant_baseline: "dominant-baseline", dur: "dur", dx: "dx", dy: "dy", edgeMode: "edgeMode", elevation: "elevation", enable_background: "enable-background", end: "end", exponent: "exponent", fill: "fill", fill_opacity: "fill-opacity", fill_rule: "fill-rule", filter: "filter", filterRes: "filterRes", filterUnits: "filterUnits", flood_color: "flood-color", flood_opacity: "flood-opacity", font_family: "font-family", font_size: "font-size", font_size_adjust: "font-size-adjust", font_stretch: "font-stretch", font_style: "font-style", font_variant: "font-variant", font_weight: "font-weight", format: "format", from: "from", fr: "fr", fx: "fx", fy: "fy", g1: "g1", g2: "g2", glyph_name: "glyph-name", glyph_orientation_horizontal: "glyph-orientation-horizontal", glyph_orientation_vertical: "glyph-orientation-vertical", glyphRef: "glyphRef", gradientTransform: "gradientTransform", gradientUnits: "gradientUnits", hanging: "hanging", height: "height", href: "href", hreflang: "hreflang", horiz_adv_x: "horiz-adv-x", horiz_origin_x: "horiz-origin-x", id: "id", ideographic: "ideographic", image_rendering: "image-rendering", _in: "_in", in2: "in2", intercept: "intercept", k: "k", k1: "k1", k2: "k2", k3: "k3", k4: "k4", kernelMatrix: "kernelMatrix", kernelUnitLength: "kernelUnitLength", kerning: "kerning", keyPoints: "keyPoints", keySplines: "keySplines", keyTimes: "keyTimes", lang: "lang", lengthAdjust: "lengthAdjust", letter_spacing: "letter-spacing", lighting_color: "lighting-color", limitingConeAngle: "limitingConeAngle", local: "local", marker_end: "marker-end", marker_mid: "marker-mid", marker_start: "marker_start", markerHeight: "markerHeight", markerUnits: "markerUnits", markerWidth: "markerWidth", mask: "mask", maskContentUnits: "maskContentUnits", maskUnits: "maskUnits", mathematical: "mathematical", max: "max", media: "media", method: "method", min: "min", mode: "mode", name: "name", numOctaves: "numOctaves", offset: "offset", opacity: "opacity", operator: "operator", order: "order", orient: "orient", orientation: "orientation", origin: "origin", overflow: "overflow", overline_position: "overline-position", overline_thickness: "overline-thickness", panose_1: "panose-1", paint_order: "paint-order", path: "path", pathLength: "pathLength", patternContentUnits: "patternContentUnits", patternTransform: "patternTransform", patternUnits: "patternUnits", ping: "ping", pointer_events: "pointer-events", points: "points", pointsAtX: "pointsAtX", pointsAtY: "pointsAtY", pointsAtZ: "pointsAtZ", preserveAlpha: "preserveAlpha", preserveAspectRatio: "preserveAspectRatio", primitiveUnits: "primitiveUnits", r: "r", radius: "radius", referrerPolicy: "referrerPolicy", refX: "refX", refY: "refY", rel: "rel", rendering_intent: "rendering-intent", repeatCount: "repeatCount", repeatDur: "repeatDur", requiredExtensions: "requiredExtensions", requiredFeatures: "requiredFeatures", restart: "restart", result: "result", role: "role", rotate: "rotate", rx: "rx", ry: "ry", scale: "scale", seed: "seed", shape_rendering: "shape-rendering", slope: "slope", spacing: "spacing", specularConstant: "specularConstant", specularExponent: "specularExponent", speed: "speed", spreadMethod: "spreadMethod", startOffset: "startOffset", stdDeviation: "stdDeviation", stemh: "stemh", stemv: "stemv", stitchTiles: "stitchTiles", stop_color: "stop_color", stop_opacity: "stop_opacity", strikethrough_position: "strikethrough-position", strikethrough_thickness: "strikethrough-thickness", string: "string", stroke: "stroke", stroke_dasharray: "stroke-dasharray", stroke_dashoffset: "stroke-dashoffset", stroke_linecap: "stroke-linecap", stroke_linejoin: "stroke-linejoin", stroke_miterlimit: "stroke-miterlimit", stroke_opacity: "stroke-opacity", stroke_width: "stroke-width", style: "style", surfaceScale: "surfaceScale", systemLanguage: "systemLanguage", tabindex: "tabindex", tableValues: "tableValues", target: "target", targetX: "targetX", targetY: "targetY", text_anchor: "text-anchor", text_decoration: "text-decoration", text_rendering: "text-rendering", textLength: "textLength", to: "to", transform: "transform", transform_origin: "transform-origin", r#type: "_type", u1: "u1", u2: "u2", underline_position: "underline-position", underline_thickness: "underline-thickness", unicode: "unicode", unicode_bidi: "unicode-bidi", unicode_range: "unicode-range", units_per_em: "units-per-em", v_alphabetic: "v-alphabetic", v_hanging: "v-hanging", v_ideographic: "v-ideographic", v_mathematical: "v-mathematical", values: "values", vector_effect: "vector-effect", version: "version", vert_adv_y: "vert-adv-y", vert_origin_x: "vert-origin-x", vert_origin_y: "vert-origin-y", view_box: "viewBox", view_target: "viewTarget", visibility: "visibility", width: "width", widths: "widths", word_spacing: "word-spacing", writing_mode: "writing-mode", x: "x", x_height: "x-height", x1: "x1", x2: "x2", xmlns: "xmlns", x_channel_selector: "xChannelSelector", y: "y", y1: "y1", y2: "y2", y_channel_selector: "yChannelSelector", z: "z", zoomAndPan: "zoomAndPan", } }