//! Example: Children //! ----------------- //! //! Dioxus supports passing children in from the parent. These children are allocated in the parent and just forced //! into the child. Components that pass in children may not be safely memoized, though in practice its rare for a //! change in a parent to not result in a different set of children. //! //! In Dioxus, children can *only be a list*. Unlike React, you cannot pass in functions or arbitrary data. This is //! partially a limitaiton in having static types, but is rather intentional to encourage the use of attributes where //! arbitrary child data might normally be used. Check out the `function driven children` example for how to adopt your //! React pattern for Dioxus' semantics. //! //! Dioxus will let you use the `children` method more than once - and it's semantically *okay* - but you'll likely //! ruin your page if you try to clone elements in this way. Under the hood, Dioxus shares a "mounted ID" for each node, //! and mounting the same VNode in two places will overwrite the first mounted ID. This will likely lead to dead elements. //! //! In the future, this might become a runtime error, so consider it an error today. use dioxus::prelude::*; pub static Example: FC<()> = |cx, props| { cx.render(rsx! { div { Banner { p { "Some Content1" } } Banner { p { "Some Content2" } } } }) }; pub static Banner: FC<()> = |cx, props| { cx.render(rsx! { div { h1 { "This is a great banner!" } div { class: "content" {cx.children()} } footer { "Wow, what a great footer" } } }) };