//! Ensure that our DomUpdater maintains Rc's to closures so that they work even //! after dropping virtual dom nodes. //! //! To run all tests in this file: //! //! wasm-pack test crates/virtual-dom-rs --chrome --headless -- --test closures // #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene)] use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::rc::Rc; use virtual_dom_rs::prelude::*; use virtual_dom_rs::DomUpdater; use wasm_bindgen::JsCast; use wasm_bindgen_test; use wasm_bindgen_test::*; use web_sys::*; wasm_bindgen_test_configure!(run_in_browser); // TODO: This test current fails in headless browsers but works in non headless browsers // (tested in both geckodriver and chromedriver) // Need to figure out why #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn closure_not_dropped() { let text = Rc::new(RefCell::new("Start Text".to_string())); let document = web_sys::window().unwrap().document().unwrap(); let mut dom_updater = None; { let mut input = make_input_component(Rc::clone(&text)); input .as_velement_mut() .expect("Not an element") .attrs .insert("id".into(), "old-input-elem".into()); let mount = document.create_element("div").unwrap(); mount.set_id("mount"); document.body().unwrap().append_child(&mount).unwrap(); dom_updater = Some(DomUpdater::new_replace_mount(input, mount)); let mut dom_updater = dom_updater.as_mut().unwrap(); // Input VirtualNode from above gets dropped at the end of this block, // yet that element held Rc's to the Closure's that power the oninput event. // // We're patching the DOM with a new vdom, but since our new vdom doesn't contain any // new elements, `.create_element` won't get called and so no new Closures will be // created. // // So, we're testing that our old Closure's still work. The reason that they work is // that dom_updater maintains Rc's to those Closures. let mut new_node = make_input_component(Rc::clone(&text)); new_node .as_velement_mut() .expect("Not an element") .attrs .insert("id".into(), "new-input-elem".into()); dom_updater.update(new_node); } let dom_updater = dom_updater.as_ref().unwrap(); let input: HtmlInputElement = document .get_element_by_id("new-input-elem") .expect("Input element") .dyn_into() .unwrap(); let input_event = InputEvent::new("input").unwrap(); assert_eq!(&*text.borrow(), "Start Text"); // After dispatching the oninput event our `text` should have a value of the input elements value. web_sys::EventTarget::from(input) .dispatch_event(&input_event) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(&*text.borrow(), "End Text"); assert_eq!( dom_updater.active_closures.get(&1).as_ref().unwrap().len(), 1 ); } // We're just making sure that things compile - other tests give us confidence that the closure // will work just fine. // // https://github.com/chinedufn/percy/issues/81 // //#[wasm_bindgen_test] //fn closure_with_no_params_compiles() { // let _making_sure_this_works = html! { //
// }; //} fn make_input_component(text_clone: Rc