2021-11-15 09:49:01 -05:00
//! Example: README.md showcase
//! The example from the README.md.
use dioxus::prelude::*;
use dioxus_core as dioxus;
use dioxus_core_macro::*;
use dioxus_html as dioxus_elements;
use dioxus_web;
fn main() {
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2021-11-15 09:49:01 -05:00
2021-12-15 15:56:53 -05:00
static App: Component<()> = |cx| {
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let doggo = cx.suspend(|| async move {
struct Doggo {
message: String,
let src = reqwest::get("https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random")
.expect("Failed to fetch doggo")
.expect("Failed to parse doggo")
rsx!(cx, img { src: "{src}" })
rsx!(cx, div {
h1 {"One doggo coming right up"}
button { onclick: move |_| cx.needs_update(), "Get a new doggo" }