//! This example demonstrates a simple app that fetches a list of dog breeds and displays a random dog. //! //! The app uses the `use_signal` and `use_resource` hooks to manage state and fetch data from the Dog API. //! `use_resource` is basically an async version of use_memo - it will track dependencies between .await points //! and then restart the future if any of the dependencies change. //! //! You should generally throttle requests to an API - either client side or server side. This example doesn't do that //! since it's unlikely the user will rapidly cause new fetches, but it's something to keep in mind. use dioxus::prelude::*; use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() { launch(app); } fn app() -> Element { // Breed is a signal that will be updated when the user clicks a breed in the list // `shiba` is just a default that we know will exist. We could also use a `None` instead let mut breed = use_signal(|| "shiba".to_string()); // Fetch the list of breeds from the Dog API // Since there are no dependencies, this will never restart let breed_list = use_resource(move || async move { #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Deserialize)] struct ListBreeds { message: HashMap>, } let list = reqwest::get("https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/list/all") .await .unwrap() .json::() .await; let Ok(breeds) = list else { return rsx! { "error fetching breeds" }; }; rsx! { for cur_breed in breeds.message.keys().take(20).cloned() { li { key: "{cur_breed}", button { onclick: move |_| breed.set(cur_breed.clone()), "{cur_breed}" } } } } }); // We can use early returns in dioxus! // Traditional signal-based libraries can't do this since the scope is by default non-reactive let Some(breed_list) = breed_list() else { return rsx! { "loading breeds..." }; }; rsx! { h1 { "Select a dog breed!" } div { height: "500px", display: "flex", ul { width: "100px", {breed_list} } div { flex: 1, BreedPic { breed } } } } } #[component] fn BreedPic(breed: Signal) -> Element { // This resource will restart whenever the breed changes let mut fut = use_resource(move || async move { #[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)] struct DogApi { message: String, } reqwest::get(format!("https://dog.ceo/api/breed/{breed}/images/random")) .await .unwrap() .json::() .await }); match fut.read_unchecked().as_ref() { Some(Ok(resp)) => rsx! { button { onclick: move |_| fut.restart(), "Click to fetch another doggo" } img { max_width: "500px", max_height: "500px", src: "{resp.message}" } }, Some(Err(_)) => rsx! { "loading image failed" }, None => rsx! { "loading image..." }, } }