//! This example shows how to create a popup window and send data back to the parent window. use dioxus::prelude::*; use dioxus_desktop::use_window; use futures_util::StreamExt; fn main() { dioxus_desktop::launch(app); } fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element { let window = use_window(cx); let emails_sent = use_ref(cx, Vec::new); let tx = use_coroutine(cx, |mut rx: UnboundedReceiver| { to_owned![emails_sent]; async move { while let Some(message) = rx.next().await { emails_sent.write().push(message); } } }); cx.render(rsx! { div { h1 { "This is your email" } button { onclick: move |_| { let dom = VirtualDom::new_with_props(compose, ComposeProps { app_tx: tx.clone() }); // this returns a weak reference to the other window // Be careful not to keep a strong reference to the other window or it will never be dropped // and the window will never close. window.new_window(dom, Default::default()); }, "Click to compose a new email" } ul { emails_sent.read().iter().map(|message| cx.render(rsx! { li { h3 { "email" } span {"{message}"} } })) } } }) } struct ComposeProps { app_tx: Coroutine, } fn compose(cx: Scope) -> Element { let user_input = use_state(cx, String::new); let window = use_window(cx); cx.render(rsx! { div { h1 { "Compose a new email" } button { onclick: move |_| { cx.props.app_tx.send(user_input.get().clone()); window.close(); }, "Click to send" } input { oninput: move |e| { user_input.set(e.value()); }, value: "{user_input}" } } }) }