//! Dioxus WebSys //! //! This crate implements a renderer of the Dioxus Virtual DOM for the web browser. //! //! While it is possible to render a single component directly, it is not possible to render component trees. For these, //! an external renderer is needed to progress the component lifecycles. The `WebsysRenderer` shows how to use the Virtual DOM //! API to progress these lifecycle events to generate a fully-mounted Virtual DOM instance which can be renderer in the //! `render` method. //! //! ```ignore //! fn main() { //! let renderer = WebsysRenderer::<()>::new(|_| html! {
"Hello world"
}); //! let output = renderer.render(); //! assert_eq!(output, "
Hello World
"); //! } //! ``` //! //! The `WebsysRenderer` is particularly useful when needing to cache a Virtual DOM in between requests use dioxus::{patch::Patch, prelude::VText}; pub use dioxus_core as dioxus; use dioxus_core::{ events::EventTrigger, prelude::{bumpalo::Bump, html, DiffMachine, Properties, VNode, VirtualDom, FC}, }; use futures::{channel::mpsc, future, SinkExt, StreamExt}; use mpsc::UnboundedSender; pub mod interpreter; /// The `WebsysRenderer` provides a way of rendering a Dioxus Virtual DOM to the browser's DOM. /// Under the hood, we leverage WebSys and interact directly with the DOM /// pub struct WebsysRenderer { internal_dom: VirtualDom, } impl WebsysRenderer { /// Create a new instance of the Dioxus Virtual Dom with no properties for the root component. /// /// This means that the root component must either consumes its own context, or statics are used to generate the page. /// The root component can access things like routing in its context. pub fn new(root: FC<()>) -> Self { Self::new_with_props(root, ()) } /// Create a new text-renderer instance from a functional component root. /// Automatically progresses the creation of the VNode tree to completion. /// /// A VDom is automatically created. If you want more granular control of the VDom, use `from_vdom` pub fn new_with_props(root: FC, root_props: T) -> Self { Self::from_vdom(VirtualDom::new_with_props(root, root_props)) } /// Create a new text renderer from an existing Virtual DOM. /// This will progress the existing VDom's events to completion. pub fn from_vdom(dom: VirtualDom) -> Self { Self { internal_dom: dom } } /// Run the renderer, progressing any events that crop up /// Yield on event handlers /// If the dom errors out, self is consumed and the dom is torn down pub async fn run(self) -> dioxus_core::error::Result<()> { let WebsysRenderer { mut internal_dom } = self; // Progress the mount of the root component internal_dom .progress() .expect("Progressing the root failed :("); // set up the channels to connect listeners to the event loop let (sender, mut receiver) = mpsc::unbounded::(); // Iterate through the nodes, attaching the closure and sender to the listener { let mut remote_sender = sender.clone(); let listener = move || { let event = EventTrigger::new(); wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(async move { remote_sender .send(event) .await .expect("Updating receiver failed"); }) }; } // Event loop waits for the receiver to finish up // TODO! Connect the sender to the virtual dom's suspense system // Suspense is basically an external event that can force renders to specific nodes while let Some(event) = receiver.next().await { // event is triggered // relevant listeners are ran // internal state is modified, components are tagged for changes match internal_dom.progress_with_event(event).await { Err(_) => {} Ok(_) => {} // Ok(_) => render_diffs(), } // waiting for next event to arrive from the external triggers } Ok(()) } fn simple_render(tree: impl for<'a> Fn(&'a Bump) -> VNode<'a>) { let bump = Bump::new(); let old = html! {
}(&bump); let new = tree(&bump); let mut machine = DiffMachine::new(); let patches = machine.diff(&old, &new); } } use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::{cmp::min, rc::Rc}; use wasm_bindgen::JsCast; use wasm_bindgen::JsValue; use web_sys::{Element, Node, Text}; /// Apply all of the patches to our old root node in order to create the new root node /// that we desire. /// This is usually used after diffing two virtual nodes. pub fn patch>(root_node: N, patches: &Vec) -> Result<(), JsValue> { // pub fn patch>(root_node: N, patches: &Vec) -> Result { let root_node: Node = root_node.into(); let mut cur_node_idx = 0; let mut nodes_to_find = HashSet::new(); for patch in patches { nodes_to_find.insert(patch.node_idx()); } let mut element_nodes_to_patch = HashMap::new(); let mut text_nodes_to_patch = HashMap::new(); // Closures that were added to the DOM during this patch operation. // let mut active_closures = HashMap::new(); find_nodes( root_node, &mut cur_node_idx, &mut nodes_to_find, &mut element_nodes_to_patch, &mut text_nodes_to_patch, ); for patch in patches { let patch_node_idx = patch.node_idx(); if let Some(element) = element_nodes_to_patch.get(&patch_node_idx) { let new_closures = apply_element_patch(&element, &patch)?; // active_closures.extend(new_closures); continue; } if let Some(text_node) = text_nodes_to_patch.get(&patch_node_idx) { apply_text_patch(&text_node, &patch)?; continue; } unreachable!("Getting here means we didn't find the element or next node that we were supposed to patch.") } // Ok(active_closures) Ok(()) } fn find_nodes( root_node: Node, cur_node_idx: &mut usize, nodes_to_find: &mut HashSet, element_nodes_to_patch: &mut HashMap, text_nodes_to_patch: &mut HashMap, ) { if nodes_to_find.len() == 0 { return; } // We use child_nodes() instead of children() because children() ignores text nodes let children = root_node.child_nodes(); let child_node_count = children.length(); // If the root node matches, mark it for patching if nodes_to_find.get(&cur_node_idx).is_some() { match root_node.node_type() { Node::ELEMENT_NODE => { element_nodes_to_patch.insert(*cur_node_idx, root_node.unchecked_into()); } Node::TEXT_NODE => { text_nodes_to_patch.insert(*cur_node_idx, root_node.unchecked_into()); } other => unimplemented!("Unsupported root node type: {}", other), } nodes_to_find.remove(&cur_node_idx); } *cur_node_idx += 1; for i in 0..child_node_count { let node = children.item(i).unwrap(); match node.node_type() { Node::ELEMENT_NODE => { find_nodes( node, cur_node_idx, nodes_to_find, element_nodes_to_patch, text_nodes_to_patch, ); } Node::TEXT_NODE => { if nodes_to_find.get(&cur_node_idx).is_some() { text_nodes_to_patch.insert(*cur_node_idx, node.unchecked_into()); } *cur_node_idx += 1; } Node::COMMENT_NODE => { // At this time we do not support user entered comment nodes, so if we see a comment // then it was a delimiter created by virtual-dom-rs in order to ensure that two // neighboring text nodes did not get merged into one by the browser. So we skip // over this virtual-dom-rs generated comment node. } _other => { // Ignoring unsupported child node type // TODO: What do we do with this situation? Log a warning? } } } } // pub type ActiveClosures = HashMap>; // fn apply_element_patch(node: &Element, patch: &Patch) -> Result { fn apply_element_patch(node: &Element, patch: &Patch) -> Result<(), JsValue> { // let active_closures = HashMap::new(); match patch { Patch::AddAttributes(_node_idx, attributes) => { for (attrib_name, attrib_val) in attributes.iter() { node.set_attribute(attrib_name, attrib_val)?; } // Ok(active_closures) Ok(()) } Patch::RemoveAttributes(_node_idx, attributes) => { for attrib_name in attributes.iter() { node.remove_attribute(attrib_name)?; } // Ok(active_closures) Ok(()) } Patch::Replace(_node_idx, new_node) => { let created_node = create_dom_node(&new_node); node.replace_with_with_node_1(&created_node.node)?; Ok(()) // Ok(created_node.closures) } Patch::TruncateChildren(_node_idx, num_children_remaining) => { let children = node.child_nodes(); let mut child_count = children.length(); // We skip over any separators that we placed between two text nodes // -> `` // and trim all children that come after our new desired `num_children_remaining` let mut non_separator_children_found = 0; for index in 0 as u32..child_count { let child = children .get(min(index, child_count - 1)) .expect("Potential child to truncate"); // If this is a comment node then we know that it is a `` // text node separator that was created in virtual_node/mod.rs. if child.node_type() == Node::COMMENT_NODE { continue; } non_separator_children_found += 1; if non_separator_children_found <= *num_children_remaining as u32 { continue; } node.remove_child(&child).expect("Truncated children"); child_count -= 1; } Ok(()) // Ok(active_closures) } Patch::AppendChildren(_node_idx, new_nodes) => { let parent = &node; let mut active_closures = HashMap::new(); for new_node in new_nodes { let created_node = create_dom_node(&new_node); // let created_node = new_node.create_dom_node(); parent.append_child(&created_node.node)?; active_closures.extend(created_node.closures); } Ok(()) // Ok(active_closures) } Patch::ChangeText(_node_idx, _new_node) => { unreachable!("Elements should not receive ChangeText patches.") } } } fn apply_text_patch(node: &Text, patch: &Patch) -> Result<(), JsValue> { match patch { Patch::ChangeText(_node_idx, new_node) => { node.set_node_value(Some(&new_node.text)); } Patch::Replace(_node_idx, new_node) => { node.replace_with_with_node_1(&create_dom_node(&new_node).node)?; // node.replace_with_with_node_1(&new_node.create_dom_node().node)?; } other => unreachable!( "Text nodes should only receive ChangeText or Replace patches, not ", // other, // "Text nodes should only receive ChangeText or Replace patches, not {:?}.", // other, ), }; Ok(()) } /// A node along with all of the closures that were created for that /// node's events and all of it's child node's events. pub struct CreatedNode { /// A `Node` or `Element` that was created from a `VirtualNode` pub node: T, /// A map of a node's unique identifier along with all of the Closures for that node. /// /// The DomUpdater uses this to look up nodes and see if they're still in the page. If not /// the reference that we maintain to their closure will be dropped, thus freeing the Closure's /// memory. pub closures: HashMap>, } /// Box>> is our js_sys::Closure. Stored this way to allow us to store /// any Closure regardless of the arguments. pub type DynClosure = Rc>; impl CreatedNode { pub fn without_closures>(node: N) -> Self { CreatedNode { node: node.into(), closures: HashMap::with_capacity(0), } } } impl std::ops::Deref for CreatedNode { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.node } } impl From> for CreatedNode { fn from(other: CreatedNode) -> CreatedNode { CreatedNode { node: other.node.into(), closures: other.closures, } } } fn create_dom_node(node: &VNode<'_>) -> CreatedNode { match node { VNode::Text(text_node) => CreatedNode::without_closures(create_text_node(text_node)), VNode::Element(element_node) => create_element_node(element_node).into(), // VNode::Element(element_node) => element_node.create_element_node().into(), VNode::Suspended => todo!(" not iimplemented yet"), VNode::Component(_) => todo!(" not iimplemented yet"), } } /// Build a DOM element by recursively creating DOM nodes for this element and it's /// children, it's children's children, etc. pub fn create_element_node(node: &dioxus_core::nodes::VElement) -> CreatedNode { let document = web_sys::window().unwrap().document().unwrap(); // TODO: enable svg again // let element = if html_validation::is_svg_namespace(&node.tag_name) { // document // .create_element_ns(Some("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), &node.tag_name) // .unwrap() // } else { let element = document.create_element(&node.tag_name).unwrap(); // }; let mut closures = HashMap::new(); node.attributes .iter() .map(|f| (f.name, f.value)) .for_each(|(name, value)| { if name == "unsafe_inner_html" { element.set_inner_html(value); return; } element .set_attribute(name, value) .expect("Set element attribute in create element"); }); // if node.events.0.len() > 0 { // let unique_id = create_unique_identifier(); // element // .set_attribute("data-vdom-id".into(), &unique_id.to_string()) // .expect("Could not set attribute on element"); // closures.insert(unique_id, vec![]); // node.events.0.iter().for_each(|(onevent, callback)| { // // onclick -> click // let event = &onevent[2..]; // let current_elem: &EventTarget = element.dyn_ref().unwrap(); // current_elem // .add_event_listener_with_callback(event, callback.as_ref().as_ref().unchecked_ref()) // .unwrap(); // closures // .get_mut(&unique_id) // .unwrap() // .push(Rc::clone(callback)); // }); // } let mut previous_node_was_text = false; node.children.iter().for_each(|child| { match child { VNode::Text(text_node) => { let current_node = element.as_ref() as &web_sys::Node; // We ensure that the text siblings are patched by preventing the browser from merging // neighboring text nodes. Originally inspired by some of React's work from 2016. // -> https://reactjs.org/blog/2016/04/07/react-v15.html#major-changes // -> https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/5753 // // `ptns` = Percy text node separator if previous_node_was_text { let separator = document.create_comment("ptns"); current_node .append_child(separator.as_ref() as &web_sys::Node) .unwrap(); } current_node .append_child(&create_text_node(&text_node)) .unwrap(); previous_node_was_text = true; } VNode::Element(element_node) => { previous_node_was_text = false; let child = create_element_node(element_node); // let child = element_node.create_element_node(); let child_elem: Element = child.node; closures.extend(child.closures); element.append_child(&child_elem).unwrap(); } VNode::Suspended => { todo!("Not yet supported") } VNode::Component(_) => { todo!("Not yet supported") } } }); // TODO: connect on mount to the event system somehow // if let Some(on_create_elem) = node.events.0.get("on_create_elem") { // let on_create_elem: &js_sys::Function = on_create_elem.as_ref().as_ref().unchecked_ref(); // on_create_elem // .call1(&wasm_bindgen::JsValue::NULL, &element) // .unwrap(); // } CreatedNode { node: element, closures, } } /// Return a `Text` element from a `VirtualNode`, typically right before adding it /// into the DOM. pub fn create_text_node(node: &VText) -> Text { let document = web_sys::window().unwrap().document().unwrap(); document.create_text_node(&node.text) } // /// For any listeners in the tree, attach the sender closure. // /// When a event is triggered, we convert it into the synthetic event type and dump it back in the Virtual Dom's queu // fn attach_listeners(sender: &UnboundedSender, dom: &VirtualDom) {} // fn render_diffs() {}