export function main() { let root = window.document.getElementById("main"); if (root != null) { window.interpreter = new Interpreter(root); window.rpc.call("initialize"); } } export class Interpreter { root; stack; listeners; handlers; lastNodeWasText; nodes; constructor(root) { this.root = root; this.stack = [root]; this.listeners = {}; this.handlers = {}; this.lastNodeWasText = false; this.nodes = [root]; } top() { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; } pop() { return this.stack.pop(); } PushRoot(root) { const node = this.nodes[root]; this.stack.push(node); } AppendChildren(many) { let root = this.stack[this.stack.length - (1 + many)]; let to_add = this.stack.splice(this.stack.length - many); for (let i = 0; i < many; i++) { root.appendChild(to_add[i]); } } ReplaceWith(root_id, m) { let root = this.nodes[root_id]; let els = this.stack.splice(this.stack.length - m); root.replaceWith(...els); } InsertAfter(root, n) { let old = this.nodes[root]; let new_nodes = this.stack.splice(this.stack.length - n); old.after(...new_nodes); } InsertBefore(root, n) { let old = this.nodes[root]; let new_nodes = this.stack.splice(this.stack.length - n); old.before(...new_nodes); } Remove(root) { let node = this.nodes[root]; if (node !== undefined) { node.remove(); } } CreateTextNode(text, root) { // todo: make it so the types are okay const node = document.createTextNode(text); this.nodes[root] = node; this.stack.push(node); } CreateElement(tag, root) { const el = document.createElement(tag); // el.setAttribute("data-dioxus-id", `${root}`); this.nodes[root] = el; this.stack.push(el); } CreateElementNs(tag, root, ns) { let el = document.createElementNS(ns, tag); this.stack.push(el); this.nodes[root] = el; } CreatePlaceholder(root) { let el = document.createElement("pre"); el.hidden = true; this.stack.push(el); this.nodes[root] = el; } NewEventListener(event_name, root, handler) { const element = this.nodes[root]; element.setAttribute("data-dioxus-id", `${root}`); if (this.listeners[event_name] === undefined) { this.listeners[event_name] = 0; this.handlers[event_name] = handler; this.root.addEventListener(event_name, handler); } else { this.listeners[event_name]++; } } RemoveEventListener(root, event_name) { const element = this.nodes[root]; element.removeAttribute(`data-dioxus-id`); this.listeners[event_name]--; if (this.listeners[event_name] === 0) { this.root.removeEventListener(event_name, this.handlers[event_name]); delete this.listeners[event_name]; delete this.handlers[event_name]; } } SetText(root, text) { this.nodes[root].textContent = text; } SetAttribute(root, field, value, ns) { const name = field; const node = this.nodes[root]; if (ns == "style") { // @ts-ignore node.style[name] = value; } else if (ns != null || ns != undefined) { node.setAttributeNS(ns, name, value); } else { switch (name) { case "value": if (value != node.value) { node.value = value; } break; case "checked": node.checked = value === "true"; break; case "selected": node.selected = value === "true"; break; case "dangerous_inner_html": node.innerHTML = value; break; default: // https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/8b88ac2592c5f555f315f9440cbb665dd1e7457a/packages/react-dom/src/shared/DOMProperty.js#L352-L364 if (value == "false" && bool_attrs.hasOwnProperty(name)) { node.removeAttribute(name); } else { node.setAttribute(name, value); } } } } RemoveAttribute(root, name) { const node = this.nodes[root]; node.removeAttribute(name); if (name === "value") { node.value = ""; } if (name === "checked") { node.checked = false; } if (name === "selected") { node.selected = false; } } handleEdits(edits) { this.stack.push(this.root); for (let edit of edits) { this.handleEdit(edit); } } handleEdit(edit) { switch (edit.type) { case "PushRoot": this.PushRoot(edit.root); break; case "AppendChildren": this.AppendChildren(edit.many); break; case "ReplaceWith": this.ReplaceWith(edit.root, edit.m); break; case "InsertAfter": this.InsertAfter(edit.root, edit.n); break; case "InsertBefore": this.InsertBefore(edit.root, edit.n); break; case "Remove": this.Remove(edit.root); break; case "CreateTextNode": this.CreateTextNode(edit.text, edit.root); break; case "CreateElement": this.CreateElement(edit.tag, edit.root); break; case "CreateElementNs": this.CreateElementNs(edit.tag, edit.root, edit.ns); break; case "CreatePlaceholder": this.CreatePlaceholder(edit.root); break; case "RemoveEventListener": this.RemoveEventListener(edit.root, edit.event_name); break; case "NewEventListener": // this handler is only provided on desktop implementations since this // method is not used by the web implementation let handler = (event) => { let target = event.target; if (target != null) { let realId = target.getAttribute(`data-dioxus-id`); let shouldPreventDefault = target.getAttribute(`dioxus-prevent-default`); if (event.type == "click") { event.preventDefault(); if (shouldPreventDefault !== `onclick`) { if (target.tagName == "A") { const href = target.getAttribute("href"); if (href !== "" && href !== null && href !== undefined) { window.rpc.call("browser_open", { href }); } } } } // walk the tree to find the real element while (realId == null && target.parentElement != null) { target = target.parentElement; realId = target.getAttribute(`data-dioxus-id`); } shouldPreventDefault = target.getAttribute(`dioxus-prevent-default`); let contents = serialize_event(event); if (shouldPreventDefault === `on${event.type}`) { event.preventDefault(); } if (event.type == "submit") { event.preventDefault(); } if (realId == null) { return; } window.rpc.call("user_event", { event: edit.event_name, mounted_dom_id: parseInt(realId), contents: contents, }); } }; this.NewEventListener(edit.event_name, edit.root, handler); break; case "SetText": this.SetText(edit.root, edit.text); break; case "SetAttribute": this.SetAttribute(edit.root, edit.field, edit.value, edit.ns); break; case "RemoveAttribute": this.RemoveAttribute(edit.root, edit.name); break; } } } function serialize_event(event) { switch (event.type) { case "copy": case "cut": case "past": { return {}; } case "compositionend": case "compositionstart": case "compositionupdate": { let { data } = event; return { data, }; } case "keydown": case "keypress": case "keyup": { let { charCode, key, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey, keyCode, shiftKey, location, repeat, which, } = event; return { char_code: charCode, key: key, alt_key: altKey, ctrl_key: ctrlKey, meta_key: metaKey, key_code: keyCode, shift_key: shiftKey, location: location, repeat: repeat, which: which, locale: "locale", }; } case "focus": case "blur": { return {}; } case "change": { let target = event.target; let value; if (target.type === "checkbox" || target.type === "radio") { value = target.checked ? "true" : "false"; } else { value = target.value ?? target.textContent; } return { value: value, }; } case "input": case "invalid": case "reset": case "submit": { let target = event.target; let value = target.value ?? target.textContent; if (target.type == "checkbox") { value = target.checked ? "true" : "false"; } return { value: value, }; } case "click": case "contextmenu": case "doubleclick": case "drag": case "dragend": case "dragenter": case "dragexit": case "dragleave": case "dragover": case "dragstart": case "drop": case "mousedown": case "mouseenter": case "mouseleave": case "mousemove": case "mouseout": case "mouseover": case "mouseup": { const { altKey, button, buttons, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, metaKey, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY, shiftKey, } = event; return { alt_key: altKey, button: button, buttons: buttons, client_x: clientX, client_y: clientY, ctrl_key: ctrlKey, meta_key: metaKey, page_x: pageX, page_y: pageY, screen_x: screenX, screen_y: screenY, shift_key: shiftKey, }; } case "pointerdown": case "pointermove": case "pointerup": case "pointercancel": case "gotpointercapture": case "lostpointercapture": case "pointerenter": case "pointerleave": case "pointerover": case "pointerout": { const { altKey, button, buttons, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, metaKey, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY, shiftKey, pointerId, width, height, pressure, tangentialPressure, tiltX, tiltY, twist, pointerType, isPrimary, } = event; return { alt_key: altKey, button: button, buttons: buttons, client_x: clientX, client_y: clientY, ctrl_key: ctrlKey, meta_key: metaKey, page_x: pageX, page_y: pageY, screen_x: screenX, screen_y: screenY, shift_key: shiftKey, pointer_id: pointerId, width: width, height: height, pressure: pressure, tangential_pressure: tangentialPressure, tilt_x: tiltX, tilt_y: tiltY, twist: twist, pointer_type: pointerType, is_primary: isPrimary, }; } case "select": { return {}; } case "touchcancel": case "touchend": case "touchmove": case "touchstart": { const { altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey, } = event; return { // changed_touches: event.changedTouches, // target_touches: event.targetTouches, // touches: event.touches, alt_key: altKey, ctrl_key: ctrlKey, meta_key: metaKey, shift_key: shiftKey, }; } case "scroll": { return {}; } case "wheel": { const { deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ, deltaMode, } = event; return { delta_x: deltaX, delta_y: deltaY, delta_z: deltaZ, delta_mode: deltaMode, }; } case "animationstart": case "animationend": case "animationiteration": { const { animationName, elapsedTime, pseudoElement, } = event; return { animation_name: animationName, elapsed_time: elapsedTime, pseudo_element: pseudoElement, }; } case "transitionend": { const { propertyName, elapsedTime, pseudoElement, } = event; return { property_name: propertyName, elapsed_time: elapsedTime, pseudo_element: pseudoElement, }; } case "abort": case "canplay": case "canplaythrough": case "durationchange": case "emptied": case "encrypted": case "ended": case "error": case "loadeddata": case "loadedmetadata": case "loadstart": case "pause": case "play": case "playing": case "progress": case "ratechange": case "seeked": case "seeking": case "stalled": case "suspend": case "timeupdate": case "volumechange": case "waiting": { return {}; } case "toggle": { return {}; } default: { return {}; } } } const bool_attrs = { allowfullscreen: true, allowpaymentrequest: true, async: true, autofocus: true, autoplay: true, checked: true, controls: true, default: true, defer: true, disabled: true, formnovalidate: true, hidden: true, ismap: true, itemscope: true, loop: true, multiple: true, muted: true, nomodule: true, novalidate: true, open: true, playsinline: true, readonly: true, required: true, reversed: true, selected: true, truespeed: true, };