//! A simple example demonstrating how to use signals to modify state from several different places. //! //! This simple example implements a counter that can be incremented, decremented, and paused. It also demonstrates //! that background tasks in use_futures can modify the value as well. //! //! Most signals implement Into>, making ReadOnlySignal a good default type when building new //! library components that don't need to modify their values. use async_std::task::sleep; use dioxus::prelude::*; fn main() { launch(app); } fn app() -> Element { let mut running = use_signal(|| true); let mut count = use_signal(|| 0); let mut saved_values = use_signal(|| vec![0.to_string()]); // use_memo will recompute the value of the signal whenever the captured signals change let doubled_count = use_memo(move || count() * 2); // use_effect will subscribe to any changes in the signal values it captures // effects will always run after first mount and then whenever the signal values change use_effect(move || println!("Count changed to {count}")); // We can do early returns and conditional rendering which will pause all futures that haven't been polled if count() > 30 { return rsx! { h1 { "Count is too high!" } button { onclick: move |_| count.set(0), "Press to reset" } }; } // use_future will spawn an infinitely running future that can be started and stopped use_future(move || async move { loop { if running() { count += 1; } sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(400)).await; } }); // use_resource will spawn a future that resolves to a value let _slow_count = use_resource(move || async move { sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(200)).await; count() * 2 }); rsx! { h1 { "High-Five counter: {count}" } button { onclick: move |_| count += 1, "Up high!" } button { onclick: move |_| count -= 1, "Down low!" } button { onclick: move |_| running.toggle(), "Toggle counter" } button { onclick: move |_| saved_values.push(count.to_string()), "Save this value" } button { onclick: move |_| saved_values.clear(), "Clear saved values" } // We can do boolean operations on the current signal value if count() > 5 { h2 { "High five!" } } // We can cleanly map signals with iterators for value in saved_values.iter() { h3 { "Saved value: {value}" } } // We can also use the signal value as a slice if let [ref first, .., ref last] = saved_values.read().as_slice() { li { "First and last: {first}, {last}" } } else { "No saved values" } // You can pass a value directly to any prop that accepts a signal Child { count: doubled_count() } Child { count: doubled_count } } } #[component] fn Child(mut count: ReadOnlySignal) -> Element { println!("rendering child with count {count}"); rsx! { h1 { "{count}" } } }