//! Dioxus WebSys //! -------------- //! This crate implements a renderer of the Dioxus Virtual DOM for the web browser using Websys. use dioxus::prelude::{Context, Properties, VNode}; use fxhash::FxHashMap; use web_sys::{window, Document, Element, Event, Node}; // use futures::{channel::mpsc, SinkExt, StreamExt}; use dioxus::virtual_dom::VirtualDom; pub use dioxus_core as dioxus; use dioxus_core::{events::EventTrigger, prelude::FC}; pub use dioxus_core::prelude; // pub mod interpreter; pub mod new; /// The `WebsysRenderer` provides a way of rendering a Dioxus Virtual DOM to the browser's DOM. /// Under the hood, we leverage WebSys and interact directly with the DOM /// pub struct WebsysRenderer { internal_dom: VirtualDom, } impl WebsysRenderer { /// This method is the primary entrypoint for Websys Dioxus apps. Will panic if an error occurs while rendering. /// See DioxusErrors for more information on how these errors could occour. /// /// ```ignore /// fn main() { /// wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(WebsysRenderer::start(Example)); /// } /// ``` /// /// Run the app to completion, panicing if any error occurs while rendering. /// Pairs well with the wasm_bindgen async handler pub async fn start(root: FC<()>) { Self::new(root).run().await.expect("Virtual DOM failed :("); } /// Create a new instance of the Dioxus Virtual Dom with no properties for the root component. /// /// This means that the root component must either consumes its own context, or statics are used to generate the page. /// The root component can access things like routing in its context. pub fn new(root: FC<()>) -> Self { Self::new_with_props(root, ()) } /// Create a new text-renderer instance from a functional component root. /// Automatically progresses the creation of the VNode tree to completion. /// /// A VDom is automatically created. If you want more granular control of the VDom, use `from_vdom` pub fn new_with_props(root: FC, root_props: T) -> Self { Self::from_vdom(VirtualDom::new_with_props(root, root_props)) } /// Create a new text renderer from an existing Virtual DOM. pub fn from_vdom(dom: VirtualDom) -> Self { Self { internal_dom: dom } } pub async fn run(&mut self) -> dioxus_core::error::Result<()> { let body_element = prepare_websys_dom(); let root_node = body_element.first_child().unwrap(); let mut websys_dom = crate::new::WebsysDom::new(body_element.clone()); websys_dom.stack.push(root_node); self.internal_dom.rebuild(&mut websys_dom)?; while let Some(trigger) = websys_dom.wait_for_event().await { let root_node = body_element.first_child().unwrap(); websys_dom.stack.push(root_node.clone()); self.internal_dom .progress_with_event(&mut websys_dom, trigger)?; } // let edits = self.internal_dom.rebuild()?; // log::debug!("Received edits: {:#?}", edits); // edits.iter().for_each(|edit| { // log::debug!("patching with {:?}", edit); // patch_machine.handle_edit(edit); // }); // patch_machine.reset(); // let root_node = body_element.first_child().unwrap(); // patch_machine.stack.push(root_node.clone()); // log::debug!("patch stack size {:?}", patch_machine.stack); // Event loop waits for the receiver to finish up // TODO! Connect the sender to the virtual dom's suspense system // Suspense is basically an external event that can force renders to specific nodes // while let Ok(event) = receiver.recv().await { // log::debug!("Stack before entrance {:#?}", patch_machine.stack.top()); // log::debug!("patch stack size before {:#?}", patch_machine.stack); // patch_machine.reset(); // patch_machine.stack.push(root_node.clone()); // self.internal_dom // .progress_with_event(&mut websys_dom, event)?; // let edits = self.internal_dom.progress_with_event(event)?; // log::debug!("Received edits: {:#?}", edits); // for edit in &edits { // // log::debug!("edit stream {:?}", edit); // // log::debug!("Stream stack {:#?}", patch_machine.stack.top()); // patch_machine.handle_edit(edit); // } // log::debug!("patch stack size after {:#?}", patch_machine.stack); // patch_machine.reset(); // our root node reference gets invalidated // not sure why // for now, just select the first child again. // eventually, we'll just make our own root element instead of using body // or just use body directly IDEK // let root_node = body_element.first_child().unwrap(); // patch_machine.stack.push(root_node.clone()); // } Ok(()) // should actually never return from this, should be an error, rustc just cant see it } } fn prepare_websys_dom() -> Element { // Initialize the container on the dom // Hook up the body as the root component to render tinto let window = web_sys::window().expect("should have access to the Window"); let document = window .document() .expect("should have access to the Document"); let body = document.body().unwrap(); // Build a dummy div let container: &Element = body.as_ref(); container.set_inner_html(""); container .append_child( document .create_element("div") .expect("should create element OK") .as_ref(), ) .expect("should append child OK"); container.clone() } // Progress the mount of the root component // Iterate through the nodes, attaching the closure and sender to the listener // { // let mut remote_sender = sender.clone(); // let listener = move || { // let event = EventTrigger::new(); // wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(async move { // remote_sender // .send(event) // .await // .expect("Updating receiver failed"); // }) // }; // } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::env; use super::*; use dioxus::prelude::bumpalo; use dioxus::prelude::format_args_f; use dioxus_core as dioxus; use dioxus_core::prelude::html; fn simple_patch() { env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "trace"); pretty_env_logger::init(); log::info!("Hello!"); wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(WebsysRenderer::start(|cx| { todo!() // cx.render(html! { //
// "Hello world" // // //
// }) })) } }