//! Example: File Explorer //! //! This is a fun little desktop application that lets you explore the file system. //! //! This example is interesting because it's mixing filesystem operations and GUI, which is typically hard for UI to do. //! We store the state entirely in a single signal, making the explorer logic fairly easy to reason about. use dioxus::desktop::{Config, WindowBuilder}; use dioxus::prelude::*; fn main() { LaunchBuilder::desktop() .with_cfg(Config::new().with_window(WindowBuilder::new().with_resizable(true))) .launch(app) } #[cfg(not(feature = "collect-assets"))] const _STYLE: &str = include_str!("../examples/assets/fileexplorer.css"); #[cfg(feature = "collect-assets")] const _STYLE: &str = manganis::mg!(file("./examples/assets/fileexplorer.css")); fn app() -> Element { let mut files = use_signal(Files::new); rsx! { div { link { href:"https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons", rel:"stylesheet" } header { i { class: "material-icons icon-menu", "menu" } h1 { "Files: ", {files.read().current()} } span { } i { class: "material-icons", onclick: move |_| files.write().go_up(), "logout" } } style { "{_STYLE}" } main { for (dir_id, path) in files.read().path_names.iter().enumerate() { { let path_end = path.split('/').last().unwrap_or(path.as_str()); rsx! { div { class: "folder", key: "{path}", i { class: "material-icons", onclick: move |_| files.write().enter_dir(dir_id), if path_end.contains('.') { "description" } else { "folder" } p { class: "cooltip", "0 folders / 0 files" } } h1 { "{path_end}" } } } } } if let Some(err) = files.read().err.as_ref() { div { code { "{err}" } button { onclick: move |_| files.write().clear_err(), "x" } } } } } } } /// A simple little struct to hold the file explorer state /// /// We don't use any fancy signals or memoization here - Dioxus is so fast that even a file explorer can be done with a /// single signal. struct Files { path_stack: Vec<String>, path_names: Vec<String>, err: Option<String>, } impl Files { fn new() -> Self { let mut files = Self { path_stack: vec!["./".to_string()], path_names: vec![], err: None, }; files.reload_path_list(); files } fn reload_path_list(&mut self) { let cur_path = self.path_stack.last().unwrap(); let paths = match std::fs::read_dir(cur_path) { Ok(e) => e, Err(err) => { let err = format!("An error occured: {err:?}"); self.err = Some(err); self.path_stack.pop(); return; } }; let collected = paths.collect::<Vec<_>>(); // clear the current state self.clear_err(); self.path_names.clear(); for path in collected { self.path_names .push(path.unwrap().path().display().to_string()); } } fn go_up(&mut self) { if self.path_stack.len() > 1 { self.path_stack.pop(); } self.reload_path_list(); } fn enter_dir(&mut self, dir_id: usize) { let path = &self.path_names[dir_id]; self.path_stack.push(path.clone()); self.reload_path_list(); } fn current(&self) -> &str { self.path_stack.last().unwrap() } fn clear_err(&mut self) { self.err = None; } }