//! Example: Tide Server-Side-Rendering //! ----------------------------------- //! //! This demo shows how to use the to_string utility on VNodes to convert them into valid HTML. //! You can use the html! macro to craft webpages generated by the server on-the-fly. //! //! Server-side-renderered webpages are a great use of Rust's async story, where servers can handle //! thousands of simultaneous clients on minimal hardware. use dioxus::prelude::*; use dioxus_ssr::TextRenderer; use rand::Rng; use tide::{Request, Response}; #[async_std::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { dioxus_examples::logger::set_up_logging("tide_ssr"); // Build the API let mut app = tide::new(); app.at("/fib/:n").get(fibsum); // Launch the server let addr = ""; log::info!("App is ready at {}", addr); log::info!("Navigate to a fibonacci number: http://{}/fib/21", addr); app.listen(addr).await?; Ok(()) } fn fib(n: usize) -> usize { if n == 0 || n == 1 { n } else { fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) } } /// Calculate the fibonacci number for a given request input async fn fibsum(req: Request<()>) -> tide::Result { let n: usize = req.param("n")?.parse().unwrap_or(0); // Start a stopwatch // Compute the nth number in the fibonacci sequence // Stop the stopwatch let start = std::time::Instant::now(); let fib_n = fib(n); let duration = start.elapsed().as_nanos(); // Generate another random number to try let other_fib_to_try = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1..42); let text = TextRenderer::<()>::to_text(html! { // Header // Body
// Title
{format!("Fibonacci Calculator: n = {}",n)}
// Subtext / description
{format!("Calculated in {} nanoseconds",duration)}
// Main number
// Try another
}); Ok(Response::builder(203) .body(text) .content_type(tide::http::mime::HTML) .build()) }