mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 06:08:26 +00:00
Merge branch 'upstream' into make-widgets-cross-framework
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 295 additions and 91 deletions
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ jobs:
override: true
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
- run: sudo apt-get update
- run: sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev
- run: sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.1-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ jobs:
override: true
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
- run: sudo apt-get update
- run: sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev
- run: sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.1-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev
- uses: davidB/rust-cargo-make@v1
- uses: browser-actions/setup-firefox@latest
- uses: jetli/wasm-pack-action@v0.4.0
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ jobs:
override: true
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
- run: sudo apt-get update
- run: sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev
- run: sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.1-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev
- run: rustup component add clippy
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Build a standalone native desktop app that looks and feels the same across opera
Apps built with Dioxus are typically <5mb in size and use existing system resources, so they won't hog extreme amounts of RAM or memory.
- [File Explorer](https://github.com/DioxusLabs/example-projects/blob/master/file-explorer)
- [WiFi Scanner](https://github.com/DioxusLabs/example-projects/blob/master/wifi-scanner)
@ -12,21 +13,22 @@ Examples:
## Support
The desktop is a powerful target for Dioxus but is currently limited in capability when compared to the Web platform. Currently, desktop apps are rendered with the platform's WebView library, but your Rust code is running natively on a native thread. This means that browser APIs are *not* available, so rendering WebGL, Canvas, etc is not as easy as the Web. However, native system APIs *are* accessible, so streaming, WebSockets, filesystem, etc are all viable APIs. In the future, we plan to move to a custom web renderer-based DOM renderer with WGPU integrations.
The desktop is a powerful target for Dioxus but is currently limited in capability when compared to the Web platform. Currently, desktop apps are rendered with the platform's WebView library, but your Rust code is running natively on a native thread. This means that browser APIs are _not_ available, so rendering WebGL, Canvas, etc is not as easy as the Web. However, native system APIs _are_ accessible, so streaming, WebSockets, filesystem, etc are all viable APIs. In the future, we plan to move to a custom web renderer-based DOM renderer with WGPU integrations.
Dioxus Desktop is built off [Tauri](https://tauri.app/). Right now there aren't any Dioxus abstractions over the menubar, handling, etc, so you'll want to leverage Tauri – mostly [Wry](http://github.com/tauri-apps/wry/) and [Tao](http://github.com/tauri-apps/tao)) directly.
# Getting started
## Platform-Specific Dependencies
Dioxus desktop renders through a web view. Depending on your platform, you might need to install some dependancies.
### Windows
Windows Desktop apps depend on WebView2 – a library that should be installed in all modern Windows distributions. If you have Edge installed, then Dioxus will work fine. If you *don't* have Webview2, [then you can install it through Microsoft](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/). MS provides 3 options:
Windows Desktop apps depend on WebView2 – a library that should be installed in all modern Windows distributions. If you have Edge installed, then Dioxus will work fine. If you _don't_ have Webview2, [then you can install it through Microsoft](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/). MS provides 3 options:
1. A tiny "evergreen" *bootstrapper* that fetches an installer from Microsoft's CDN
2. A tiny *installer* that fetches Webview2 from Microsoft's CDN
1. A tiny "evergreen" _bootstrapper_ that fetches an installer from Microsoft's CDN
2. A tiny _installer_ that fetches Webview2 from Microsoft's CDN
3. A statically linked version of Webview2 in your final binary for offline users
For development purposes, use Option 1.
@ -36,19 +38,18 @@ For development purposes, use Option 1.
Webview Linux apps require WebkitGtk. When distributing, this can be part of your dependency tree in your `.rpm` or `.deb`. However, likely, your users will already have WebkitGtk.
sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libappindicator3-dev
sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.1-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev
When using Debian/bullseye `libappindicator3-dev` is no longer available but replaced by `libayatana-appindicator3-dev`.
# on Debian/bullseye use:
sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev
sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.1-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev
If you run into issues, make sure you have all the basics installed, as outlined in the [Tauri docs](https://tauri.studio/v1/guides/getting-started/prerequisites#setting-up-linux).
### MacOS
Currently – everything for macOS is built right in! However, you might run into an issue if you're using nightly Rust due to some permissions issues in our Tao dependency (which have been resolved but not published).
@ -307,6 +307,8 @@ struct WebviewHandler {
dom: VirtualDom,
webview: Rc<wry::webview::WebView>,
waker: Waker,
// This is nessisary because of a bug in wry. Wry assumes the webcontext is alive for the lifetime of the webview. We need to keep the webcontext alive, otherwise the webview will crash
web_context: WebContext,
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ pub fn partial_derive_state(_: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
fn workload_system(type_id: std::any::TypeId, dependants: dioxus_native_core::exports::FxHashSet<std::any::TypeId>, pass_direction: dioxus_native_core::prelude::PassDirection) -> dioxus_native_core::exports::shipyard::WorkloadSystem {
fn workload_system(type_id: std::any::TypeId, dependants: std::sync::Arc<dioxus_native_core::prelude::Dependants>, pass_direction: dioxus_native_core::prelude::PassDirection) -> dioxus_native_core::exports::shipyard::WorkloadSystem {
use dioxus_native_core::exports::shipyard::{IntoWorkloadSystem, Get, AddComponent};
use dioxus_native_core::tree::TreeRef;
use dioxus_native_core::prelude::{NodeType, NodeView};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
use dioxus_native_core::exports::shipyard::Component;
use dioxus_native_core::node_ref::*;
use dioxus_native_core::prelude::*;
use dioxus_native_core::real_dom::NodeTypeMut;
use dioxus_native_core_macro::partial_derive_state;
// All states need to derive Component
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, Component)]
struct Size(f64, f64);
/// Derive some of the boilerplate for the State implementation
impl State for Size {
type ParentDependencies = ();
// The size of the current node depends on the size of its children
type ChildDependencies = (Self,);
type NodeDependencies = (FontSize,);
// Size only cares about the width, height, and text parts of the current node
const NODE_MASK: NodeMaskBuilder<'static> = NodeMaskBuilder::new()
// Get access to the width and height attributes
.with_attrs(AttributeMaskBuilder::Some(&["width", "height"]))
// Get access to the text of the node
fn update<'a>(
&mut self,
node_view: NodeView<()>,
(font_size,): <Self::NodeDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>,
_parent: Option<<Self::ParentDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>>,
children: Vec<<Self::ChildDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>>,
_: &SendAnyMap,
) -> bool {
let font_size = font_size.size;
let mut width;
let mut height;
if let Some(text) = node_view.text() {
// if the node has text, use the text to size our object
width = text.len() as f64 * font_size;
height = font_size;
} else {
// otherwise, the size is the maximum size of the children
width = children
.map(|(item,)| item.0)
.reduce(|accum, item| if accum >= item { accum } else { item })
height = children
.map(|(item,)| item.1)
.reduce(|accum, item| if accum >= item { accum } else { item })
// if the node contains a width or height attribute it overrides the other size
for a in node_view.attributes().into_iter().flatten() {
match &*a.attribute.name {
"width" => width = a.value.as_float().unwrap(),
"height" => height = a.value.as_float().unwrap(),
// because Size only depends on the width and height, no other attributes will be passed to the member
_ => panic!(),
// to determine what other parts of the dom need to be updated we return a boolean that marks if this member changed
let changed = (width != self.0) || (height != self.1);
*self = Self(width, height);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Component)]
struct FontSize {
size: f64,
impl Default for FontSize {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { size: 16.0 }
impl State for FontSize {
// TextColor depends on the TextColor part of the parent
type ParentDependencies = (Self,);
type ChildDependencies = ();
type NodeDependencies = ();
// TextColor only cares about the color attribute of the current node
const NODE_MASK: NodeMaskBuilder<'static> =
// Get access to the color attribute
fn update<'a>(
&mut self,
node_view: NodeView<()>,
_node: <Self::NodeDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>,
parent: Option<<Self::ParentDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>>,
_children: Vec<<Self::ChildDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>>,
_context: &SendAnyMap,
) -> bool {
let mut new = None;
for attr in node_view.attributes().into_iter().flatten() {
if attr.attribute.name == "font-size" {
new = Some(FontSize {
size: attr.value.as_float().unwrap(),
let new = new.unwrap_or(parent.map(|(p,)| *p).unwrap_or_default());
// check if the member has changed
let changed = new != *self;
*self = new;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut rdom: RealDom = RealDom::new([FontSize::to_type_erased(), Size::to_type_erased()]);
let mut count = 0;
// intial render
let text_id = rdom.create_node(format!("Count: {count}")).id();
let mut root = rdom.get_mut(rdom.root_id()).unwrap();
// set the color to red
if let NodeTypeMut::Element(mut element) = root.node_type_mut() {
element.set_attribute(("color", "style"), "red".to_string());
element.set_attribute(("font-size", "style"), 1.);
let ctx = SendAnyMap::new();
// update the State for nodes in the real_dom tree
let _to_rerender = rdom.update_state(ctx);
// we need to run the vdom in a async runtime
.block_on(async {
loop {
// update the count and font size
count += 1;
let mut text = rdom.get_mut(text_id).unwrap();
if let NodeTypeMut::Text(mut text) = text.node_type_mut() {
*text = format!("Count: {count}");
if let NodeTypeMut::Element(mut element) =
element.set_attribute(("font-size", "style"), count as f64);
let ctx = SendAnyMap::new();
let _to_rerender = rdom.update_state(ctx);
// render...
rdom.traverse_depth_first(|node| {
let indent = " ".repeat(node.height() as usize);
let font_size = *node.get::<FontSize>().unwrap();
let size = *node.get::<Size>().unwrap();
let id = node.id();
println!("{indent}{id:?} {font_size:?} {size:?}");
// wait 1 second
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::node::{ElementNode, FromAnyValue, NodeType, OwnedAttributeView, TextNode};
pub use crate::node_ref::{AttributeMaskBuilder, NodeMaskBuilder, NodeView};
pub use crate::passes::{run_pass, PassDirection, RunPassView, TypeErasedState};
pub use crate::passes::{Dependancy, DependancyView, State};
pub use crate::passes::{Dependancy, DependancyView, Dependants, State};
pub use crate::real_dom::{NodeImmutable, NodeMut, NodeRef, RealDom};
pub use crate::NodeId;
pub use crate::SendAnyMap;
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ pub trait State<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync = ()>: Any + Send + Sync {
/// Create a workload system for this state
fn workload_system(
type_id: TypeId,
dependants: FxHashSet<TypeId>,
dependants: Arc<Dependants>,
pass_direction: PassDirection,
) -> WorkloadSystem;
@ -141,10 +141,16 @@ pub trait State<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync = ()>: Any + Send + Sync {
let node_mask = Self::NODE_MASK.build();
TypeErasedState {
this_type_id: TypeId::of::<Self>(),
combined_dependancy_type_ids: all_dependanices::<V, Self>().iter().copied().collect(),
parent_dependant: !Self::ParentDependencies::type_ids().is_empty(),
child_dependant: !Self::ChildDependencies::type_ids().is_empty(),
dependants: FxHashSet::default(),
parent_dependancies_ids: Self::ParentDependencies::type_ids()
child_dependancies_ids: Self::ChildDependencies::type_ids()
node_dependancies_ids: Self::NodeDependencies::type_ids().iter().copied().collect(),
dependants: Default::default(),
mask: node_mask,
pass_direction: pass_direction::<V, Self>(),
workload: Self::workload_system,
@ -169,13 +175,6 @@ fn pass_direction<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync, S: State<V>>() -> PassDirection
fn all_dependanices<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync, S: State<V>>() -> Box<[TypeId]> {
let mut dependencies = S::ParentDependencies::type_ids().to_vec();
#[derive(Borrow, BorrowInfo)]
pub struct RunPassView<'a, V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync = ()> {
@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ pub struct RunPassView<'a, V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync = ()> {
pub fn run_pass<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync>(
type_id: TypeId,
dependants: FxHashSet<TypeId>,
dependants: Arc<Dependants>,
pass_direction: PassDirection,
view: RunPassView<V>,
enter_shadow_dom: bool,
@ -210,34 +209,7 @@ pub fn run_pass<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync>(
while let Some((height, id)) = dirty.pop_front(type_id) {
if (update_node)(id, ctx) {
let shadow_tree = tree.shadow_tree(id);
match (enter_shadow_dom, shadow_tree) {
(true, Some(shadow_tree)) => {
// If this pass uses the shadow dom, update the shadow dom children instead of the normal children
for id in &shadow_tree.shadow_roots {
for dependant in &dependants {
dirty.insert(*dependant, *id, height + 1);
_ => {
for id in tree.children_ids(id) {
for dependant in &dependants {
dirty.insert(*dependant, id, height + 1);
// If this pass uses the shadow dom, update the light dom's children if this node is a slot
if enter_shadow_dom {
if let Some(slot_for_light_tree) = tree.slot_for_light_tree(id) {
for id in tree.children_ids(slot_for_light_tree) {
for dependant in &dependants {
dirty.insert(*dependant, id, height + 1);
dependants.mark_dirty(&dirty, id, &tree, height);
@ -245,23 +217,7 @@ pub fn run_pass<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync>(
while let Some((height, id)) = dirty.pop_back(type_id) {
if (update_node)(id, ctx) {
// If this pass uses the shadow dom, update the light dom root if this node is a root
let light_tree_root = tree.light_tree_root(id);
match (enter_shadow_dom, light_tree_root) {
(true, Some(light_tree_root)) => {
for dependant in &dependants {
dirty.insert(*dependant, light_tree_root, height + 1);
_ => {
if let Some(id) = tree.parent_id(id) {
for dependant in &dependants {
dirty.insert(*dependant, id, height - 1);
dependants.mark_dirty(&dirty, id, &tree, height);
@ -269,24 +225,53 @@ pub fn run_pass<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync>(
while let Some((height, id)) = dirty.pop_back(type_id) {
if (update_node)(id, ctx) {
for dependant in &dependants {
dirty.insert(*dependant, id, height);
dependants.mark_dirty(&dirty, id, &tree, height);
/// The states that depend on this state
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Dependants {
/// The states in the parent direction that should be invalidated when this state is invalidated
pub parent: Vec<TypeId>,
/// The states in the child direction that should be invalidated when this state is invalidated
pub child: Vec<TypeId>,
/// The states in the node direction that should be invalidated when this state is invalidated
pub node: Vec<TypeId>,
impl Dependants {
fn mark_dirty(&self, dirty: &DirtyNodeStates, id: NodeId, tree: &impl TreeRef, height: u16) {
for dependant in &self.child {
for id in tree.children_ids(id) {
dirty.insert(*dependant, id, height + 1);
for dependant in &self.parent {
if let Some(id) = tree.parent_id(id) {
dirty.insert(*dependant, id, height - 1);
for dependant in &self.node {
dirty.insert(*dependant, id, height);
/// A type erased version of [`State`] that can be added to the [`crate::prelude::RealDom`] with [`crate::prelude::RealDom::new`]
pub struct TypeErasedState<V: FromAnyValue + Send = ()> {
pub(crate) this_type_id: TypeId,
pub(crate) parent_dependant: bool,
pub(crate) child_dependant: bool,
pub(crate) combined_dependancy_type_ids: FxHashSet<TypeId>,
pub(crate) dependants: FxHashSet<TypeId>,
pub(crate) parent_dependancies_ids: FxHashSet<TypeId>,
pub(crate) child_dependancies_ids: FxHashSet<TypeId>,
pub(crate) node_dependancies_ids: FxHashSet<TypeId>,
pub(crate) dependants: Arc<Dependants>,
pub(crate) mask: NodeMask,
pub(crate) workload: fn(TypeId, FxHashSet<TypeId>, PassDirection) -> WorkloadSystem,
pub(crate) workload: fn(TypeId, Arc<Dependants>, PassDirection) -> WorkloadSystem,
pub(crate) pass_direction: PassDirection,
phantom: PhantomData<V>,
@ -299,10 +284,18 @@ impl<V: FromAnyValue + Send> TypeErasedState<V> {
pub(crate) fn combined_dependancy_type_ids(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = TypeId> + '_ {
/// The direction that a pass should be run in
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum PassDirection {
/// The pass should be run from the root to the leaves
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use crate::node::{
use crate::node_ref::{NodeMask, NodeMaskBuilder};
use crate::node_watcher::{AttributeWatcher, NodeWatcher};
use crate::passes::{DirtyNodeStates, TypeErasedState};
use crate::passes::{DirtyNodeStates, PassDirection, TypeErasedState};
use crate::prelude::AttributeMaskBuilder;
use crate::tree::{TreeMut, TreeMutView, TreeRef, TreeRefView};
use crate::NodeId;
@ -70,12 +70,13 @@ impl<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync> NodesDirty<V> {
/// Mark a node as added or removed from the tree
/// Mark a node that has had a parent changed
fn mark_parent_added_or_removed(&mut self, node_id: NodeId) {
let hm = self.passes_updated.entry(node_id).or_default();
for pass in &*self.passes {
if pass.parent_dependant {
// If any of the states in this node depend on the parent then mark them as dirty
for &pass in &pass.parent_dependancies_ids {
@ -84,8 +85,9 @@ impl<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync> NodesDirty<V> {
fn mark_child_changed(&mut self, node_id: NodeId) {
let hm = self.passes_updated.entry(node_id).or_default();
for pass in &*self.passes {
if pass.child_dependant {
// If any of the states in this node depend on the children then mark them as dirty
for &pass in &pass.child_dependancies_ids {
@ -121,16 +123,46 @@ impl<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync> RealDom<V> {
pub fn new(tracked_states: impl Into<Box<[TypeErasedState<V>]>>) -> RealDom<V> {
let mut tracked_states = tracked_states.into();
// resolve dependants for each pass
for i in 1..tracked_states.len() {
for i in 1..=tracked_states.len() {
let (before, after) = tracked_states.split_at_mut(i);
let (current, before) = before.split_last_mut().unwrap();
for pass in before.iter_mut().chain(after.iter_mut()) {
for state in before.iter_mut().chain(after.iter_mut()) {
let dependants = Arc::get_mut(&mut state.dependants).unwrap();
// If this node depends on the other state as a parent, then the other state should update its children of the current type when it is invalidated
if current
&& !dependants.child.contains(¤t.this_type_id)
// If this node depends on the other state as a child, then the other state should update its parent of the current type when it is invalidated
if current.child_dependancies_ids.contains(&state.this_type_id)
&& !dependants.parent.contains(¤t.this_type_id)
// If this node depends on the other state as a sibling, then the other state should update its siblings of the current type when it is invalidated
if current.node_dependancies_ids.contains(&state.this_type_id)
&& !dependants.node.contains(¤t.this_type_id)
// If the current state depends on itself, then it should update itself when it is invalidated
let dependants = Arc::get_mut(&mut current.dependants).unwrap();
match current.pass_direction {
PassDirection::ChildToParent => {
if !dependants.parent.contains(¤t.this_type_id) {
PassDirection::ParentToChild => {
if !dependants.child.contains(¤t.this_type_id) {
_ => {}
let workload = construct_workload(&mut tracked_states);
@ -1107,7 +1139,8 @@ fn construct_workload<V: FromAnyValue + Send + Sync>(
// mark any dependancies
for i in 0..unresloved_workloads.len() {
let (_, pass, _) = &unresloved_workloads[i];
for ty_id in pass.combined_dependancy_type_ids.clone() {
let all_dependancies: Vec<_> = pass.combined_dependancy_type_ids().collect();
for ty_id in all_dependancies {
let &(dependancy_id, _, _) = unresloved_workloads
.find(|(_, pass, _)| pass.this_type_id == ty_id)
Add table
Reference in a new issue