#![allow(non_snake_case)] use dioxus::prelude::*; use dioxus_router::prelude::*; fn main() { #[cfg(not(feature = "web"))] dioxus_desktop::launch(App); #[cfg(feature = "web")] dioxus_web::launch(App); } fn App(cx: Scope) -> Element { use_router( &cx, &|| RouterConfiguration { ..Default::default() }, &|| { Segment::content(comp(Home)) .fixed("apple", comp(Apple)) .fixed("potato", Route::content(comp(Potato)).name::()) .fixed("earth_apple", named::()) }, ); render! { h1 { "Simple Example App" } Outlet { } Link { target: named::(), "Go to root" } } } fn Home(cx: Scope) -> Element { render! { h2 { "Root Index" } ul { li { Link { target: "/apple", "Read about apples…" } } li { Link { target: named::(), "Read about potatoes…" } } li { Link { target: "/earth_apple", "Read about earth apples (literal translation of a german word for potato)…" } } } } } fn Apple(cx: Scope) -> Element { render! { h2 { "Apple" } p { "An apple is a tasty fruit. It grows on trees and many varieties are either red or " "green." } } } struct PotatoName; fn Potato(cx: Scope) -> Element { render! { h2 { "Potato" } p { "The potato grows underground. There are many recipes involving potatoes." } } }