You can use Html-like semantics with inline styles, tree hierarchy, components, and more in your [`text-based user interface (TUI)`]( application.
Rink is essentially a port of [Ink]( but for [`Rust`]( and [`Dioxus`]( Rink doesn't depend on Node.js or any other JavaScript runtime, so your binaries are portable and beautiful.
Rendering a VirtualDom works fine, but the ecosystem of hooks is not yet ready. Additionally, some bugs in the flexbox implementation might be quirky at times.
<sup>1</sup> Currently only a subset of the input element is implemented as a component (not an element). The `Input` component supports sliders, text, numbers, passwords, buttons, and checkboxes.
<sup>2</sup> Basic keyboard, mouse, and focus events are implemented.
<sup>3</sup> Currently, most HTML tags don't translate into any meaning inside of Dioxus TUI. So an `input`*element* won't mean anything nor does it have any additional functionality.