mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 21:58:25 +00:00
wip: changes to scheduler
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 151 additions and 282 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"rust-analyzer.inlayHints.enable": false,
"rust-analyzer.inlayHints.enable": true,
"rust-analyzer.cargo.allFeatures": true
@ -1 +0,0 @@
fn main() {}
@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ struct SomeProps {
/// This implementation does not require a "PartialEq" because it does not memoize
struct SomePropsTwo<'a> {
a: &'a str,
_a: &'a str,
@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
pub mod dioxus {
pub mod builder {
pub struct Builder;
struct AttrVal;
impl Into<AttrVal> for &'static str {
fn into(self) -> AttrVal {
impl Into<AttrVal> for String {
fn into(self) -> AttrVal {
// impl<T> From<T> for AttrVal {
// fn from(_: T) -> Self {
// todo!()
// }
// }
impl Builder {
// fn attr<T>(mut self, key: &str, value: impl Into<AttrVal>) -> Self {
pub fn attr<T>(self, _key: &str, _value: T) -> Self {
pub fn on<T>(self, _key: &str, _value: T) -> Self {
pub fn finish(self) {
// Self
pub struct Bump;
pub fn div(_bump: &Bump) -> Builder {
pub fn h1(_bump: &Bump) -> Builder {
pub fn h2(_bump: &Bump) -> Builder {
pub fn main() {
// render(rsx! {
// div { // we can actually support just a list of nodes too
// h1 {"Hello Dioxus"}
// p {"This is a beautful app you're building"}
// section {
// "custom section to the rescue",
// class: "abc123"
// }
// span {
// class: "abc123"
// "Try backwards too."
// "Anything goes!"
// "As long as it's within the rules"
// {0..10.map(|f| rsx!{
// div {
// h3 {"totally okay to drop in iterators and expressions"}
// p {"however, debug information is lost"}
// }
// })}
// }
// span {
// "Feel free"
// class: "abc123"
// "To mix to your heart's content"
// }
// span { class: "some-very-long-and-tedious-class-name-is-now-separated"
// "Very ergonomic"
// }
// span { "Innovative design 🛠"
// class: "some-very-long-and-tedious-class-name-is-now-separated"
// }
// }
// });
let _g = String::from("asd");
// let lazy = rsx! {
// div {
// a: "asd",
// a: "asd",
// a: "asd",
// a: "asd",
// a: "asd",
// // a: {rsx!{ h1 {"hello world"} }}, // include
// a: {&g},
// b: {1 + 2},
// onclick: {move |e: ()| {
// println!("hello world!")
// }},
// div {
// a: "asd"
// div {
// div {
// div {
// }
// }
// }
// }
// h1 {
// }
// h2 {
// "child"
// }
// "Childnode"
// }
// };
// render(lazy);
fn render(_f: impl Fn(&dioxus::builder::Bump)) {}
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ criterion_group!(mbenches, create_rows);
fn create_rows(c: &mut Criterion) {
static App: FC<()> = |cx, props| {
static App: FC<()> = |cx, _| {
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
let rows = (0..10_000).map(|f| {
let label = Label::new(&mut rng);
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
use dioxus_core::prelude::*;
fn main() {}
fn main() {
let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(EXAMPLE);
println!("{}", dom);
pub static Example: FC<()> = |cx, props| {
pub static EXAMPLE: FC<()> = |cx, _| {
let list = (0..10).map(|_f| LazyNodes::new(move |_f| todo!()));
cx.render(LazyNodes::new(move |cx| {
@ -1,39 +1,15 @@
use dioxus_core::prelude::*;
fn main() {}
fn main() {
let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(App);
const App: FC<()> = |cx, props| {
// create a new future
let _fut = cx.use_hook(
|_| {
async { loop {} }
// Box::pin(async { loop {} }) as Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>
|f| f,
|_| {},
// let g = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) };
let id = cx.scope_id();
cx.submit_task(Box::pin(async move { id }));
// cx.submit_task(fut);
let (handle, contents) = use_task(cx, || async { "hello world".to_string() });
const Task: FC<()> = |cx, props| {
let (_task, _res) = use_task(cx, || async { true });
// task.pause();
// task.restart();
// task.stop();
// task.drop();
let _s = use_task(cx, || async { "hello world".to_string() });
fn use_mut<P, T>(_cx: Context, _f: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> &mut T {
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ impl<'a> SavedDiffWork<'a> {
pub unsafe fn promote<'b>(self, vdom: &'b mut ResourcePool) -> DiffMachine<'b> {
pub unsafe fn promote<'b>(self, vdom: &'b ResourcePool) -> DiffMachine<'b> {
let extended: SavedDiffWork<'b> = std::mem::transmute(self);
DiffMachine {
@ -15,9 +15,21 @@ use std::{any::Any, cell::RefCell, future::Future, ops::Deref, rc::Rc};
/// Awaits the given task, forcing the component to re-render when the value is ready.
/// Returns the handle to the task and the value (if it is ready, else None).
/// ```
/// static Example: FC<()> = |cx, props| {
/// let (task, value) = use_task(|| async {
/// timer::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
/// "Hello World"
/// });
/// match contents {
/// Some(contents) => rsx!(cx, div { "{title}" }),
/// None => rsx!(cx, div { "Loading..." }),
/// }
/// };
/// ```
pub fn use_task<'src, Out, Fut, Init>(
cx: Context<'src>,
task_initializer: Init,
@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ pub enum SchedulerMsg {
// tasks
pub enum TaskMsg {
SubmitTask(FiberTask, u64),
@ -152,7 +156,9 @@ pub(crate) struct Scheduler {
pub garbage_scopes: HashSet<ScopeId>,
pub lane: PriorityLane,
pub dirty_scopes: IndexSet<ScopeId>,
pub saved_state: Option<SavedDiffWork<'static>>,
pub in_progress: bool,
impl Scheduler {
@ -181,7 +187,9 @@ impl Scheduler {
let task_id = task_counter.get();
task_counter.set(task_id + 1);
.unbounded_send(SchedulerMsg::SubmitTask(fiber_task, task_id))
fiber_task, task_id,
TaskHandle {
our_id: task_id,
@ -214,6 +222,12 @@ impl Scheduler {
let async_tasks = FuturesUnordered::new();
// push a task that would never resolve - prevents us from immediately aborting the scheduler
async_tasks.push(Box::pin(async {
}) as FiberTask);
Self {
@ -235,24 +249,9 @@ impl Scheduler {
garbage_scopes: HashSet::new(),
// current_priority: EventPriority::Low,
lane: PriorityLane::new(),
pub fn manually_poll_events(&mut self) {
while let Ok(Some(msg)) = self.receiver.try_next() {
match msg {
SchedulerMsg::UiEvent(event) => self.ui_events.push_front(event),
SchedulerMsg::Immediate(im) => self.pending_immediates.push_front(im),
// task stuff
SchedulerMsg::SubmitTask(_, _) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::ToggleTask(_) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::PauseTask(_) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::ResumeTask(_) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::DropTask(_) => todo!(),
dirty_scopes: Default::default(),
saved_state: None,
in_progress: false,
@ -272,31 +271,27 @@ impl Scheduler {
use EventPriority::*;
// use EventPriority::*;
match priority {
Immediate => todo!(),
High => todo!(),
Medium => todo!(),
Low => todo!(),
// match priority {
// Immediate => todo!(),
// High => todo!(),
// Medium => todo!(),
// Low => todo!(),
// }
fn prepare_work(&mut self) {
while let Some(trigger) = self.ui_events.pop_back() {
if let Some(scope) = self.pool.get_scope_mut(trigger.scope) {}
// while let Some(trigger) = self.ui_events.pop_back() {
// if let Some(scope) = self.pool.get_scope_mut(trigger.scope) {}
// }
// nothing to do, no events on channels, no work
pub fn has_any_work(&self) -> bool {
self.lane.has_work() || self.has_pending_events()
pub fn has_pending_events(&self) -> bool {
!(self.dirty_scopes.is_empty() && self.ui_events.is_empty())
/// re-balance the work lanes, ensuring high-priority work properly bumps away low priority work
@ -304,35 +299,39 @@ impl Scheduler {
fn save_work(&mut self, lane: SavedDiffWork) {
let saved: SavedDiffWork<'static> = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(lane) };
self.lane.saved_state = Some(saved);
self.saved_state = Some(saved);
fn load_work(&mut self) -> SavedDiffWork<'static> {
// match self.current_priority {
// EventPriority::Immediate => todo!(),
// EventPriority::High => todo!(),
// EventPriority::Medium => todo!(),
// EventPriority::Low => todo!(),
// }
unsafe { self.lane.saved_state.take().unwrap().extend() }
unsafe fn load_work(&mut self) -> SavedDiffWork<'static> {
pub fn handle_channel_msg(&mut self, msg: SchedulerMsg) {
match msg {
SchedulerMsg::Task(msg) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::Immediate(_) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::UiEvent(event) => {
let (discrete, priority) = event_meta(&event);
SchedulerMsg::SubmitTask(_, _) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::ToggleTask(_) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::PauseTask(_) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::ResumeTask(_) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::DropTask(_) => todo!(),
if let Some(scope) = self.pool.get_scope_mut(event.scope) {
if let Some(element) = event.mounted_dom_id {
// TODO: bubble properly here
scope.call_listener(event.event, element);
while let Ok(Some(dirty_scope)) = self.receiver.try_next() {
// self.add_dirty_scope(dirty_scope, trigger.priority)
@ -346,22 +345,22 @@ impl Scheduler {
) -> bool {
// Work through the current subtree, and commit the results when it finishes
// When the deadline expires, give back the work
let saved_state = self.load_work();
let saved_state = unsafe { self.load_work() };
// We have to split away some parts of ourself - current lane is borrowed mutably
let mut shared = self.pool.clone();
let mut machine = unsafe { saved_state.promote(&mut shared) };
let shared = self.pool.clone();
let mut machine = unsafe { saved_state.promote(&shared) };
if machine.stack.is_empty() {
let shared = self.pool.clone();
self.lane.dirty_scopes.sort_by(|a, b| {
self.dirty_scopes.sort_by(|a, b| {
let h1 = shared.get_scope(*a).unwrap().height;
let h2 = shared.get_scope(*b).unwrap().height;
if let Some(scope) = self.lane.dirty_scopes.pop() {
if let Some(scope) = self.dirty_scopes.pop() {
let component = self.pool.get_scope(scope).unwrap();
let (old, new) = (component.frames.wip_head(), component.frames.fin_head());
machine.stack.push(DiffInstruction::Diff { new, old });
@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ impl Scheduler {
} else {
for node in saved.seen_scopes.drain() {
let mut new_mutations = Mutations::new();
@ -395,9 +394,9 @@ impl Scheduler {
/// Uses some fairly complex logic to schedule what work should be produced.
/// Returns a list of successful mutations.
pub async fn work_with_deadline<'a>(
pub fn work_with_deadline<'a>(
&'a mut self,
deadline: impl Future<Output = ()>,
mut deadline: impl FnMut() -> bool,
) -> Vec<Mutations<'a>> {
@ -429,33 +428,29 @@ impl Scheduler {
- but if we received both - then we don't need to diff, do we? run as many as we can and then finally diff?
let mut committed_mutations = Vec::<Mutations<'static>>::new();
loop {
// Move work out of the scheduler message receiver and into dedicated message lanes
// switch our priority, pop off any work
for event in self.ui_events.drain(..) {
if let Some(scope) = self.pool.get_scope_mut(event.scope) {
if let Some(element) = event.mounted_dom_id {
// TODO: bubble properly here
scope.call_listener(event.event, element);
// Wait for any new events if we have nothing to do
// todo: poll the events once even if there is work to do to prevent starvation
if !self.has_any_work() {
futures_util::select! {
// todo: find a solution for the exhausted queue problem
// msg = self.async_tasks.next() => {}
msg = self.receiver.next() => {
log::debug!("received work in scheduler");
_ = (&mut deadline).fuse() => return committed_mutations,
while let Ok(Some(dirty_scope)) = self.receiver.try_next() {
match dirty_scope {
SchedulerMsg::Immediate(im) => {
_ => todo!(),
// switch our priority, pop off any work
let mut deadline_reached = || (&mut deadline).now_or_never().is_some();
let finished_before_deadline =
self.work_on_current_lane(&mut deadline_reached, &mut committed_mutations);
self.work_on_current_lane(&mut deadline, &mut committed_mutations);
if !finished_before_deadline {
@ -471,7 +466,9 @@ impl Scheduler {
pub fn work_sync<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Vec<Mutations<'a>> {
let mut committed_mutations = Vec::new();
while let Ok(Some(msg)) = self.receiver.try_next() {
if !self.has_any_work() {
return committed_mutations;
@ -534,23 +531,3 @@ impl Scheduler {
pub(crate) struct PriorityLane {
pub dirty_scopes: IndexSet<ScopeId>,
pub saved_state: Option<SavedDiffWork<'static>>,
pub in_progress: bool,
impl PriorityLane {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
saved_state: None,
dirty_scopes: Default::default(),
in_progress: false,
fn has_work(&self) -> bool {
!self.dirty_scopes.is_empty() || self.in_progress
@ -12,28 +12,28 @@ impl TaskHandle {
/// This method is not synchronous - your task will not stop immediately.
pub fn toggle(&self) {
/// This method is not synchronous - your task will not stop immediately.
pub fn resume(&self) {
/// This method is not synchronous - your task will not stop immediately.
pub fn stop(&self) {
/// This method is not synchronous - your task will not stop immediately.
pub fn restart(&self) {
@ -334,11 +334,8 @@ impl VirtualDom {
/// applied the edits.
/// Mutations are the only link between the RealDOM and the VirtualDOM.
pub async fn run_with_deadline(
&mut self,
deadline: impl Future<Output = ()>,
) -> Vec<Mutations<'_>> {
pub fn run_with_deadline(&mut self, deadline: impl FnMut() -> bool) -> Vec<Mutations<'_>> {
pub fn get_event_sender(&self) -> futures_channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender<SchedulerMsg> {
@ -355,12 +352,38 @@ impl VirtualDom {
log::debug!("No active work.... waiting for some...");
use futures_util::StreamExt;
// right now this won't poll events if there is ongoing work
// in the future we want to prioritize some events over ongoing work
// this is coming in the "priorities" PR
// Wait for any new events if we have nothing to do
// todo: poll the events once even if there is work to do to prevent starvation
futures_util::select! {
// // hmm - will this resolve to none if there are no async tasks?
// _ = self.scheduler.async_tasks.next() => {
// log::debug!("async task completed!");
// }
msg = self.scheduler.receiver.next() => self.scheduler.handle_channel_msg(msg.unwrap()),
_ = self.scheduler.async_tasks.next() => {}
msg = self.scheduler.receiver.next() => {
match msg.unwrap() {
SchedulerMsg::Task(t) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::Immediate(im) => {
SchedulerMsg::UiEvent(evt) => {
while let Ok(Some(msg)) = self.scheduler.receiver.try_next() {
match msg {
SchedulerMsg::Task(t) => todo!(),
SchedulerMsg::Immediate(im) => {
SchedulerMsg::UiEvent(evt) => {
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ use dioxus::prelude::Properties;
use dioxus::virtual_dom::VirtualDom;
pub use dioxus_core as dioxus;
use dioxus_core::prelude::FC;
use futures_util::FutureExt;
mod cache;
mod cfg;
@ -145,10 +146,10 @@ pub async fn run_with_props<T: Properties + 'static>(root: FC<T>, root_props: T,
// wait for the mainthread to schedule us in
let deadline = work_loop.wait_for_idle_time().await;
let mut deadline = work_loop.wait_for_idle_time().await;
// run the virtualdom work phase until the frame deadline is reached
let mutations = dom.run_with_deadline(deadline).await;
let mutations = dom.run_with_deadline(|| (&mut deadline).now_or_never().is_some());
// wait for the animation frame to fire so we can apply our changes
@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ impl RafLoop {
let window = web_sys::window().unwrap();
Self {
window: web_sys::window().unwrap(),
Add table
Reference in a new issue