wip: move from recursive to iterative

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Kelley 2021-08-19 02:50:35 -04:00
parent f41cff571f
commit 9652ccdcf1
4 changed files with 2173 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -79,17 +79,44 @@ use std::{
use DomEdit::*;
/// Our DiffMachine is an iterative tree differ.
/// It uses techniques of a register-based Turing Machines to allow pausing and restarting of the diff algorithm. This
/// was origially implemented using recursive techniques, but Rust lacks the abilty to call async functions recursively,
/// meaning we could not "pause" the diffing algorithm.
/// Instead, we use a traditional stack machine approach to diff and create new nodes.
pub struct DiffMachine<'bump> {
vdom: &'bump SharedResources,
pub mutations: Mutations<'bump>,
pub nodes_created_stack: SmallVec<[usize; 10]>,
pub node_stack: SmallVec<[DiffInstruction<'bump>; 10]>,
pub scope_stack: SmallVec<[ScopeId; 5]>,
pub diffed: FxHashSet<ScopeId>,
pub seen_scopes: FxHashSet<ScopeId>,
pub enum DiffInstruction<'a> {
DiffNode {
old: &'a VNode<'a>,
new: &'a VNode<'a>,
progress: usize,
Append {},
Replace {
with: usize,
Create {
node: &'a VNode<'a>,
impl<'bump> DiffMachine<'bump> {
pub(crate) fn new(
@ -98,6 +125,8 @@ impl<'bump> DiffMachine<'bump> {
shared: &'bump SharedResources,
) -> Self {
Self {
node_stack: smallvec![],
nodes_created_stack: smallvec![],
mutations: edits,
scope_stack: smallvec![cur_scope],
vdom: shared,
@ -111,19 +140,15 @@ impl<'bump> DiffMachine<'bump> {
/// This will PANIC if any component elements are passed in.
pub fn new_headless(shared: &'bump SharedResources) -> Self {
Self {
mutations: Mutations::new(),
scope_stack: smallvec![ScopeId(0)],
vdom: shared,
diffed: FxHashSet::default(),
seen_scopes: FxHashSet::default(),
// make incremental progress on the current task
pub fn work(&mut self, is_ready: impl FnMut() -> bool) -> Result<FiberResult> {
// Ok(FiberResult::D)
// Self {
// node_stack: smallvec![],
// mutations: Mutations::new(),
// scope_stack: smallvec![ScopeId(0)],
// vdom: shared,
// diffed: FxHashSet::default(),
// seen_scopes: FxHashSet::default(),
// }
@ -134,17 +159,153 @@ impl<'bump> DiffMachine<'bump> {
// Diff the `old` node with the `new` node. Emits instructions to modify a
// physical DOM node that reflects `old` into something that reflects `new`.
// the real stack should be what it is coming in and out of this function (ideally empty)
// each function call assumes the stack is fresh (empty).
pub async fn diff_node(
&mut self,
old_node: &'bump VNode<'bump>,
new_node: &'bump VNode<'bump>,
) {
/// Progress the diffing for this "fiber"
/// This method implements a depth-first iterative tree traversal.
/// We do depth-first to maintain high cache locality (nodes were originally generated recursively) and because we
/// only need a stack (not a queue) of lists
pub async fn work(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// todo: don't move the reused instructions around
while let Some(mut make) = self.node_stack.pop() {
match &mut make {
DiffInstruction::DiffNode { old, new, progress } => {
DiffInstruction::Append {} => {
let many = self.nodes_created_stack.pop().unwrap();
self.edit_append_children(many as u32);
DiffInstruction::Replace { with } => {
let many = self.nodes_created_stack.pop().unwrap();
self.edit_replace_with(*with as u32, many as u32);
DiffInstruction::Create { node, .. } => {
match &node.kind {
VNodeKind::Text(text) => {
let real_id = self.vdom.reserve_node();
self.edit_create_text_node(text.text, real_id);
*self.nodes_created_stack.last_mut().unwrap() += 1;
VNodeKind::Suspended(suspended) => {
let real_id = self.vdom.reserve_node();
*self.nodes_created_stack.last_mut().unwrap() += 1;
VNodeKind::Anchor(anchor) => {
let real_id = self.vdom.reserve_node();
*self.nodes_created_stack.last_mut().unwrap() += 1;
VNodeKind::Element(el) => {
let VElement {
static_attrs: _,
static_children: _,
static_listeners: _,
} = el;
let real_id = self.vdom.reserve_node();
self.edit_create_element(tag_name, *namespace, real_id);
let cur_scope = self.current_scope().unwrap();
listeners.iter().for_each(|listener| {
self.edit_new_event_listener(listener, cur_scope.clone());
// if the node has an event listener, then it must be visited ?
for attr in *attributes {
// TODO: the append child edit
*self.nodes_created_stack.last_mut().unwrap() += 1;
// push every child onto the stack
for child in *children {
.push(DiffInstruction::Create { node: child })
VNodeKind::Fragment(frag) => {
for node in frag.children {
self.node_stack.push(DiffInstruction::Create { node })
VNodeKind::Component(_) => {
/// Create the new node, pushing instructions on our instruction stack to create any further children
pub fn create_iterative(&mut self, node: &'bump VNode<'bump>) {
match &node.kind {
// singles
// update the parent
VNodeKind::Text(text) => {
let real_id = self.vdom.reserve_node();
self.edit_create_text_node(text.text, real_id);
*self.nodes_created_stack.last_mut().unwrap() += 1;
VNodeKind::Suspended(suspended) => {
let real_id = self.vdom.reserve_node();
*self.nodes_created_stack.last_mut().unwrap() += 1;
VNodeKind::Anchor(anchor) => {
let real_id = self.vdom.reserve_node();
*self.nodes_created_stack.last_mut().unwrap() += 1;
VNodeKind::Element(el) => {
VNodeKind::Fragment(frag) => {
VNodeKind::Component(comp) => {
pub fn diff_iterative(&mut self, old_node: &'bump VNode<'bump>, new_node: &'bump VNode<'bump>) {
match (&old_node.kind, &new_node.kind) {
// Handle the "sane" cases first.
// The rsx and html macros strongly discourage dynamic lists not encapsulated by a "Fragment".
@ -275,8 +436,7 @@ impl<'bump> DiffMachine<'bump> {
false => {
// the props are different...
self.diff_node(scope.frames.wip_head(), scope.frames.fin_head())
self.diff_node(scope.frames.wip_head(), scope.frames.fin_head());
@ -308,7 +468,222 @@ impl<'bump> DiffMachine<'bump> {
// This is the case where options or direct vnodes might be used.
// In this case, it's faster to just skip ahead to their diff
if old.children.len() == 1 && new.children.len() == 1 {
self.diff_node(&old.children[0], &new.children[0]).await;
self.diff_node(&old.children[0], &new.children[0]);
self.diff_children(old.children, new.children);
(VNodeKind::Anchor(old), VNodeKind::Anchor(new)) => {
// The strategy here is to pick the first possible node from the previous set and use that as our replace with root
// We also walk the "real node" list to make sure all latent roots are claened up
// This covers the case any time a fragment or component shows up with pretty much anything else
// This likely isn't the fastest way to go about replacing one node with a virtual node, but the "insane" cases
// are pretty rare. IE replacing a list (component or fragment) with a single node.
| VNodeKind::Fragment(_)
| VNodeKind::Text(_)
| VNodeKind::Element(_)
| VNodeKind::Anchor(_),
| VNodeKind::Fragment(_)
| VNodeKind::Text(_)
| VNodeKind::Element(_)
| VNodeKind::Anchor(_),
) => {
self.replace_and_create_many_with_many([old_node], [new_node]);
(VNodeKind::Suspended(old), new) => {
self.replace_and_create_many_with_many([old_node], [new_node]);
// a node that was once real is now suspended
(old, VNodeKind::Suspended(_)) => {
self.replace_and_create_many_with_many([old_node], [new_node]);
// Diff the `old` node with the `new` node. Emits instructions to modify a
// physical DOM node that reflects `old` into something that reflects `new`.
// the real stack should be what it is coming in and out of this function (ideally empty)
// each function call assumes the stack is fresh (empty).
pub fn diff_node(&mut self, old_node: &'bump VNode<'bump>, new_node: &'bump VNode<'bump>) {
match (&old_node.kind, &new_node.kind) {
// Handle the "sane" cases first.
// The rsx and html macros strongly discourage dynamic lists not encapsulated by a "Fragment".
// So the sane (and fast!) cases are where the virtual structure stays the same and is easily diffable.
(VNodeKind::Text(old), VNodeKind::Text(new)) => {
let root = old_node.direct_id();
if old.text != new.text {
(VNodeKind::Element(old), VNodeKind::Element(new)) => {
let root = old_node.direct_id();
// If the element type is completely different, the element needs to be re-rendered completely
// This is an optimization React makes due to how users structure their code
// This case is rather rare (typically only in non-keyed lists)
if new.tag_name != old.tag_name || new.namespace != old.namespace {
self.replace_node_with_node(root, old_node, new_node);
// Don't push the root if we don't have to
let mut has_comitted = false;
let mut please_commit = |edits: &mut Vec<DomEdit>| {
if !has_comitted {
has_comitted = true;
edits.push(PushRoot { id: root.as_u64() });
// Diff Attributes
// It's extraordinarily rare to have the number/order of attributes change
// In these cases, we just completely erase the old set and make a new set
// TODO: take a more efficient path than this
if old.attributes.len() == new.attributes.len() {
for (old_attr, new_attr) in old.attributes.iter().zip(new.attributes.iter()) {
if old_attr.value != new_attr.value {
please_commit(&mut self.mutations.edits);
} else {
// TODO: provide some sort of report on how "good" the diffing was
please_commit(&mut self.mutations.edits);
for attribute in old.attributes {
for attribute in new.attributes {
// Diff listeners
// It's extraordinarily rare to have the number/order of listeners change
// In the cases where the listeners change, we completely wipe the data attributes and add new ones
// We also need to make sure that all listeners are properly attached to the parent scope (fix_listener)
// TODO: take a more efficient path than this
let cur_scope: ScopeId = self.scope_stack.last().unwrap().clone();
if old.listeners.len() == new.listeners.len() {
for (old_l, new_l) in old.listeners.iter().zip(new.listeners.iter()) {
if old_l.event != new_l.event {
please_commit(&mut self.mutations.edits);
self.edit_new_event_listener(new_l, cur_scope);
} else {
please_commit(&mut self.mutations.edits);
for listener in old.listeners {
for listener in new.listeners {
self.edit_new_event_listener(listener, cur_scope);
// Make sure the listener gets attached to the scope list
if has_comitted {
self.diff_children(old.children, new.children);
(VNodeKind::Component(old), VNodeKind::Component(new)) => {
let scope_addr = old.ass_scope.get().unwrap();
// Make sure we're dealing with the same component (by function pointer)
if old.user_fc == new.user_fc {
// Make sure the new component vnode is referencing the right scope id
// make sure the component's caller function is up to date
let scope = self.get_scope_mut(&scope_addr).unwrap();
.update_scope_dependencies(new.caller.clone(), ScopeChildren(new.children));
// React doesn't automatically memoize, but we do.
let compare = old.comparator.unwrap();
match compare(new) {
true => {
// the props are the same...
false => {
// the props are different...
self.diff_node(scope.frames.wip_head(), scope.frames.fin_head());
} else {
let mut old_iter = RealChildIterator::new(old_node, &self.vdom);
let first = old_iter
.expect("Components should generate a placeholder root");
// remove any leftovers
for to_remove in old_iter {
// seems like we could combine this into a single instruction....
self.replace_node_with_node(first.direct_id(), old_node, new_node);
// Wipe the old one and plant the new one
let old_scope = old.ass_scope.get().unwrap();
(VNodeKind::Fragment(old), VNodeKind::Fragment(new)) => {
// This is the case where options or direct vnodes might be used.
// In this case, it's faster to just skip ahead to their diff
if old.children.len() == 1 && new.children.len() == 1 {
self.diff_node(&old.children[0], &new.children[0]);
@ -1116,14 +1491,14 @@ impl<'bump> DiffMachine<'bump> {
// diff the rest
for (new_child, old_child) in new.iter().zip(old.iter()) {
self.diff_node(old_child, new_child).await
self.diff_node(old_child, new_child)
// old.len == new.len -> no nodes added/removed, but perhaps changed
Ordering::Equal => {
for (new_child, old_child) in new.iter().zip(old.iter()) {
self.diff_node(old_child, new_child).await;
self.diff_node(old_child, new_child);
@ -1659,3 +2034,16 @@ fn compare_strs(a: &str, b: &str) -> bool {
struct DfsIterator<'a> {
idx: usize,
node: Option<(&'a VNode<'a>, &'a VNode<'a>)>,
nodes: Option<(&'a [VNode<'a>], &'a [VNode<'a>])>,
impl<'a> Iterator for DfsIterator<'a> {
type Item = (&'a VNode<'a>, &'a VNode<'a>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -285,7 +285,8 @@ impl Scheduler {
let mut is_ready = || -> bool { (&mut deadline).now_or_never().is_some() };
// TODO: remove this unwrap - proprogate errors out
// self.get_current_fiber().work(is_ready).unwrap()
// waits for a trigger, canceling early if the deadline is reached

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
//! tests to prove that the iterative implementation works
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use dioxus::{
diff::{CreateMeta, DiffMachine},
use dioxus_core as dioxus;
use dioxus_html as dioxus_elements;
fn test_original_diff() {
static App: FC<()> = |cx| {
cx.render(rsx! {
div {
div {
"Hello, world!"
let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(App);
let mutations = dom.rebuild().unwrap();
async fn test_iterative_diff() {
static App: FC<()> = |cx| {
cx.render(rsx! {
div {
div {
"Hello, world!"
let shared = SharedResources::new();
let mut machine = DiffMachine::new_headless(&shared);
let a = machine.work().await.unwrap();