use crate::{ cli::BuildOptions, config::{CrateConfig, ExecutableType}, error::{Error, Result}, }; use log::{info, warn}; use std::{ io::{Read, Write}, process::Command, }; use wasm_bindgen_cli_support::Bindgen; pub struct BuildConfig {} impl Into for BuildOptions { fn into(self) -> BuildConfig { BuildConfig {} } } impl Default for BuildConfig { fn default() -> Self { Self {} } } pub fn build(config: &CrateConfig, _build_config: &BuildConfig) -> Result<()> { /* [1] Build the project with cargo, generating a wasm32-unknown-unknown target (is there a more specific, better target to leverage?) [2] Generate the appropriate build folders [3] Wasm-bindgen the .wasm fiile, and move it into the {builddir}/modules/xxxx/xxxx_bg.wasm [4] Wasm-opt the .wasm file with whatever optimizations need to be done [5] Link up the html page to the wasm module */ let CrateConfig { out_dir, crate_dir, target_dir, static_dir, executable, .. } = config; let t_start = std::time::Instant::now(); // [1] Build the .wasm module info!("Running build commands..."); let mut cmd = Command::new("cargo"); cmd.current_dir(&crate_dir) .arg("build") .arg("--target") .arg("wasm32-unknown-unknown") .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .stderr(std::process::Stdio::piped()); if config.release { cmd.arg("--release"); } match executable { ExecutableType::Binary(name) => cmd.arg("--bin").arg(name), ExecutableType::Lib(name) => cmd.arg("--lib").arg(name), ExecutableType::Example(name) => cmd.arg("--example").arg(name), }; let mut child = cmd.spawn()?; let output = child.wait()?; if output.success() { info!("Build complete!"); } else { log::error!("Build failed!"); let mut reason = String::new(); child.stderr.unwrap().read_to_string(&mut reason)?; return Err(Error::BuildFailed(reason)); } // [2] Establish the output directory structure let bindgen_outdir = out_dir.join("wasm"); // [3] Bindgen the final binary for use easy linking let mut bindgen_builder = Bindgen::new(); let release_type = match config.release { true => "release", false => "debug", }; let input_path = match executable { ExecutableType::Binary(name) | ExecutableType::Lib(name) => target_dir // .join("wasm32-unknown-unknown/release") .join(format!("wasm32-unknown-unknown/{}", release_type)) .join(format!("{}.wasm", name)), ExecutableType::Example(name) => target_dir // .join("wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/examples") .join(format!("wasm32-unknown-unknown/{}/examples", release_type)) .join(format!("{}.wasm", name)), }; bindgen_builder .input_path(input_path) .web(true)? .debug(true) .demangle(true) .keep_debug(true) .remove_name_section(false) .remove_producers_section(false) .out_name("module") .generate(&bindgen_outdir)?; // [4] // TODO: wasm-opt // [5] Generate the html file with the module name // TODO: support names via options info!("Writing to '{:#?}' directory...", out_dir); let mut file = std::fs::File::create(out_dir.join("index.html"))?; file.write_all(gen_page("./wasm/module.js").as_str().as_bytes())?; let copy_options = fs_extra::dir::CopyOptions::new(); match fs_extra::dir::copy(static_dir, out_dir, ©_options) { Ok(_) => {} Err(_e) => { warn!("Error copying dir"); } } let t_end = std::time::Instant::now(); log::info!("Done in {}ms! 🎉", (t_end - t_start).as_millis()); Ok(()) } fn gen_page(module: &str) -> String { format!( r#"
"#, module ) }