use dioxus_core::prelude::Context;
use std::{
cell::{Cell, Ref, RefCell, RefMut},
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
/// Store state between component renders!
/// ## The "King" of state hooks
/// The Dioxus version of `useState` is the "king daddy" of state management. It allows you to ergonomically store and
/// modify state between component renders. When the state is updated, the component will re-render.
/// Dioxus' use_state basically wraps a RefCell with helper methods and integrates it with the VirtualDOM update system.
/// [`use_state`] exposes a few helper methods to modify the underlying state:
/// - `.set(new)` allows you to override the "work in progress" value with a new value
/// - `.get_mut()` allows you to modify the WIP value
/// - `.get_wip()` allows you to access the WIP value
/// - `.deref()` provides the previous value (often done implicitly, though a manual dereference with `*` might be required)
/// Additionally, a ton of std::ops traits are implemented for the `UseState` wrapper, meaning any mutative type operations
/// will automatically be called on the WIP value.
/// Usage:
/// ```ignore
/// const Example: FC<()> = |cx| {
/// let counter = use_state(cx, || 0);
/// let increment = |_| counter += 1;
/// let decrement = |_| counter += 1;
/// html! {