#![allow(non_snake_case)] use std::{ ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, path::PathBuf, time::Duration, }; /// Information about the freshness of a rendered response #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct RenderFreshness { /// The age of the rendered response age: u64, /// The maximum age of the rendered response max_age: Option, } impl RenderFreshness { /// Create new freshness information pub fn new(age: u64, max_age: u64) -> Self { Self { age, max_age: Some(max_age), } } /// Create new freshness information with only the age pub fn new_age(age: u64) -> Self { Self { age, max_age: None } } /// Create new freshness information at the current time pub fn now(max_age: Option) -> Self { Self { age: 0, max_age: max_age.map(|d| d.as_secs()), } } /// Get the age of the rendered response in seconds pub fn age(&self) -> u64 { self.age } /// Get the maximum age of the rendered response in seconds pub fn max_age(&self) -> Option { self.max_age } /// Write the freshness to the response headers. pub fn write(&self, headers: &mut http::HeaderMap) { let age = self.age(); headers.insert(http::header::AGE, age.into()); if let Some(max_age) = self.max_age() { headers.insert( http::header::CACHE_CONTROL, http::HeaderValue::from_str(&format!("max-age={}", max_age)).unwrap(), ); } } } struct WriteBuffer { buffer: Vec, } impl std::fmt::Write for WriteBuffer { fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> std::fmt::Result { self.buffer.extend_from_slice(s.as_bytes()); Ok(()) } } impl Deref for WriteBuffer { type Target = Vec; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.buffer } } impl DerefMut for WriteBuffer { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.buffer } } pub(crate) struct ValidCachedPath { pub(crate) full_path: PathBuf, pub(crate) timestamp: std::time::SystemTime, } impl ValidCachedPath { pub fn try_from_path(value: PathBuf) -> Option { if value.extension() != Some(std::ffi::OsStr::new("html")) { return None; } let timestamp = decode_timestamp(value.file_stem()?.to_str()?)?; let full_path = value; Some(Self { full_path, timestamp, }) } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] pub fn freshness(&self, max_age: Option) -> Option { let age = self.timestamp.elapsed().ok()?.as_secs(); let max_age = max_age.map(|max_age| max_age.as_secs()); Some(RenderFreshness::new(age, max_age?)) } } fn decode_timestamp(timestamp: &str) -> Option { let timestamp = u64::from_str_radix(timestamp, 16).ok()?; Some(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH + std::time::Duration::from_secs(timestamp)) } pub fn timestamp() -> String { let datetime = std::time::SystemTime::now(); let timestamp = datetime .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .as_secs(); format!("{:x}", timestamp) }