//! Example: Suspense //! ----------------- //! This example demonstrates how the use_suspense hook can be used to load and render asynchronous data. Suspense enables //! components to wait on futures to complete before rendering the result into VNodes. These VNodes are immediately //! available in a suspended" fashion and will automatically propogate to the UI when the future completes. //! //! Currently, suspense futures are non-restartable. In the future, we'll provide more granular control of how to start, //! stop, and reset these futures. use dioxus::prelude::*; #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] struct DogApi { message: String, } const ENDPOINT: &str = "https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random"; pub static Example: FC<()> = |cx| { let doggo = use_suspense( cx, || surf::get(ENDPOINT).recv_json::(), |cx, res| match res { Ok(res) => rsx!(in cx, img { src: "{res.message}" }), Err(_) => rsx!(in cx, div { "No doggos for you :(" }), }, ); cx.render(rsx!( div { h1 {"Waiting for a doggo..."} {doggo} } )) };