//! Support for storing lazy-nodes on the stack
//! This module provides support for a type called `LazyNodes` which is a micro-heap located on the stack to make calls
//! to `rsx!` more efficient.
//! To support returning rsx! from branches in match statements, we need to use dynamic dispatch on [`ScopeState`] closures.
//! This can be done either through boxing directly, or by using dynamic-sized-types and a custom allocator. In our case,
//! we build a tiny alloactor in the stack and allocate the closure into that.
//! The logic for this was borrowed from . Unfortunately, this crate does not
//! support non-static closures, so we've implemented the core logic of `ValueA` in this module.
use crate::{innerlude::VNode, ScopeState};
use std::mem;
/// A concrete type provider for closures that build [`VNode`] structures.
/// This struct wraps lazy structs that build [`VNode`] trees Normally, we cannot perform a blanket implementation over
/// closures, but if we wrap the closure in a concrete type, we can maintain separate implementations of [`IntoVNode`].
/// ```rust, ignore
/// LazyNodes::new(|f| f.element("div", [], [], [] None))
/// ```
pub struct LazyNodes<'a, 'b> {
inner: StackNodeStorage<'a, 'b>,
type StackHeapSize = [usize; 16];
enum StackNodeStorage<'a, 'b> {
Heap(Box) -> Option> + 'b>),
impl<'a, 'b> LazyNodes<'a, 'b> {
/// Create a new [`LazyNodes`] closure, optimistically placing it onto the stack.
/// If the closure cannot fit into the stack allocation (16 bytes), then it
/// is placed on the heap. Most closures will fit into the stack, and is
/// the most optimal way to use the creation function.
pub fn new(val: impl FnOnce(&'a ScopeState) -> VNode<'a> + 'b) -> Self {
// there's no way to call FnOnce without a box, so we need to store it in a slot and use static dispatch
let mut slot = Some(val);
let val = move |fac: Option<&'a ScopeState>| {
.expect("LazyNodes closure to be called only once"),
// miri does not know how to work with mucking directly into bytes
// just use a heap allocated type when miri is running
if cfg!(miri) {
Self {
inner: StackNodeStorage::Heap(Box::new(val)),
} else {
unsafe { LazyNodes::new_inner(val) }
/// Create a new [`LazyNodes`] closure, but force it onto the heap.
pub fn new_boxed(inner: F) -> Self
F: FnOnce(&'a ScopeState) -> VNode<'a> + 'b,
// there's no way to call FnOnce without a box, so we need to store it in a slot and use static dispatch
let mut slot = Some(inner);
Self {
inner: StackNodeStorage::Heap(Box::new(move |fac: Option<&'a ScopeState>| {
.expect("LazyNodes closure to be called only once"),
unsafe fn new_inner(val: F) -> Self
F: FnMut(Option<&'a ScopeState>) -> Option> + 'b,
let mut ptr: *const _ = &val as &dyn FnMut(Option<&'a ScopeState>) -> Option>;
ptr as *const u8, &val as *const _ as *const u8,
"MISUSE: Closure returned different pointer"
"MISUSE: Closure returned a subset pointer"
let words = ptr_as_slice(&mut ptr);
words[0] == &val as *const _ as usize,
"BUG: Pointer layout is not (data_ptr, info...)"
// - Ensure that Self is aligned same as data requires
std::mem::align_of::() <= std::mem::align_of::(),
"TODO: Enforce alignment >{} (requires {})",
let info = &words[1..];
let data = words[0] as *mut ();
let size = mem::size_of::();
let stored_size = info.len() * mem::size_of::() + size;
let max_size = mem::size_of::();
if stored_size > max_size {
Self {
inner: StackNodeStorage::Heap(Box::new(val)),
} else {
let mut buf: StackHeapSize = StackHeapSize::default();
assert!(info.len() + round_to_words(size) <= buf.as_ref().len());
// Place pointer information at the end of the region
// - Allows the data to be at the start for alignment purposes
let info_ofs = buf.as_ref().len() - info.len();
let info_dst = &mut buf.as_mut()[info_ofs..];
for (d, v) in Iterator::zip(info_dst.iter_mut(), info.iter()) {
*d = *v;
let src_ptr = data as *const u8;
let dataptr = buf.as_mut_ptr().cast::();
for i in 0..size {
*dataptr.add(i) = *src_ptr.add(i);
Self {
inner: StackNodeStorage::Stack(LazyStack {
_align: [],
dropped: false,
/// Call the closure with the given factory to produce real [`VNode`].
/// ```rust, ignore
/// let f = LazyNodes::new(move |f| f.element("div", [], [], [] None));
/// let node = f.call(cac);
/// ```
pub fn call(self, f: &'a ScopeState) -> VNode<'a> {
match self.inner {
StackNodeStorage::Heap(mut lazy) => {
lazy(Some(f)).expect("Closure should not be called twice")
StackNodeStorage::Stack(mut stack) => stack.call(f),
struct LazyStack {
_align: [u64; 0],
buf: StackHeapSize,
dropped: bool,
impl LazyStack {
fn call<'a>(&mut self, f: &'a ScopeState) -> VNode<'a> {
let LazyStack { buf, .. } = self;
let data = buf.as_ref();
let info_size =
mem::size_of::<*mut dyn FnMut(Option<&'a ScopeState>) -> Option>>()
/ mem::size_of::()
- 1;
let info_ofs = data.len() - info_size;
let g: *mut dyn FnMut(Option<&'a ScopeState>) -> Option> =
unsafe { make_fat_ptr(data[..].as_ptr() as usize, &data[info_ofs..]) };
self.dropped = true;
let clos = unsafe { &mut *g };
impl Drop for LazyStack {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.dropped {
let LazyStack { buf, .. } = self;
let data = buf.as_ref();
let info_size =
mem::size_of::<*mut dyn FnMut(Option<&ScopeState>) -> Option>>()
/ mem::size_of::()
- 1;
let info_ofs = data.len() - info_size;
let g: *mut dyn FnMut(Option<&ScopeState>) -> Option> =
unsafe { make_fat_ptr(data[..].as_ptr() as usize, &data[info_ofs..]) };
self.dropped = true;
let clos = unsafe { &mut *g };
/// Obtain mutable access to a pointer's words
fn ptr_as_slice(ptr: &mut T) -> &mut [usize] {
assert!(mem::size_of::() % mem::size_of::() == 0);
let words = mem::size_of::() / mem::size_of::();
// SAFE: Points to valid memory (a raw pointer)
unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr as *mut _ as *mut usize, words) }
/// Re-construct a fat pointer
unsafe fn make_fat_ptr(data_ptr: usize, meta_vals: &[usize]) -> *mut T {
let mut rv = mem::MaybeUninit::<*mut T>::uninit();
let s = ptr_as_slice(&mut rv);
s[0] = data_ptr;
let rv = rv.assume_init();
assert_eq!(rv as *const (), data_ptr as *const ());
fn round_to_words(len: usize) -> usize {
(len + mem::size_of::() - 1) / mem::size_of::()