//! Tiny CRM - A simple CRM app using the Router component and global signals //! //! This shows how to use the `Router` component to manage different views in your app. It also shows how to use global //! signals to manage state across the entire app. //! //! We could simply pass the state as a prop to each component, but this is a good example of how to use global state //! in a way that works across pages. //! //! We implement a number of important details here too, like focusing inputs, handling form submits, navigating the router, //! platform-specific configuration, and importing 3rd party CSS libraries. use dioxus::prelude::*; fn main() { dioxus::LaunchBuilder::new() .with_cfg(desktop!({ use dioxus::desktop::{LogicalSize, WindowBuilder}; dioxus::desktop::Config::default() .with_window(WindowBuilder::new().with_inner_size(LogicalSize::new(800, 600))) })) .launch(|| { rsx! { document::Link { rel: "stylesheet", href: "https://unpkg.com/purecss@2.0.6/build/pure-min.css", integrity: "sha384-Uu6IeWbM+gzNVXJcM9XV3SohHtmWE+3VGi496jvgX1jyvDTXfdK+rfZc8C1Aehk5", crossorigin: "anonymous", } document::Link { rel: "stylesheet", href: asset!("/examples/assets/crm.css"), } document::Link { rel: "stylesheet", href: asset!("/examples/assets/crm.css"), } h1 { "Dioxus CRM Example" } Router:: {} } }); } /// We only have one list of clients for the whole app, so we can use a global signal. static CLIENTS: GlobalSignal> = Signal::global(Vec::new); struct Client { first_name: String, last_name: String, description: String, } /// The pages of the app, each with a route #[derive(Routable, Clone)] enum Route { #[route("/")] List, #[route("/new")] New, #[route("/settings")] Settings, } #[component] fn List() -> Element { rsx! { h2 { "List of Clients" } Link { to: Route::New, class: "pure-button pure-button-primary", "Add Client" } Link { to: Route::Settings, class: "pure-button", "Settings" } for client in CLIENTS.read().iter() { div { class: "client", style: "margin-bottom: 50px", p { "Name: {client.first_name} {client.last_name}" } p { "Description: {client.description}" } } } } } #[component] fn New() -> Element { let mut first_name = use_signal(String::new); let mut last_name = use_signal(String::new); let mut description = use_signal(String::new); let submit_client = move |_| { // Write the client CLIENTS.write().push(Client { first_name: first_name(), last_name: last_name(), description: description(), }); // And then navigate back to the client list router().push(Route::List); }; rsx! { h2 { "Add new Client" } form { class: "pure-form pure-form-aligned", onsubmit: submit_client, fieldset { div { class: "pure-control-group", label { r#for: "first_name", "First Name" } input { id: "first_name", r#type: "text", placeholder: "First Name…", required: true, value: "{first_name}", oninput: move |e| first_name.set(e.value()), // when the form mounts, focus the first name input onmounted: move |e| async move { _ = e.set_focus(true).await; }, } } div { class: "pure-control-group", label { r#for: "last_name", "Last Name" } input { id: "last_name", r#type: "text", placeholder: "Last Name…", required: true, value: "{last_name}", oninput: move |e| last_name.set(e.value()), } } div { class: "pure-control-group", label { r#for: "description", "Description" } textarea { id: "description", placeholder: "Description…", value: "{description}", oninput: move |e| description.set(e.value()), } } div { class: "pure-controls", button { r#type: "submit", class: "pure-button pure-button-primary", "Save" } Link { to: Route::List, class: "pure-button pure-button-primary red", "Cancel" } } } } } } #[component] fn Settings() -> Element { rsx! { h2 { "Settings" } button { class: "pure-button pure-button-primary red", onclick: move |_| { CLIENTS.write().clear(); dioxus::router::router().push(Route::List); }, "Remove all Clients" } Link { to: Route::List, class: "pure-button", "Go back" } } }