
212 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt, rc::Rc};
use web_sys::{self, Element, EventTarget, Node, Text};
2021-01-15 01:56:28 +00:00
use dioxus_core::prelude::{VElement, VNode, VText, VirtualNode};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use wasm_bindgen::JsCast;
use wasm_bindgen::JsValue;
pub struct DomRenderer {}
// Used to uniquely identify elements that contain closures so that the DomUpdater can
// look them up by their unique id.
// When the DomUpdater sees that the element no longer exists it will drop all of it's
// Rc'd Closures for those events.
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
lazy_static! {
static ref ELEM_UNIQUE_ID: Mutex<u32> = Mutex::new(0);
fn create_unique_identifier() -> u32 {
let mut elem_unique_id = ELEM_UNIQUE_ID.lock().unwrap();
*elem_unique_id += 1;
/// A node along with all of the closures that were created for that
/// node's events and all of it's child node's events.
pub struct CreatedNode<T> {
/// A `Node` or `Element` that was created from a `VirtualNode`
pub node: T,
/// A map of a node's unique identifier along with all of the Closures for that node.
/// The DomUpdater uses this to look up nodes and see if they're still in the page. If not
/// the reference that we maintain to their closure will be dropped, thus freeing the Closure's
/// memory.
pub closures: HashMap<u32, Vec<DynClosure>>,
impl<T> CreatedNode<T> {
pub fn without_closures<N: Into<T>>(node: N) -> Self {
CreatedNode {
node: node.into(),
closures: HashMap::with_capacity(0),
impl<T> Deref for CreatedNode<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl From<CreatedNode<Element>> for CreatedNode<Node> {
fn from(other: CreatedNode<Element>) -> CreatedNode<Node> {
CreatedNode {
node: other.node.into(),
closures: other.closures,
// Create nodes for the VNode types
// ---------------------------------
/// Return a `Text` element from a `VirtualNode`, typically right before adding it
/// into the DOM.
pub fn create_text_node(text_node: &VText) -> Text {
let document = web_sys::window().unwrap().document().unwrap();
/// Build a DOM element by recursively creating DOM nodes for this element and it's
/// children, it's children's children, etc.
pub fn create_element_node(velement: &VElement) -> CreatedNode<Element> {
let document = web_sys::window().unwrap().document().unwrap();
let element = if html_validation::is_svg_namespace(&velement.tag) {
.create_element_ns(Some("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), &velement.tag)
} else {
let mut closures = HashMap::new();
velement.attrs.iter().for_each(|(name, value)| {
if name == "unsafe_inner_html" {
.set_attribute(name, value)
.expect("Set element attribute in create element");
todo!("Support events properly in web ");
// if velement.events.0.len() > 0 {
// let unique_id = create_unique_identifier();
// element
// .set_attribute("data-vdom-id".into(), &unique_id.to_string())
// .expect("Could not set attribute on element");
// closures.insert(unique_id, vec![]);
// velement.events.0.iter().for_each(|(onevent, callback)| {
// // onclick -> click
// let event = &onevent[2..];
// let current_elem: &EventTarget = element.dyn_ref().unwrap();
// current_elem
// .add_event_listener_with_callback(event, callback.as_ref().as_ref().unchecked_ref())
// .unwrap();
// closures
// .get_mut(&unique_id)
// .unwrap()
// .push(Rc::clone(callback));
// });
// }
let mut previous_node_was_text = false;
velement.children.iter().for_each(|child| {
match child {
VNode::Text(text_node) => {
let current_node = element.as_ref() as &web_sys::Node;
// We ensure that the text siblings are patched by preventing the browser from merging
// neighboring text nodes. Originally inspired by some of React's work from 2016.
// -> https://reactjs.org/blog/2016/04/07/react-v15.html#major-changes
// -> https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/5753
// `ptns` = Percy text node separator
if previous_node_was_text {
let separator = document.create_comment("ptns");
.append_child(separator.as_ref() as &web_sys::Node)
// .append_child(&text_node.create_text_node())
previous_node_was_text = true;
VNode::Element(element_node) => {
previous_node_was_text = false;
let child = create_element_node(&element_node);
// let child = element_node.create_element_node();
let child_elem: Element = child.node;
VNode::Component(component) => {
todo!("Support components in the web properly");
todo!("Support events properly in web ");
// if let Some(on_create_elem) = velement.events.0.get("on_create_elem") {
// let on_create_elem: &js_sys::Function = on_create_elem.as_ref().as_ref().unchecked_ref();
// on_create_elem
// .call1(&wasm_bindgen::JsValue::NULL, &element)
// .unwrap();
// }
CreatedNode {
node: element,
/// Box<dyn AsRef<JsValue>>> is our js_sys::Closure. Stored this way to allow us to store
/// any Closure regardless of the arguments.
pub type DynClosure = Rc<dyn AsRef<JsValue>>;
/// We need a custom implementation of fmt::Debug since JsValue doesn't
/// implement debug.
pub struct Events(pub HashMap<String, DynClosure>);
impl PartialEq for Events {
// TODO: What should happen here..? And why?
fn eq(&self, _rhs: &Self) -> bool {
impl fmt::Debug for Events {
// Print out all of the event names for this VirtualNode
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let events: String = self.0.keys().map(|key| " ".to_string() + key).collect();
write!(f, "{}", events)