use dioxus::prelude::*; fn main() { launch_desktop(app); } fn app() -> Element { let a = 123; let b = 456; let c = 789; let class = "class"; let id = "id"; // todo: i'd like it for children on elements to be inferred as the children of the element // also should shorthands understand references/dereferences? // ie **a, *a, &a, &mut a, etc let children = rsx! { "Child" }; let onclick = move |_| println!("Clicked!"); rsx! { div { class, id, {&children} } Component { a, b, c, children, onclick } Component { a, ..ComponentProps { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, children: None, onclick: Default::default() } } } } #[component] fn Component(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32, children: Element, onclick: EventHandler) -> Element { rsx! { div { "{a}" } div { "{b}" } div { "{c}" } div { {children} } div { onclick: move |_| } } }