//! Basic example that renders a simple VNode to the browser. use dioxus_core as dioxus; use dioxus_core::prelude::*; use dioxus_core_macro::*; use dioxus_hooks::*; use dioxus_html as dioxus_elements; fn main() { // Setup logging wasm_logger::init(wasm_logger::Config::new(log::Level::Debug)); console_error_panic_hook::set_once(); // Run the app dioxus_web::launch(APP, |c| c) } static APP: FC<()> = |cx, _| { let mut count = use_state(cx, || 3); let content = use_state(cx, || String::from("h1")); let text_content = use_state(cx, || String::from("Hello, world!")); cx.render(rsx! { div { h1 { "content val is {content}" } input { r#type: "text", value: "{text_content}" oninput: move |e| text_content.set(e.value.clone()) } {(0..10).map(|_| { rsx!( button { onclick: move |_| count += 1, "Click to add." "Current count: {count}" } br {} ) })} select { name: "cars" id: "cars" value: "{content}" oninput: move |ev| { content.set(ev.value.clone()); match ev.value.as_str() { "h1" => count.set(0), "h2" => count.set(5), "h3" => count.set(10), _ => {} } }, option { value: "h1", "h1" } option { value: "h2", "h2" } option { value: "h3", "h3" } } {render_list(cx, *count)} {render_bullets(cx)} CHILD {} } }) }; fn render_bullets(cx: Context) -> DomTree { rsx!(cx, div { "bite me" }) } fn render_list(cx: Context, count: usize) -> DomTree { let items = (0..count).map(|f| { rsx! { li { "a - {f}" } li { "b - {f}" } li { "c - {f}" } } }); rsx!(cx, ul { {items} }) } static CHILD: FC<()> = |cx, _| rsx!(cx, div {"hello child"});