/* Tiny CRM: A port of the Yew CRM example to Dioxus. */ use dioxus::prelude::*; use dioxus_router::{Link, Route, Router}; fn main() { dioxus_desktop::launch(app); } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct Client { pub first_name: String, pub last_name: String, pub description: String, } fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element { let clients = use_ref(&cx, || vec![] as Vec); let firstname = use_state(&cx, String::new); let lastname = use_state(&cx, String::new); let description = use_state(&cx, String::new); cx.render(rsx!( body { margin_left: "35%", link { rel: "stylesheet", href: "https://unpkg.com/purecss@2.0.6/build/pure-min.css", integrity: "sha384-Uu6IeWbM+gzNVXJcM9XV3SohHtmWE+3VGi496jvgX1jyvDTXfdK+rfZc8C1Aehk5", crossorigin: "anonymous", } h1 {"Dioxus CRM Example"} Router { Route { to: "/", div { class: "crm", h2 { margin_bottom: "10px", "List of clients" } div { class: "clients", margin_left: "10px", clients.read().iter().map(|client| rsx!( div { class: "client", style: "margin-bottom: 50px", p { "First Name: {client.first_name}" } p { "Last Name: {client.last_name}" } p {"Description: {client.description}"} }) ) } Link { to: "/new", class: "pure-button pure-button-primary", "Add New" } Link { to: "/new", class: "pure-button", "Settings" } } } Route { to: "/new", div { class: "crm", h2 { margin_bottom: "10px", "Add new client" } form { class: "pure-form", input { class: "new-client firstname", placeholder: "First name", value: "{firstname}", oninput: move |e| firstname.set(e.value.clone()) } input { class: "new-client lastname", placeholder: "Last name", value: "{lastname}", oninput: move |e| lastname.set(e.value.clone()) } textarea { class: "new-client description", placeholder: "Description", value: "{description}", oninput: move |e| description.set(e.value.clone()) } } button { class: "pure-button pure-button-primary", onclick: move |_| { clients.write().push(Client { description: description.to_string(), first_name: firstname.to_string(), last_name: lastname.to_string(), }); description.set(String::new()); firstname.set(String::new()); lastname.set(String::new()); }, "Add New" } Link { to: "/", class: "pure-button", "Go Back" } } } Route { to: "/settings", div { h2 { margin_bottom: "10px", "Settings" } button { background: "rgb(202, 60, 60)", class: "pure-button pure-button-primary", onclick: move |_| clients.write().clear(), "Remove all clients" } Link { to: "/", class: "pure-button pure-button-primary", "Go Back" } } } } } )) }