use std::{collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher, hash::Hasher, process::Command}; fn main() { // If any TS changes, re-run the build script println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/ts/*.ts"); // Compute the hash of the ts files let hash = hash_ts_files(); // If the hash matches the one on disk, we're good and don't need to update bindings if include_str!("src/js/hash.txt").trim() == hash.to_string() { return; } // Otherwise, generate the bindings and write the new hash to disk // Generate the bindings for both native and web gen_bindings("common", "common"); gen_bindings("native", "native"); gen_bindings("core", "core"); std::fs::write("src/js/hash.txt", hash.to_string()).unwrap(); } /// Hashes the contents of a directory fn hash_ts_files() -> u128 { let mut out = 0; let files = [ include_str!("src/ts/common.ts"), include_str!("src/ts/native.ts"), include_str!("src/ts/core.ts"), ]; for file in files.iter() { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); hasher.write(file.as_bytes()); out += hasher.finish() as u128; } out } // okay...... so tsc might fail if the user doesn't have it installed // we don't really want to fail if that's the case // but if you started *editing* the .ts files, you're gonna have a bad time // so..... // we need to hash each of the .ts files and add that hash to the JS files // if the hashes don't match, we need to fail the build // that way we also don't need fn gen_bindings(input_name: &str, output_name: &str) { // If the file is generated, and the hash is different, we need to generate it let status = Command::new("bun") .arg("build") .arg(format!("src/ts/{input_name}.ts")) .arg("--outfile") .arg(format!("src/js/{output_name}.js")) .arg("--minify-whitespace") .arg("--minify-syntax") .status() .unwrap(); if !status.success() { panic!( "Failed to generate bindings for {}. Make sure you have tsc installed", input_name ); } }