polish: exampels

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Kelley 2021-09-24 02:37:51 -04:00
parent 047c810507
commit 04d16b41dc
8 changed files with 90 additions and 88 deletions

View file

@ -5,52 +5,50 @@
//! This example is interesting because it's mixing filesystem operations and GUI, which is typically hard for UI to do.
use dioxus::desktop::wry::application::dpi::LogicalSize;
use dioxus::prelude::*;
fn main() {
dioxus::desktop::launch(App, |c| {
c.with_window(|w| {
.with_inner_size(LogicalSize::new(800.0, 400.0))
dioxus::desktop::wry::application::dpi::LogicalSize::new(800.0, 400.0),
static App: FC<()> = |cx, props| {
let files = use_state(cx, || Files::new());
let file_manager = use_ref(cx, || Files::new());
let files = file_manager.read();
let file_list = files.path_names.iter().enumerate().map(|(dir_id, path)| {
rsx! (
li { a {"{path}", onclick: move |_| files.modify().enter_dir(dir_id), href: "#"} }
li { a {"{path}", onclick: move |_| file_manager.write().enter_dir(dir_id), href: "#"} }
let err_disp = files.err.as_ref().map(|err| {
rsx! {
rsx! (
div {
code {"{err}"}
button {"x", onclick: move |_| files.modify().clear_err() }
button {"x", onclick: move |_| file_manager.write().clear_err() }
let cur = files.current();
cx.render(rsx! {
div {
h1 {"Files: "}
h3 {"Cur dir: {cur}"}
button { "go up", onclick: move |_| files.modify().go_up() }
ol { {file_list} }
let current_dir = files.current();
rsx!(cx, div {
h1 {"Files: "}
h3 {"Cur dir: {current_dir}"}
button { "go up", onclick: move |_| file_manager.write().go_up() }
ol { {file_list} }
// right now, this gets cloned every time. It might be a bit better to use im_rc's collections instead
struct Files {
path_stack: Vec<String>,
path_names: Vec<String>,

View file

@ -1,25 +1,15 @@
//! JS Framework Benchmark
//! ----------------------
//! This example is used in the JS framework benchmarking tool to compare Dioxus' performance with other frontend frameworks.
use dioxus::{events::on::MouseEvent, prelude::*};
use dioxus_html as dioxus_elements;
use fxhash::{FxBuildHasher, FxHasher32};
use dioxus::{events::MouseEvent, prelude::*};
use fxhash::FxBuildHasher;
use std::rc::Rc;
fn main() {
dioxus::desktop::launch(App, |c| c);
dioxus::desktop::launch(App, |c| c).unwrap();
// We use a special immutable hashmap to make hashmap operations efficient
type RowList = im_rc::HashMap<usize, Rc<str>, FxBuildHasher>;
static App: FC<()> = |cx, props| {
static App: FC<()> = |cx, _props| {
let items = use_state(cx, || RowList::default());
let create_rendered_rows = move |from, num| move |_| items.set(create_row_list(from, num));
@ -63,12 +53,12 @@ static App: FC<()> = |cx, props| {
div { class: "col-md-6", h1 { "Dioxus" } }
div { class: "col-md-6"
div { class: "row"
ActionButton { name: "Create 1,000 rows", id: "run", action: create_rendered_rows(0, 1_000) }
ActionButton { name: "Create 10,000 rows", id: "runlots", action: create_rendered_rows(0, 10_000) }
ActionButton { name: "Append 1,000 rows", id: "add", action: append_1_000_rows }
ActionButton { name: "Update every 10th row", id: "update", action: update_every_10th_row, }
ActionButton { name: "Clear", id: "clear", action: clear_rows }
ActionButton { name: "Swap rows", id: "swaprows", action: swap_rows }
ActionButton { name: "Create 1,000 rows", id: "run", onclick: {create_rendered_rows(0, 1_000)} }
ActionButton { name: "Create 10,000 rows", id: "runlots", onclick: {create_rendered_rows(0, 10_000)} }
ActionButton { name: "Append 1,000 rows", id: "add", onclick: {append_1_000_rows} }
ActionButton { name: "Update every 10th row", id: "update", onclick: {update_every_10th_row} }
ActionButton { name: "Clear", id: "clear", onclick: {clear_rows} }
ActionButton { name: "Swap rows", id: "swaprows", onclick: {swap_rows} }
@ -83,24 +73,17 @@ static App: FC<()> = |cx, props| {
struct RowController {}
struct ActionButtonProps<F: Fn(MouseEvent)> {
struct ActionButtonProps<'a> {
name: &'static str,
id: &'static str,
action: F,
onclick: &'a dyn Fn(MouseEvent),
fn ActionButton<'a, F>(cx: Context<'a>, props: &'a ActionButtonProps<F>) -> DomTree<'a>
F: Fn(MouseEvent),
cx.render(rsx! {
div { class: "col-sm-6 smallpad"
button { class:"btn btn-primary btn-block", r#type: "button", id: "{props.id}", onclick: {&props.action},
fn ActionButton<'a>(cx: Context<'a>, props: &'a ActionButtonProps) -> DomTree<'a> {
rsx!(cx, div { class: "col-sm-6 smallpad"
button { class:"btn btn-primary btn-block", r#type: "button", id: "{props.id}", onclick: {props.onclick},
@ -111,19 +94,17 @@ struct RowProps {
label: Rc<str>,
fn Row<'a>(cx: Context<'a>, props: &'a RowProps) -> DomTree<'a> {
cx.render(rsx! {
tr {
td { class:"col-md-1", "{props.row_id}" }
td { class:"col-md-1", onclick: move |_| { /* run onselect */ }
a { class: "lbl", "{props.label}" }
td { class: "col-md-1"
a { class: "remove", onclick: move |_| {/* remove */}
span { class: "glyphicon glyphicon-remove remove" aria_hidden: "true" }
td { class: "col-md-6" }
rsx!(cx, tr {
td { class:"col-md-1", "{props.row_id}" }
td { class:"col-md-1", onclick: move |_| { /* run onselect */ }
a { class: "lbl", "{props.label}" }
td { class: "col-md-1"
a { class: "remove", onclick: move |_| {/* remove */}
span { class: "glyphicon glyphicon-remove remove" aria_hidden: "true" }
td { class: "col-md-6" }

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ fn main() {
static App: FC<()> = |cx, props| {
let mut val = use_state(cx, || 0);
cx.render(rsx! {
div {
h1 {"hello world. Count: {val}"}

examples/manual_edits.rs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Example: Manual Edits
It's possible to manually provide a stream of DomEdits to a Dioxus Renderer. All renderers are designed to accept a stream
of DomEdits that abstract over a stack machine. This allows the VirtualDOM to exist entirely separately from the RealDOM,
though features like NodeRefs and NativeEvents might not work properly everywhere.
use dioxus::core::*;
use dioxus::prelude::*;
fn main() {
use DomEdit::*;
let edits = vec![
// create a container and push it onto the stack
CreateElement { tag: "div", id: 0 },
// create an element and push it onto the stack
CreateElement { tag: "h1", id: 2 },
// create a text node and push it onto the stack
CreateTextNode {
text: "hello world",
id: 3,
// append the text node to the h1 element
AppendChildren { many: 1 },
// append the h1 element to the container
AppendChildren { many: 1 },
// append the container to the default render element ("dioxusroot" if used with default config)
AppendChildren { many: 1 },
dioxus_desktop::WebviewRenderer::run_with_edits(APP, (), |c| c, Some(edits)).expect("failed");
const APP: FC<()> = |cx, _props| {
rsx!(cx, div {
"some app"

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
use dioxus_core::*;
fn main() {
use DomEdit::*;
// .. should result in an "invalid node tree"
let edits = vec![
CreateElement { tag: "div", id: 0 },
CreateElement { tag: "h1", id: 2 },
CreateTextNode {
text: "hello world",
id: 3,
AppendChildren { many: 1 },
AppendChildren { many: 1 },
AppendChildren { many: 1 },
dioxus_desktop::WebviewRenderer::run_with_edits(App, (), |c| c, Some(edits)).expect("failed");
const App: FC<()> = |cx, props| todo!();

View file

@ -188,7 +188,11 @@ pub(crate) fn event_meta(event: &UserEvent) -> (bool, EventPriority) {
pub use on::KeyCode;
pub use on::{
AnimationEvent, ClipboardEvent, CompositionEvent, FocusEvent, FormEvent, GenericEvent, KeyCode,
KeyboardEvent, MediaEvent, MouseEvent, PointerEvent, SelectionEvent, ToggleEvent, TouchEvent,
TransitionEvent, WheelEvent,
pub mod on {
//! This module defines the synthetic events that all Dioxus apps enable. No matter the platform, every dioxus renderer