//! This example demonstrates how to use the spread operator to pass attributes to child components. //! //! This lets components like the `Link` allow the user to extend the attributes of the underlying `a` tag. //! These attributes are bundled into a `Vec` which can be spread into the child component using the `..` operator. use dioxus::prelude::*; fn main() { let dom = VirtualDom::prebuilt(app); let html = dioxus_ssr::render(&dom); println!("{}", html); } fn app() -> Element { rsx! { spreadable_component { width: "10px", extra_data: "hello{1}", extra_data2: "hello{2}", height: "10px", left: 1 } } } #[derive(Props, PartialEq, Clone)] struct Props { #[props(extends = GlobalAttributes)] attributes: Vec, extra_data: String, extra_data2: String, } fn spreadable_component(props: Props) -> Element { rsx! { audio { ..props.attributes, "1: {props.extra_data}\n2: {props.extra_data2}" } } }