use dioxus::core::Mutation::*; use dioxus::prelude::*; use dioxus_core::ElementId; /// Should push the text node onto the stack and modify it #[test] fn nested_passthru_creates() { fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element { cx.render(rsx! { pass_thru { pass_thru { pass_thru { div { "hi" } } } } }) } #[inline_props] fn pass_thru<'a>(cx: Scope<'a>, children: Element<'a>) -> Element { cx.render(rsx!(children)) } let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(app); let edits = dom.rebuild().santize(); assert_eq!( edits.edits, [ LoadTemplate { name: "template", index: 0, id: ElementId(1) }, AppendChildren { m: 1 }, ] ) } /// Should load all the templates and append them /// /// Take note on how we don't spit out the template for child_comp since it's entirely dynamic #[test] fn nested_passthru_creates_add() { fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element { cx.render(rsx! { child_comp { "1" child_comp { "2" child_comp { "3" div { "hi" } } } } }) } #[inline_props] fn child_comp<'a>(cx: Scope, children: Element<'a>) -> Element { cx.render(rsx! { children }) } let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(app); assert_eq!( dom.rebuild().santize().edits, [ // load 1 LoadTemplate { name: "template", index: 0, id: ElementId(1) }, // load 2 LoadTemplate { name: "template", index: 0, id: ElementId(2) }, // load 3 LoadTemplate { name: "template", index: 0, id: ElementId(3) }, // load div that contains 4 LoadTemplate { name: "template", index: 1, id: ElementId(4) }, AppendChildren { m: 4 }, ] ); } /// note that the template is all dynamic roots - so it doesn't actually get cached as a template #[test] fn dynamic_node_as_root() { fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element { let a = 123; let b = 456; cx.render(rsx! { "{a}" "{b}" }) } let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(app); let edits = dom.rebuild().santize(); // Since the roots were all dynamic, they should not cause any template muations assert_eq!(edits.template_mutations, []); // The root node is text, so we just create it on the spot assert_eq!( edits.edits, [ CreateTextNode { value: "123", id: ElementId(1) }, CreateTextNode { value: "456", id: ElementId(2) }, AppendChildren { m: 2 } ] ) }