doc: put docs in once place instead of two

This commit is contained in:
Muhannad Alrusayni 2022-05-13 09:46:47 +03:00
parent af8cd51258
commit dded91a589

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@ -29,152 +29,7 @@ pub fn derive_typed_builder(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::Token
/// ## Complete Reference Guide:
/// ```
/// const Example: Component = |cx| {
/// let formatting = "formatting!";
/// let formatting_tuple = ("a", "b");
/// let lazy_fmt = format_args!("lazily formatted text");
/// cx.render(rsx! {
/// div {
/// // Elements
/// div {}
/// h1 {"Some text"}
/// h1 {"Some text with {formatting}"}
/// h1 {"Formatting basic expressions {formatting_tuple.0} and {formatting_tuple.1}"}
/// h2 {
/// "Multiple"
/// "Text"
/// "Blocks"
/// "Use comments as separators in html"
/// }
/// div {
/// h1 {"multiple"}
/// h2 {"nested"}
/// h3 {"elements"}
/// }
/// div {
/// class: "my special div"
/// h1 {"Headers and attributes!"}
/// }
/// div {
/// // pass simple rust expressions in
/// class: lazy_fmt,
/// id: format_args!("attributes can be passed lazily with std::fmt::Arguments"),
/// div {
/// class: {
/// const WORD: &str = "expressions";
/// format_args!("Arguments can be passed in through curly braces for complex {}", WORD)
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// // Expressions can be used in element position too:
/// {rsx!(p { "More templating!" })}
/// {html!(<p>"Even HTML templating!!"</p>)}
/// // Iterators
/// {(0..10).map(|i| rsx!(li { "{i}" }))}
/// {{
/// let data = std::collections::HashMap::<&'static str, &'static str>::new();
/// // Iterators *should* have keys when you can provide them.
/// // Keys make your app run faster. Make sure your keys are stable, unique, and predictable.
/// // Using an "ID" associated with your data is a good idea.
/// data.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| rsx!(li { key: "{k}" "{v}" }))
/// }}
/// // Matching
/// {match true {
/// true => rsx!(h1 {"Top text"}),
/// false => rsx!(h1 {"Bottom text"})
/// }}
/// // Conditional rendering
/// // Dioxus conditional rendering is based around None/Some. We have no special syntax for conditionals.
/// // You can convert a bool condition to rsx! with .then and .or
/// {true.then(|| rsx!(div {}))}
/// // True conditions
/// {if true {
/// rsx!(h1 {"Top text"})
/// } else {
/// rsx!(h1 {"Bottom text"})
/// }}
/// // returning "None" is a bit noisy... but rare in practice
/// {None as Option<()>}
/// // Use the Dioxus type-alias for less noise
/// // can also just use empty fragments
/// Fragment {}
/// // Fragments let you insert groups of nodes without a parent.
/// // This lets you make components that insert elements as siblings without a container.
/// div {"A"}
/// Fragment {
/// div {"B"}
/// div {"C"}
/// Fragment {
/// "D"
/// Fragment {
/// "heavily nested fragments is an antipattern"
/// "they cause Dioxus to do unnecessary work"
/// "don't use them carelessly if you can help it"
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// // Components
/// // Can accept any paths
/// // Notice how you still get syntax highlighting and IDE support :)
/// Baller {}
/// baller::Baller { }
/// crate::baller::Baller {}
/// // Can take properties
/// Taller { a: "asd" }
/// // Can take optional properties
/// Taller { a: "asd" }
/// // Can pass in props directly as an expression
/// {{
/// let props = TallerProps {a: "hello"};
/// rsx!(Taller { ..props })
/// }}
/// // Spreading can also be overridden manually
/// Taller {
/// ..TallerProps { a: "ballin!" }
/// a: "not ballin!"
/// }
/// // Can take children too!
/// Taller { a: "asd", div {"hello world!"} }
/// }
/// })
/// };
/// mod baller {
/// use super::*;
/// pub struct BallerProps {}
/// /// This component totally balls
/// pub fn Baller(cx: Scope) -> DomTree {
/// todo!()
/// }
/// }
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Props)]
/// pub struct TallerProps {
/// a: &'static str,
/// }
/// /// This component is taller than most :)
/// pub fn Taller(cx: Scope<TallerProps>) -> DomTree {
/// let b = true;
/// todo!()
/// }
#[doc = include_str!("../../../examples/")]
/// ```