use std::marker::PhantomData; fn main() {} trait Props<'parent> {} struct SomeProps<'p> { text: &'p str, } impl<'p> Props<'p> for SomeProps<'p> {} struct OutputNode<'a> { _p: PhantomData<&'a ()>, } // combine reference to self (borrowed from self) and referenfce to parent (borrowed from parent) // borrow chain looks like 'p + 's -> 'p + 's -> 'p + 's // always adding new lifetimes from self into the mix // what does a "self" lifetime mean? // a "god" gives us our data // the god's lifetime is tied to Context, and the borrowed props object // for the sake of simplicity, we just clobber lifetimes. // user functions are just lies and we abuse lifetimes. // everything is managed at runtime because that's how we make something ergonomc // lifetime management in dioxus is just cheating around the rules // our kind god manages lifetimes for us so we don't have to, thanks god fn something<'s>(props: &'s SomeProps<'s>) -> OutputNode<'s> { todo!() } // type BC<'p, P: Props<'p>> = for<'a, 'b, 'c> fn(&'a P<'b>) -> OutputNode<'c>;