//! Forms //! //! Dioxus forms deviate slightly from html, automatically returning all named inputs //! in the "values" field. use dioxus::prelude::*; fn main() { launch_desktop(app); } fn app() -> Element { rsx! { div { h1 { "Form" } form { onsubmit: move |ev| println!("Submitted {:?}", ev.values()), oninput: move |ev| println!("Input {:?}", ev.values()), input { r#type: "text", name: "username" } input { r#type: "text", name: "full-name" } input { r#type: "password", name: "password" } input { r#type: "radio", name: "color", value: "red" } input { r#type: "radio", name: "color", value: "blue" } button { r#type: "submit", value: "Submit", "Submit the form" } } } } }