Dioxus supports hot reloading for static parts of rsx macros. This enables changing the styling of your application without recompiling the rust code. This is useful for rapid iteration on the styling of your application.
Hot reloading could update the following change without recompiling:
> This crate implements hot reloading for native compilation targets not WASM. For hot relaoding with the web renderer, see the [dioxus-cli](https://github.com/DioxusLabs/dioxus/tree/master/packages/cli) project.
By default the dev server watches on the root of the crate the macro is called in and ignores changes in the `/target` directory and any directories set in the `.gitignore` file in the root directory. To watch on custom paths pass call the `with_paths` function on the config builder:
By default the hot reloading server will output some logs in the console, to disable these logs call the `with_logging` function on the config builder:
To rebuild the application when the logic changes, you can use the `with_rebuild_command` function on the config builder. This command will be called when hot reloading fails to quickly update the rsx:
If you are using a namespace other than html, you can implement the [HotReloadingContext](https://docs.rs/dioxus-rsx/latest/dioxus_rsx/trait.HotReloadingContext.html) trait to provide a mapping between the rust names of your elements/attributes and the resulting strings.
To add hot reloading support to your custom renderer you can use the connect function. This will connect to the dev server you just need to provide a way to transfer `Template`s to the `VirtualDom`. Once you implement this your users can use the hot_reload_init function just like any other render.
async fn launch(app: Component) {
let mut vdom = VirtualDom::new(app);
// ...
let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();