//! JS Framework Benchmark //! ---------------------- //! //! This example is used in the JS framework benchmarking tool to compare Dioxus' performance with other frontend frameworks. //! //! //! use std::rc::Rc; use dioxus::events::on::MouseEvent; use dioxus_core as dioxus; use dioxus_core::prelude::*; use dioxus_web::WebsysRenderer; fn main() { wasm_logger::init(wasm_logger::Config::new(log::Level::Debug)); console_error_panic_hook::set_once(); log::debug!("starting!"); wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(WebsysRenderer::start(App)); } // We use a special immutable hashmap to make hashmap operations efficient type RowList = im_rc::HashMap, nohash_hasher::BuildNoHashHasher>; static App: FC<()> = |cx| { let (items, set_items) = use_state(&cx, || RowList::default()); let (selection, set_selection) = use_state(&cx, || None as Option); let create_rendered_rows = move |from, num| move |_| set_items(create_row_list(from, num)); let append_1_000_rows = move |_| set_items(create_row_list(items.len(), 1000).union(items.clone())); let update_every_10th_row = move |_| { let mut new_items = items.clone(); let mut small_rng = SmallRng::from_entropy(); new_items .iter_mut() .step_by(10) .for_each(|(_, val)| *val = create_new_row_label(&mut small_rng)); set_items(new_items); }; let clear_rows = move |_| set_items(RowList::default()); let swap_rows = move |_| { // this looks a bit ugly because we're using a hashmap instead of a vec if items.len() > 998 { let mut new_items = items.clone(); let a = new_items.get(&0).unwrap().clone(); *new_items.get_mut(&0).unwrap() = new_items.get(&998).unwrap().clone(); *new_items.get_mut(&998).unwrap() = a; set_items(new_items); } }; let rows = items.iter().map(|(key, value)| { rsx!(Row { key: "{key}", row_id: *key as usize, label: value.clone(), }) }); cx.render(rsx! { div { class: "container" div { class: "jumbotron" div { class: "row" div { class: "col-md-6", h1 { "Dioxus" } } div { class: "col-md-6" div { class: "row" ActionButton { name: "Create 1,000 rows", id: "run", action: create_rendered_rows(0, 1_000) } ActionButton { name: "Create 10,000 rows", id: "runlots", action: create_rendered_rows(0, 10_000) } ActionButton { name: "Append 1,000 rows", id: "add", action: append_1_000_rows } ActionButton { name: "Update every 10th row", id: "update", action: update_every_10th_row, } ActionButton { name: "Clear", id: "clear", action: clear_rows } ActionButton { name: "Swap rows", id: "swaprows", action: swap_rows } } } } } table { tbody { {rows} } } span {} } }) }; #[derive(Props)] struct ActionButtonProps)> { name: &'static str, id: &'static str, action: F, } fn ActionButton)>(cx: Context>) -> VNode { cx.render(rsx! { div { class: "col-sm-6 smallpad" button {class:"btn btn-primary btn-block", type: "button", id: "{cx.id}", onclick: {&cx.action}, "{cx.name}" } } }) } #[derive(PartialEq, Props)] struct RowProps { row_id: usize, label: Rc, } fn Row<'a>(cx: Context<'a, RowProps>) -> VNode { cx.render(rsx! { tr { td { class:"col-md-1", "{cx.row_id}" } td { class:"col-md-1", onclick: move |_| { /* run onselect */ } a { class: "lbl", "{cx.label}" } } td { class: "col-md-1" a { class: "remove", onclick: move |_| {/* remove */} span { class: "glyphicon glyphicon-remove remove" aria_hidden: "true" } } } td { class: "col-md-6" } } }) } use rand::prelude::*; fn create_new_row_label(rng: &mut SmallRng) -> Rc { let mut label = String::new(); label.push_str(ADJECTIVES.choose(rng).unwrap()); label.push(' '); label.push_str(COLOURS.choose(rng).unwrap()); label.push(' '); label.push_str(NOUNS.choose(rng).unwrap()); Rc::from(label) } fn create_row_list(from: usize, num: usize) -> RowList { let mut small_rng = SmallRng::from_entropy(); (from..num + from) .map(|f| (f, create_new_row_label(&mut small_rng))) .collect::() } static ADJECTIVES: &[&str] = &[ "pretty", "large", "big", "small", "tall", "short", "long", "handsome", "plain", "quaint", "clean", "elegant", "easy", "angry", "crazy", "helpful", "mushy", "odd", "unsightly", "adorable", "important", "inexpensive", "cheap", "expensive", "fancy", ]; static COLOURS: &[&str] = &[ "red", "yellow", "blue", "green", "pink", "brown", "purple", "brown", "white", "black", "orange", ]; static NOUNS: &[&str] = &[ "table", "chair", "house", "bbq", "desk", "car", "pony", "cookie", "sandwich", "burger", "pizza", "mouse", "keyboard", ];