//! Example: Inline Styles //! ---------------------- //! //! This example shows how to use inline styles in Dioxus components. //! //! Inline styles function very similarly to regular attributes, just grouped together in "style". //! //! Inline styles in Dioxus are more performant than React since we're able to cache attributes and compare by pointers. //! However, it's still not as performant as cascaded styles. Use with care. use dioxus::prelude::*; pub static Example: FC<()> = |(cx, props)| { cx.render(rsx! { head { style: { background_color: "powderblue" } } body { h1 { style: { color: "blue" } "This is a heading" } p { style: { color: "red" } "This is a paragraph" } } }) }; // .... technically the rsx! macro is slightly broken at the moment and allows styles not wrapped in style {} // I haven't noticed any name collisions yet, and am tentatively leaving this behavior in.. // Don't rely on it. static Example2: FC<()> = |(cx, props)| { cx.render(rsx! { div { color: "red" "hello world!" } }) };