chore: clean up docs with changes to templates

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Kelley 2022-12-07 13:39:22 -08:00
parent f075a519cc
commit a252774226
18 changed files with 34 additions and 399 deletions

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ struct ClickableProps<'a> {
// ANCHOR: Clickable
fn Clickable<'a>(cx: Scope<'a, ClickableProps<'a>>) -> Element {
match cx.props.children {
Some(VNode::Text(_)) => {
Ok(VNode { dynamic_nodes, .. }) => {
todo!("render some stuff")
_ => {

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ fn LogIn<'a>(
fn LogInWarning(cx: Scope, is_logged_in: bool) -> Element {
// ANCHOR: conditional_none
if *is_logged_in {
return None;
return cx.render(rsx!(()));
cx.render(rsx! {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
use dioxus::events::MouseData;
use dioxus::prelude::*;
fn main() {
@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ fn App(cx: Scope) -> Element {
// ANCHOR: component_with_handler
pub struct FancyButtonProps<'a> {
on_click: EventHandler<'a, MouseData>,
on_click: EventHandler<'a, MouseEvent>,
pub fn FancyButton<'a>(cx: Scope<'a, FancyButtonProps<'a>>) -> Element<'a> {

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ fn App(cx: Scope) -> Element {
button {
onclick: move |event| {
// now, outer won't be triggered

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ fn App(cx: Scope) -> Element {
background_color: "red",
justify_content: "center",
align_items: "center",
onkeydown: move |k: KeyboardEvent| if let KeyCode::Q = {
onkeydown: move |k: KeyboardEvent| if let KeyCode::Q = k.key_code {

View file

@ -63,5 +63,5 @@ fn App(cx: Scope) -> Element {
// ANCHOR_END: loop

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// ANCHOR: all
use dioxus::events::FormData;
use dioxus::prelude::*;
fn main() {
@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ fn Meme<'a>(cx: Scope<'a>, caption: &'a str) -> Element<'a> {
fn CaptionEditor<'a>(
cx: Scope<'a>,
caption: &'a str,
on_input: EventHandler<'a, FormData>,
on_input: EventHandler<'a, FormEvent>,
) -> Element<'a> {
let input_style = r"
border: none;

View file

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ fn Meme<'a>(cx: Scope<'a>, caption: &'a str) -> Element<'a> {
fn CaptionEditor<'a>(
cx: Scope<'a>,
caption: &'a str,
on_input: EventHandler<'a, FormData>,
on_input: EventHandler<'a, FormEvent>,
) -> Element<'a> {
let is_dark_mode = use_is_dark_mode(cx);

View file

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ pub fn Expression(cx: Scope) -> Element {
// ANCHOR: expression
let text = "Dioxus";
cx.render(rsx!(span {
// ANCHOR_END: expression

View file

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ pub fn Tokio(cx: Scope) -> Element {
// ANCHOR_END: tokio
pub fn ToOwnedMacro(cx: Scope) -> Element {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ pub fn ToOwnedMacro(cx: Scope) -> Element {
let _ = || {
// ANCHOR: to_owned_macro
use dioxus::core::to_owned;
use dioxus::hooks::to_owned;
to_owned![count, age, name, description];
@ -80,5 +80,5 @@ pub fn ToOwnedMacro(cx: Scope) -> Element {
// ANCHOR_END: to_owned_macro

View file

@ -56,5 +56,5 @@ fn RandomDog(cx: Scope, breed: String) -> Element {
// ANCHOR_END: dependency

View file

@ -514,6 +514,14 @@ impl<'a> IntoTemplate<'a> for VNode<'a> {
impl<'a> IntoTemplate<'a> for Element<'a> {
fn into_template(self, _cx: &'a ScopeState) -> VNode<'a> {
match self {
Ok(val) => val.into_template(_cx),
_ => VNode::empty().unwrap(),
impl<'a, 'b> IntoTemplate<'a> for LazyNodes<'a, 'b> {
fn into_template(self, cx: &'a ScopeState) -> VNode<'a> {

View file

@ -4,26 +4,26 @@ use rand::prelude::*;
fn main() {
let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(app);
_ = dom.rebuild();
for _ in 0..1000 {
_ = dom.rebuild();
fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
render! (
cx.render(rsx! (
table {
tbody {
(0..10_000_usize).map(|f| {
let label = Label::new(&mut rng);
rsx!( Row { row_id: f, label: label } )
rsx!( table_row { row_id: f, label: label } )
#[derive(PartialEq, Props)]
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ struct RowProps {
row_id: usize,
label: Label,
fn Row(cx: Scope<RowProps>) -> Element {
fn table_row(cx: Scope<RowProps>) -> Element {
let [adj, col, noun] = cx.props.label.0;
render! {
cx.render(rsx! {
tr {
td { class:"col-md-1", "{cx.props.row_id}" }
td { class:"col-md-1", onclick: move |_| { /* run onselect */ },
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ fn Row(cx: Scope<RowProps>) -> Element {
td { class: "col-md-6" }

View file

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
mod keys;
pub use keys::*;
macro_rules! impl_event {

View file

@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
feature = "serialize",
derive(serde_repr::Serialize_repr, serde_repr::Deserialize_repr)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum KeyCode {
// That key has no keycode, = 0
// break, = 3
// backspace / delete, = 8
// tab, = 9
// clear, = 12
// enter, = 13
// shift, = 16
// ctrl, = 17
// alt, = 18
// pause/break, = 19
// caps lock, = 20
// hangul, = 21
// hanja, = 25
// escape, = 27
// conversion, = 28
// non-conversion, = 29
// spacebar, = 32
// page up, = 33
// page down, = 34
// end, = 35
// home, = 36
// left arrow, = 37
// up arrow, = 38
// right arrow, = 39
// down arrow, = 40
// select, = 41
// print, = 42
// execute, = 43
// Print Screen, = 44
// insert, = 45
// delete, = 46
// help, = 47
// 0, = 48
// 1, = 49
// 2, = 50
// 3, = 51
// 4, = 52
// 5, = 53
// 6, = 54
// 7, = 55
// 8, = 56
// 9, = 57
// :, = 58
// semicolon (firefox), equals, = 59
// <, = 60
// equals (firefox), = 61
// ß, = 63
// @ (firefox), = 64
// a, = 65
// b, = 66
// c, = 67
// d, = 68
// e, = 69
// f, = 70
// g, = 71
// h, = 72
// i, = 73
// j, = 74
// k, = 75
// l, = 76
// m, = 77
// n, = 78
// o, = 79
// p, = 80
// q, = 81
// r, = 82
// s, = 83
// t, = 84
// u, = 85
// v, = 86
// w, = 87
// x, = 88
// y, = 89
// z, = 90
// Windows Key / Left ⌘ / Chromebook Search key, = 91
// right window key, = 92
// Windows Menu / Right ⌘, = 93
// sleep, = 95
// numpad 0, = 96
// numpad 1, = 97
// numpad 2, = 98
// numpad 3, = 99
// numpad 4, = 100
// numpad 5, = 101
// numpad 6, = 102
// numpad 7, = 103
// numpad 8, = 104
// numpad 9, = 105
// multiply, = 106
// add, = 107
// numpad period (firefox), = 108
// subtract, = 109
// decimal point, = 110
// divide, = 111
// f1, = 112
// f2, = 113
// f3, = 114
// f4, = 115
// f5, = 116
// f6, = 117
// f7, = 118
// f8, = 119
// f9, = 120
// f10, = 121
// f11, = 122
// f12, = 123
// f13, = 124
// f14, = 125
// f15, = 126
// f16, = 127
// f17, = 128
// f18, = 129
// f19, = 130
// f20, = 131
// f21, = 132
// f22, = 133
// f23, = 134
// f24, = 135
// f25, = 136
// f26, = 137
// f27, = 138
// f28, = 139
// f29, = 140
// f30, = 141
// f31, = 142
// f32, = 143
// num lock, = 144
// scroll lock, = 145
// airplane mode, = 151
// ^, = 160
// !, = 161
// ؛ (arabic semicolon), = 162
// #, = 163
// $, = 164
// ù, = 165
// page backward, = 166
// page forward, = 167
// refresh, = 168
// closing paren (AZERTY), = 169
// *, = 170
// ~ + * key, = 171
// home key, = 172
// minus (firefox), mute/unmute, = 173
// decrease volume level, = 174
// increase volume level, = 175
// next, = 176
// previous, = 177
// stop, = 178
// play/pause, = 179
// e-mail, = 180
// mute/unmute (firefox), = 181
// decrease volume level (firefox), = 182
// increase volume level (firefox), = 183
// semi-colon / ñ, = 186
// equal sign, = 187
// comma, = 188
// dash, = 189
// period, = 190
// forward slash / ç, = 191
// grave accent / ñ / æ / ö, = 192
// ?, / or °, = 193
// numpad period (chrome), = 194
// open bracket, = 219
// back slash, = 220
// close bracket / å, = 221
// single quote / ø / ä, = 222
// `, = 223
// left or right ⌘ key (firefox), = 224
// altgr, = 225
// < /git >, left back slash, = 226
// GNOME Compose Key, = 230
// ç, = 231
// XF86Forward, = 233
// XF86Back, = 234
// non-conversion, = 235
// alphanumeric, = 240
// hiragana/katakana, = 242
// half-width/full-width, = 243
// kanji, = 244
// unlock trackpad (Chrome/Edge), = 251
// toggle touchpad, = 255
NA = 0,
Break = 3,
Backspace = 8,
Tab = 9,
Clear = 12,
Enter = 13,
Shift = 16,
Ctrl = 17,
Alt = 18,
Pause = 19,
CapsLock = 20,
// hangul, = 21
// hanja, = 25
Escape = 27,
// conversion, = 28
// non-conversion, = 29
Space = 32,
PageUp = 33,
PageDown = 34,
End = 35,
Home = 36,
LeftArrow = 37,
UpArrow = 38,
RightArrow = 39,
DownArrow = 40,
// select, = 41
// print, = 42
// execute, = 43
// Print Screen, = 44
Insert = 45,
Delete = 46,
// help, = 47
Num0 = 48,
Num1 = 49,
Num2 = 50,
Num3 = 51,
Num4 = 52,
Num5 = 53,
Num6 = 54,
Num7 = 55,
Num8 = 56,
Num9 = 57,
// :, = 58
// semicolon (firefox), equals, = 59
// <, = 60
// equals (firefox), = 61
// ß, = 63
// @ (firefox), = 64
A = 65,
B = 66,
C = 67,
D = 68,
E = 69,
F = 70,
G = 71,
H = 72,
I = 73,
J = 74,
K = 75,
L = 76,
M = 77,
N = 78,
O = 79,
P = 80,
Q = 81,
R = 82,
S = 83,
T = 84,
U = 85,
V = 86,
W = 87,
X = 88,
Y = 89,
Z = 90,
LeftWindow = 91,
RightWindow = 92,
SelectKey = 93,
Numpad0 = 96,
Numpad1 = 97,
Numpad2 = 98,
Numpad3 = 99,
Numpad4 = 100,
Numpad5 = 101,
Numpad6 = 102,
Numpad7 = 103,
Numpad8 = 104,
Numpad9 = 105,
Multiply = 106,
Add = 107,
Subtract = 109,
DecimalPoint = 110,
Divide = 111,
F1 = 112,
F2 = 113,
F3 = 114,
F4 = 115,
F5 = 116,
F6 = 117,
F7 = 118,
F8 = 119,
F9 = 120,
F10 = 121,
F11 = 122,
F12 = 123,
// f13, = 124
// f14, = 125
// f15, = 126
// f16, = 127
// f17, = 128
// f18, = 129
// f19, = 130
// f20, = 131
// f21, = 132
// f22, = 133
// f23, = 134
// f24, = 135
// f25, = 136
// f26, = 137
// f27, = 138
// f28, = 139
// f29, = 140
// f30, = 141
// f31, = 142
// f32, = 143
NumLock = 144,
ScrollLock = 145,
// airplane mode, = 151
// ^, = 160
// !, = 161
// ؛ (arabic semicolon), = 162
// #, = 163
// $, = 164
// ù, = 165
// page backward, = 166
// page forward, = 167
// refresh, = 168
// closing paren (AZERTY), = 169
// *, = 170
// ~ + * key, = 171
// home key, = 172
// minus (firefox), mute/unmute, = 173
// decrease volume level, = 174
// increase volume level, = 175
// next, = 176
// previous, = 177
// stop, = 178
// play/pause, = 179
// e-mail, = 180
// mute/unmute (firefox), = 181
// decrease volume level (firefox), = 182
// increase volume level (firefox), = 183
Semicolon = 186,
EqualSign = 187,
Comma = 188,
Dash = 189,
Period = 190,
ForwardSlash = 191,
GraveAccent = 192,
// ?, / or °, = 193
// numpad period (chrome), = 194
OpenBracket = 219,
BackSlash = 220,
CloseBraket = 221,
SingleQuote = 222,
// `, = 223
// left or right ⌘ key (firefox), = 224
// altgr, = 225
// < /git >, left back slash, = 226
// GNOME Compose Key, = 230
// ç, = 231
// XF86Forward, = 233
// XF86Back, = 234
// non-conversion, = 235
// alphanumeric, = 240
// hiragana/katakana, = 242
// half-width/full-width, = 243
// kanji, = 244
// unlock trackpad (Chrome/Edge), = 251
// toggle touchpad, = 255
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", serde(other))]

View file

@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ fn BlogList(cx: Scope) -> Element {
fn BlogPost(cx: Scope) -> Element {
let id = use_route(cx).segment("id")?;
let Some(id) = use_route(cx).segment("id") else {
return cx.render(rsx! { div { "No blog post id" } })
log::trace!("rendering blog post {}", id);

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use dioxus::{events::MouseData, prelude::*};
use dioxus_core::Event;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::{convert::TryInto, sync::Arc};
fn main() {

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ fn main() {
let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(app);
let _ = dom.rebuild();
let pre = dioxus_ssr::pre_render_vdom(&dom);
let pre = dioxus_ssr::pre_render(&dom);
log::trace!("{}", pre);
// set the inner content of main to the pre-rendered content