//! Example: RecoilCallback //! ------------------------ //! This example shows how use_recoil_callback can be used to abstract over sets/gets. //! This hook provides a way to capture the RecoilApi object. In this case, we capture //! it in a closure an abstract the set/get functionality behind the update_title function. //! //! It should be straightforward to build a complex app with recoil_callback. use dioxus_core::prelude::*; use recoil::*; const TITLE: Atom<&str> = |_| "red"; fn update_title(api: &RecoilApi) { match *api.get(&TITLE) { "green" => api.set(&TITLE, "yellow"), "yellow" => api.set(&TITLE, "red"), "red" => api.set(&TITLE, "green"), _ => {} } } static App: FC<()> = |cx| { let title = use_read(&cx, &TITLE); let next_light = use_recoil_api(&cx, |api| move |_| update_title(&api)); rsx! { in cx, div { "{title}" button { onclick: {next_light}, "Next light" } } } }; fn main() { wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(dioxus_web::WebsysRenderer::start(App)) }