Feat: include diffing and patching in Dioxus

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Kelley 2021-01-16 10:24:30 -05:00
parent 9c616ea5c0
commit f3c650b073
2 changed files with 445 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Project: Live-View
# Project: Live-View 🤲 🍨
# Project: Sanitization (TBD)
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
# Project: Examples
> Get *all* the examples
- [ ] (Examples) Tide example with templating
- [ ] (Examples) Tide example with templating
- [ ] (Examples) Tide example with templating
- [ ] (Examples) Tide example with templating
# Project: State management
> Get some global state management installed with the hooks API

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ pub mod prelude {
pub use nodes::iterables::IterableNodes;
pub use nodes::*;
// hack "virtualnode"
// hack "VNode"
pub type VirtualNode = VNode;
// Re-export from the macro crate
@ -550,7 +550,446 @@ pub mod nodes {
pub mod diff {
pub enum Patch {}
use super::*;
use crate::nodes::{VNode, VText};
use std::cmp::min;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::mem;
// pub use apply_patches::patch;
/// A Patch encodes an operation that modifies a real DOM element.
/// To update the real DOM that a user sees you'll want to first diff your
/// old virtual dom and new virtual dom.
/// This diff operation will generate `Vec<Patch>` with zero or more patches that, when
/// applied to your real DOM, will make your real DOM look like your new virtual dom.
/// Each Patch has a u32 node index that helps us identify the real DOM node that it applies to.
/// Our old virtual dom's nodes are indexed depth first, as shown in this illustration
/// (0 being the root node, 1 being it's first child, 2 being it's first child's first child).
/// ```text
/// .─.
/// ( 0 )
/// `┬'
/// ┌────┴──────┐
/// │ │
/// ▼ ▼
/// .─. .─.
/// ( 1 ) ( 4 )
/// `┬' `─'
/// ┌────┴───┐ │
/// │ │ ├─────┬─────┐
/// ▼ ▼ │ │ │
/// .─. .─. ▼ ▼ ▼
/// ( 2 ) ( 3 ) .─. .─. .─.
/// `─' `─' ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 )
/// `─' `─' `─'
/// ```
/// The patching process is tested in a real browser in crates/virtual-dom-rs/tests/diff_patch.rs
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Patch<'a> {
/// Append a vector of child nodes to a parent node id.
AppendChildren(NodeIdx, Vec<&'a VNode>),
/// For a `node_i32`, remove all children besides the first `len`
TruncateChildren(NodeIdx, usize),
/// Replace a node with another node. This typically happens when a node's tag changes.
/// ex: <div> becomes <span>
Replace(NodeIdx, &'a VNode),
/// Add attributes that the new node has that the old node does not
AddAttributes(NodeIdx, HashMap<&'a str, &'a str>),
/// Remove attributes that the old node had that the new node doesn't
RemoveAttributes(NodeIdx, Vec<&'a str>),
/// Change the text of a Text node.
ChangeText(NodeIdx, &'a VText),
type NodeIdx = usize;
impl<'a> Patch<'a> {
/// Every Patch is meant to be applied to a specific node within the DOM. Get the
/// index of the DOM node that this patch should apply to. DOM nodes are indexed
/// depth first with the root node in the tree having index 0.
pub fn node_idx(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Patch::AppendChildren(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
Patch::TruncateChildren(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
Patch::Replace(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
Patch::AddAttributes(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
Patch::RemoveAttributes(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
Patch::ChangeText(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
/// Given two VNode's generate Patch's that would turn the old virtual node's
/// real DOM node equivalent into the new VNode's real DOM node equivalent.
pub fn diff<'a>(old: &'a VNode, new: &'a VNode) -> Vec<Patch<'a>> {
diff_recursive(&old, &new, &mut 0)
fn diff_recursive<'a, 'b>(
old: &'a VNode,
new: &'a VNode,
cur_node_idx: &'b mut usize,
) -> Vec<Patch<'a>> {
let mut patches = vec![];
let mut replace = false;
// Different enum variants, replace!
if mem::discriminant(old) != mem::discriminant(new) {
replace = true;
if let (VNode::Element(old_element), VNode::Element(new_element)) = (old, new) {
// Replace if there are different element tags
if old_element.tag != new_element.tag {
replace = true;
// Replace if two elements have different keys
// TODO: More robust key support. This is just an early stopgap to allow you to force replace
// an element... say if it's event changed. Just change the key name for now.
// In the future we want keys to be used to create a Patch::ReOrder to re-order siblings
if old_element.attrs.get("key").is_some()
&& old_element.attrs.get("key") != new_element.attrs.get("key")
replace = true;
// Handle replacing of a node
if replace {
patches.push(Patch::Replace(*cur_node_idx, &new));
if let VNode::Element(old_element_node) = old {
for child in old_element_node.children.iter() {
increment_node_idx_for_children(child, cur_node_idx);
return patches;
// The following comparison can only contain identical variants, other
// cases have already been handled above by comparing variant
// discriminants.
match (old, new) {
// We're comparing two text nodes
(VNode::Text(old_text), VNode::Text(new_text)) => {
if old_text != new_text {
patches.push(Patch::ChangeText(*cur_node_idx, &new_text));
// We're comparing two element nodes
(VNode::Element(old_element), VNode::Element(new_element)) => {
let mut add_attributes: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
let mut remove_attributes: Vec<&str> = vec![];
// TODO: -> split out into func
for (new_attr_name, new_attr_val) in new_element.attrs.iter() {
match old_element.attrs.get(new_attr_name) {
Some(ref old_attr_val) => {
if old_attr_val != &new_attr_val {
add_attributes.insert(new_attr_name, new_attr_val);
None => {
add_attributes.insert(new_attr_name, new_attr_val);
// TODO: -> split out into func
for (old_attr_name, old_attr_val) in old_element.attrs.iter() {
if add_attributes.get(&old_attr_name[..]).is_some() {
match new_element.attrs.get(old_attr_name) {
Some(ref new_attr_val) => {
if new_attr_val != &old_attr_val {
None => {
if add_attributes.len() > 0 {
patches.push(Patch::AddAttributes(*cur_node_idx, add_attributes));
if remove_attributes.len() > 0 {
patches.push(Patch::RemoveAttributes(*cur_node_idx, remove_attributes));
let old_child_count = old_element.children.len();
let new_child_count = new_element.children.len();
if new_child_count > old_child_count {
let append_patch: Vec<&'a VNode> =
patches.push(Patch::AppendChildren(*cur_node_idx, append_patch))
if new_child_count < old_child_count {
patches.push(Patch::TruncateChildren(*cur_node_idx, new_child_count))
let min_count = min(old_child_count, new_child_count);
for index in 0..min_count {
*cur_node_idx = *cur_node_idx + 1;
let old_child = &old_element.children[index];
let new_child = &new_element.children[index];
patches.append(&mut diff_recursive(&old_child, &new_child, cur_node_idx))
if new_child_count < old_child_count {
for child in old_element.children[min_count..].iter() {
increment_node_idx_for_children(child, cur_node_idx);
(VNode::Text(_), VNode::Element(_)) | (VNode::Element(_), VNode::Text(_)) => {
unreachable!("Unequal variant discriminants should already have been handled");
_ => todo!("Diffing Not yet implemented for all node types"),
// new_root.create_element()
fn increment_node_idx_for_children<'a, 'b>(old: &'a VNode, cur_node_idx: &'b mut usize) {
*cur_node_idx += 1;
if let VNode::Element(element_node) = old {
for child in element_node.children.iter() {
increment_node_idx_for_children(&child, cur_node_idx);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::prelude::*;
type VirtualNode = VNode;
/// Test that we generate the right Vec<Patch> for some start and end virtual dom.
pub struct DiffTestCase<'a> {
// ex: "Patching root level nodes works"
pub description: &'static str,
// ex: html! { <div> </div> }
pub old: VNode,
// ex: html! { <strong> </strong> }
pub new: VNode,
// ex: vec![Patch::Replace(0, &html! { <strong></strong> })],
pub expected: Vec<Patch<'a>>,
impl<'a> DiffTestCase<'a> {
pub fn test(&self) {
// ex: vec![Patch::Replace(0, &html! { <strong></strong> })],
let patches = diff(&self.old, &self.new);
assert_eq!(patches, self.expected, "{}", self.description);
use super::*;
use crate::nodes::{VNode, VText};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn replace_node() {
DiffTestCase {
description: "Replace the root if the tag changed",
old: html! { <div> </div> },
new: html! { <span> </span> },
expected: vec![Patch::Replace(0, &html! { <span></span> })],
DiffTestCase {
description: "Replace a child node",
old: html! { <div> <b></b> </div> },
new: html! { <div> <strong></strong> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::Replace(1, &html! { <strong></strong> })],
DiffTestCase {
description: "Replace node with a child",
old: html! { <div> <b>1</b> <b></b> </div> },
new: html! { <div> <i>1</i> <i></i> </div>},
expected: vec![
Patch::Replace(1, &html! { <i>1</i> }),
Patch::Replace(3, &html! { <i></i> }),
], //required to check correct index
fn add_children() {
DiffTestCase {
description: "Added a new node to the root node",
old: html! { <div> <b></b> </div> },
new: html! { <div> <b></b> <span></span> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::AppendChildren(0, vec![&html! { <span></span> }])],
fn remove_nodes() {
DiffTestCase {
description: "Remove all child nodes at and after child sibling index 1",
old: html! { <div> <b></b> <span></span> </div> },
new: html! { <div> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::TruncateChildren(0, 0)],
DiffTestCase {
description: "Remove a child and a grandchild node",
old: html! {
// This `i` tag will get removed
// This `strong` tag will get removed
</div> },
new: html! {
</div> },
expected: vec![Patch::TruncateChildren(0, 1), Patch::TruncateChildren(1, 1)],
DiffTestCase {
description: "Removing child and change next node after parent",
old: html! { <div> <b> <i></i> <i></i> </b> <b></b> </div> },
new: html! { <div> <b> <i></i> </b> <i></i> </div>},
expected: vec![
Patch::TruncateChildren(1, 1),
Patch::Replace(4, &html! { <i></i> }),
], //required to check correct index
fn add_attributes() {
let mut attributes = HashMap::new();
attributes.insert("id", "hello");
DiffTestCase {
old: html! { <div> </div> },
new: html! { <div id="hello"> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::AddAttributes(0, attributes.clone())],
description: "Add attributes",
DiffTestCase {
old: html! { <div id="foobar"> </div> },
new: html! { <div id="hello"> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::AddAttributes(0, attributes)],
description: "Change attribute",
fn remove_attributes() {
DiffTestCase {
old: html! { <div id="hey-there"></div> },
new: html! { <div> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::RemoveAttributes(0, vec!["id"])],
description: "Add attributes",
fn change_attribute() {
let mut attributes = HashMap::new();
attributes.insert("id", "changed");
DiffTestCase {
description: "Add attributes",
old: html! { <div id="hey-there"></div> },
new: html! { <div id="changed"> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::AddAttributes(0, attributes)],
fn replace_text_node() {
DiffTestCase {
description: "Replace text node",
old: html! { Old },
new: html! { New },
expected: vec![Patch::ChangeText(0, &VText::new("New"))],
// Initially motivated by having two elements where all that changed was an event listener
// because right now we don't patch event listeners. So.. until we have a solution
// for that we can just give them different keys to force a replace.
fn replace_if_different_keys() {
DiffTestCase {
description: "If two nodes have different keys always generate a full replace.",
old: html! { <div key="1"> </div> },
new: html! { <div key="2"> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::Replace(0, &html! {<div key="2"> </div>})],
// // TODO: Key support
// #[test]
// fn reorder_chldren() {
// let mut attributes = HashMap::new();
// attributes.insert("class", "foo");
// let old_children = vec![
// // old node 0
// html! { <div key="hello", id="same-id", style="",></div> },
// // removed
// html! { <div key="gets-removed",> { "This node gets removed"} </div>},
// // old node 2
// html! { <div key="world", class="changed-class",></div>},
// // removed
// html! { <div key="this-got-removed",> { "This node gets removed"} </div>},
// ];
// let new_children = vec![
// html! { <div key="world", class="foo",></div> },
// html! { <div key="new",> </div>},
// html! { <div key="hello", id="same-id",></div>},
// ];
// test(DiffTestCase {
// old: html! { <div> { old_children } </div> },
// new: html! { <div> { new_children } </div> },
// expected: vec![
// // TODO: Come up with the patch structure for keyed nodes..
// // keying should only work if all children have keys..
// ],
// description: "Add attributes",
// })
// }