// ANCHOR: all use axum::{extract::ws::WebSocketUpgrade, response::Html, routing::get, Router}; use dioxus::prelude::*; // ANCHOR: glue #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let addr: std::net::SocketAddr = ([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030).into(); let view = dioxus_liveview::LiveViewPool::new(); let app = Router::new() // The root route contains the glue code to connect to the WebSocket .route( "/", get(move || async move { Html(format!( r#" Dioxus LiveView with Axum
{glue} "#, // Create the glue code to connect to the WebSocket on the "/ws" route glue = dioxus_liveview::interpreter_glue(&format!("ws://{addr}/ws")) )) }), ) // The WebSocket route is what Dioxus uses to communicate with the browser .route( "/ws", get(move |ws: WebSocketUpgrade| async move { ws.on_upgrade(move |socket| async move { // When the WebSocket is upgraded, launch the LiveView with the app component _ = view.launch(dioxus_liveview::axum_socket(socket), app).await; }) }), ); println!("Listening on http://{addr}"); axum::Server::bind(&addr.to_string().parse().unwrap()) .serve(app.into_make_service()) .await .unwrap(); } // ANCHOR_END: glue // ANCHOR: app fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element { cx.render(rsx! { div { "Hello, world!" } }) } // ANCHOR_END: app // ANCHOR_END: all