2023-03-14 16:35:11 -05:00
2023-03-14 16:06:32 -05:00
use dioxus::prelude::*;
use dioxus_native_core::exports::shipyard::Component;
use dioxus_native_core::node_ref::*;
use dioxus_native_core::prelude::*;
use dioxus_native_core_macro::partial_derive_state;
struct FontSize(f64);
// All states need to derive Component
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, Component)]
struct Size(f64, f64);
/// Derive some of the boilerplate for the State implementation
impl State for Size {
type ParentDependencies = ();
// The size of the current node depends on the size of its children
type ChildDependencies = (Self,);
type NodeDependencies = ();
// Size only cares about the width, height, and text parts of the current node
const NODE_MASK: NodeMaskBuilder<'static> = NodeMaskBuilder::new()
// Get access to the width and height attributes
.with_attrs(AttributeMaskBuilder::Some(&["width", "height"]))
// Get access to the text of the node
fn update<'a>(
&mut self,
node_view: NodeView<()>,
_node: <Self::NodeDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>,
_parent: Option<<Self::ParentDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>>,
children: Vec<<Self::ChildDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>>,
context: &SendAnyMap,
) -> bool {
let font_size = context.get::<FontSize>().unwrap().0;
let mut width;
let mut height;
if let Some(text) = node_view.text() {
// if the node has text, use the text to size our object
width = text.len() as f64 * font_size;
height = font_size;
} else {
// otherwise, the size is the maximum size of the children
width = children
.map(|(item,)| item.0)
.reduce(|accum, item| if accum >= item { accum } else { item })
height = children
.map(|(item,)| item.1)
.reduce(|accum, item| if accum >= item { accum } else { item })
// if the node contains a width or height attribute it overrides the other size
for a in node_view.attributes().into_iter().flatten() {
match &*a.attribute.name {
"width" => width = a.value.as_float().unwrap(),
"height" => height = a.value.as_float().unwrap(),
// because Size only depends on the width and height, no other attributes will be passed to the member
_ => panic!(),
// to determine what other parts of the dom need to be updated we return a boolean that marks if this member changed
let changed = (width != self.0) || (height != self.1);
*self = Self(width, height);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Component)]
struct TextColor {
r: u8,
g: u8,
b: u8,
impl State for TextColor {
// TextColor depends on the TextColor part of the parent
type ParentDependencies = (Self,);
type ChildDependencies = ();
type NodeDependencies = ();
// TextColor only cares about the color attribute of the current node
const NODE_MASK: NodeMaskBuilder<'static> =
// Get access to the color attribute
fn update<'a>(
&mut self,
node_view: NodeView<()>,
_node: <Self::NodeDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>,
parent: Option<<Self::ParentDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>>,
_children: Vec<<Self::ChildDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>>,
_context: &SendAnyMap,
) -> bool {
// TextColor only depends on the color tag, so getting the first tag is equivilent to looking through all tags
let new = match node_view
.and_then(|mut attrs| attrs.next())
.and_then(|attr| attr.value.as_text())
// if there is a color tag, translate it
Some("red") => TextColor { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 },
Some("green") => TextColor { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0 },
Some("blue") => TextColor { r: 0, g: 0, b: 255 },
Some(color) => panic!("unknown color {color}"),
// otherwise check if the node has a parent and inherit that color
None => match parent {
Some((parent,)) => *parent,
None => Self::default(),
// check if the member has changed
let changed = new != *self;
*self = new;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Component)]
struct Border(bool);
impl State for Border {
// TextColor depends on the TextColor part of the parent
type ParentDependencies = (Self,);
type ChildDependencies = ();
type NodeDependencies = ();
// Border does not depended on any other member in the current node
const NODE_MASK: NodeMaskBuilder<'static> =
// Get access to the border attribute
fn update<'a>(
&mut self,
node_view: NodeView<()>,
_node: <Self::NodeDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>,
_parent: Option<<Self::ParentDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>>,
_children: Vec<<Self::ChildDependencies as Dependancy>::ElementBorrowed<'a>>,
_context: &SendAnyMap,
) -> bool {
// check if the node contians a border attribute
let new = Self(
.and_then(|mut attrs| attrs.next().map(|a| a.attribute.name == "border"))
// check if the member has changed
let changed = new != *self;
*self = new;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
let count = use_state(cx, || 0);
use_future(cx, (count,), |(count,)| async move {
loop {
count.set(*count + 1);
cx.render(rsx! {
color: "red",
Comp {}
fn Comp(cx: Scope) -> Element {
cx.render(rsx! {
border: "",
"hello world"
// create the vdom, the real_dom, and the binding layer between them
let mut vdom = VirtualDom::new(app);
let mut rdom: RealDom = RealDom::new([
let mut dioxus_intigration_state = DioxusState::create(&mut rdom);
let mutations = vdom.rebuild();
// update the structure of the real_dom tree
dioxus_intigration_state.apply_mutations(&mut rdom, mutations);
let mut ctx = SendAnyMap::new();
// set the font size to 3.3
// update the State for nodes in the real_dom tree
let _to_rerender = rdom.update_state(ctx);
// we need to run the vdom in a async runtime
.block_on(async {
loop {
// wait for the vdom to update
// get the mutations from the vdom
let mutations = vdom.render_immediate();
// update the structure of the real_dom tree
dioxus_intigration_state.apply_mutations(&mut rdom, mutations);
// update the state of the real_dom tree
let mut ctx = SendAnyMap::new();
// set the font size to 3.3
let _to_rerender = rdom.update_state(ctx);
// render...
2023-04-17 12:41:54 -05:00
rdom.traverse_depth_first_advanced(true, |node| {
2023-03-14 16:06:32 -05:00
let indent = " ".repeat(node.height() as usize);
let color = *node.get::<TextColor>().unwrap();
let size = *node.get::<Size>().unwrap();
let border = *node.get::<Border>().unwrap();
let id = node.id();
let node = node.node_type();
let node_type = &*node;
println!("{indent}{id:?} {color:?} {size:?} {border:?} {node_type:?}");