use dioxus::prelude::*;
use dioxus_router::{Link, Route, Router};

fn main() {

fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
    cx.render(rsx! (
        div {
            p {
                a { href: "", "Default link - links outside of your app" }
            p {
                a {
                    href: "",
                    prevent_default: "onclick",
                    onclick: |_| println!("Hello Dioxus"),
                    "Custom event link - links inside of your app",
        div {
            Router {
                Route { to: "/", h1 { "Home" } },
                Route { to: "/settings", h1 { "settings" } },
                p { "----"}
                ul {
                    Link { to: "/", li { "Router link to home" } },
                    Link { to: "/settings", li { "Router link to settings" } },