//! tests to prove that the iterative implementation works use dioxus::prelude::*; mod test_logging; use dioxus_core as dioxus; use dioxus_html as dioxus_elements; #[async_std::test] async fn test_iterative_create_components() { static App: FC<()> = |cx| { // test root fragments cx.render(rsx! { Child { "abc1" } Child { "abc2" } Child { "abc3" } }) }; fn Child(cx: Context<()>) -> DomTree { // test root fragments, anchors, and ChildNode type cx.render(rsx! { h1 {} div { {cx.children()} } Fragment { Fragment { Fragment { "wozza" } } } {(0..0).map(|f| rsx!{ div { "walalla"}})} p {} }) } test_logging::set_up_logging(); let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(App); let mutations = dom.rebuild_async().await.unwrap(); dbg!(mutations); let mutations = dom.diff_async().await.unwrap(); dbg!(mutations); }