//! Example: Calculator //! ------------------------- // use dioxus::events::on::*; // use dioxus::prelude::*; fn main() { env_logger::init(); dioxus::desktop::launch(App, |cfg| cfg); } use dioxus::events::on::*; use dioxus::prelude::*; enum Operator { Add, Sub, Mul, Div, } const App: FC<()> = |cx| { let cur_val = use_state(cx, || 0.0_f64); let operator = use_state(cx, || None as Option); let display_value = use_state(cx, || "".to_string()); let clear_display = display_value == "0"; let clear_text = if clear_display { "C" } else { "AC" }; let input_digit = move |num: u8| display_value.get_mut().push_str(num.to_string().as_str()); let input_dot = move || display_value.get_mut().push_str("."); let perform_operation = move || { if let Some(op) = operator.as_ref() { let rhs = display_value.parse::().unwrap(); let new_val = match op { Operator::Add => *cur_val + rhs, Operator::Sub => *cur_val - rhs, Operator::Mul => *cur_val * rhs, Operator::Div => *cur_val / rhs, }; cur_val.set(new_val); display_value.set(new_val.to_string()); operator.set(None); } }; let toggle_sign = move |_| { if display_value.starts_with("-") { display_value.set(display_value.trim_start_matches("-").to_string()) } else { display_value.set(format!("-{}", *display_value)) } }; let toggle_percent = move |_| todo!(); let clear_key = move |_| { display_value.set("0".to_string()); if !clear_display { operator.set(None); cur_val.set(0.0); } }; let keydownhandler = move |evt: KeyboardEvent| match evt.key_code() { KeyCode::Backspace => { if !display_value.as_str().eq("0") { display_value.get_mut().pop(); } } KeyCode::_0 => input_digit(0), KeyCode::_1 => input_digit(1), KeyCode::_2 => input_digit(2), KeyCode::_3 => input_digit(3), KeyCode::_4 => input_digit(4), KeyCode::_5 => input_digit(5), KeyCode::_6 => input_digit(6), KeyCode::_7 => input_digit(7), KeyCode::_8 => input_digit(8), KeyCode::_9 => input_digit(9), KeyCode::Add => operator.set(Some(Operator::Add)), KeyCode::Subtract => operator.set(Some(Operator::Sub)), KeyCode::Divide => operator.set(Some(Operator::Div)), KeyCode::Multiply => operator.set(Some(Operator::Mul)), _ => {} }; cx.render(rsx! { div { class: "calculator", onkeydown: {keydownhandler} div { class: "input-keys" div { class: "function-keys" CalculatorKey { name: "key-clear", onclick: {clear_key} "{clear_text}" } CalculatorKey { name: "key-sign", onclick: {toggle_sign}, "±"} CalculatorKey { name: "key-percent", onclick: {toggle_percent} "%"} } div { class: "digit-keys" CalculatorKey { name: "key-0", onclick: move |_| input_digit(0), "0" } CalculatorKey { name: "key-dot", onclick: move |_| input_dot(), "●" } {(1..9).map(move |k| rsx!{ CalculatorKey { key: "{k}", name: "key-{k}", onclick: move |_| input_digit(k), "{k}" } })} } div { class: "operator-keys" CalculatorKey { name: "key-divide", onclick: move |_| operator.set(Some(Operator::Div)) "÷" } CalculatorKey { name: "key-multiply", onclick: move |_| operator.set(Some(Operator::Mul)) "×" } CalculatorKey { name: "key-subtract", onclick: move |_| operator.set(Some(Operator::Sub)) "−" } CalculatorKey { name: "key-add", onclick: move |_| operator.set(Some(Operator::Add)) "+" } CalculatorKey { name: "key-equals", onclick: move |_| perform_operation() "=" } } } } }) }; #[derive(Props)] struct CalculatorKeyProps<'a> { /// Name! name: &'static str, /// Click! onclick: &'a dyn Fn(MouseEvent), } fn CalculatorKey<'a, 'r>(cx: Context<'a, CalculatorKeyProps<'r>>) -> DomTree<'a> { cx.render(rsx! { button { class: "calculator-key {cx.name}" onclick: {cx.onclick} {cx.children()} } }) } #[derive(Props, PartialEq)] struct CalculatorDisplayProps { val: f64, } fn CalculatorDisplay(cx: Context) -> DomTree { use separator::Separatable; // Todo, add float support to the num-format crate let formatted = cx.val.separated_string(); // TODO: make it autoscaling with css cx.render(rsx! { div { class: "calculator-display" "{formatted}" } }) }