2022-02-13 18:56:11 +00:00
//! Convert a serialized event to an event trigger
2021-07-24 06:52:05 +00:00
2022-11-16 00:05:22 +00:00
use dioxus_html::events::*;
2022-07-06 16:05:31 +00:00
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
2022-11-18 04:00:39 +00:00
use serde_json::from_value;
use std::any::Any;
use std::rc::Rc;
2021-07-24 06:52:05 +00:00
2022-07-06 16:05:31 +00:00
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
2022-02-13 18:56:11 +00:00
pub(crate) struct IpcMessage {
method: String,
params: serde_json::Value,
impl IpcMessage {
pub(crate) fn method(&self) -> &str {
pub(crate) fn params(self) -> serde_json::Value {
pub(crate) fn parse_ipc_message(payload: &str) -> Option<IpcMessage> {
2022-02-15 18:38:06 +00:00
match serde_json::from_str(payload) {
2022-02-13 18:56:11 +00:00
Ok(message) => Some(message),
Err(e) => {
2022-02-19 04:30:09 +00:00
log::error!("could not parse IPC message, error: {}", e);
2022-02-13 18:56:11 +00:00
2022-11-18 06:31:14 +00:00
macro_rules! match_data {
$tip:ty => $($mname:literal)|* ;
) => {
match $name {
$( $($mname)|* => {
println!("casting to type {:?}", std::any::TypeId::of::<$tip>());
let val: $tip = from_value::<$tip>($m).ok()?;
Rc::new(val) as Rc<dyn Any>
_ => return None,
pub struct EventMessage {
pub contents: serde_json::Value,
pub event: String,
pub mounted_dom_id: usize,
2021-07-24 06:52:05 +00:00
2022-11-18 04:00:39 +00:00
2022-11-18 06:31:14 +00:00
pub fn decode_event(value: EventMessage) -> Option<Rc<dyn Any>> {
let val = value.contents;
let name = value.event.as_str();
type DragData = MouseData;
let evt = match_data! { val; name;
MouseData => "click" | "contextmenu" | "dblclick" | "doubleclick" | "mousedown" | "mouseenter" | "mouseleave" | "mousemove" | "mouseout" | "mouseover" | "mouseup";
ClipboardData => "copy" | "cut" | "paste";
CompositionData => "compositionend" | "compositionstart" | "compositionupdate";
KeyboardData => "keydown" | "keypress" | "keyup";
FocusData => "blur" | "focus" | "focusin" | "focusout";
FormData => "change" | "input" | "invalid" | "reset" | "submit";
DragData => "drag" | "dragend" | "dragenter" | "dragexit" | "dragleave" | "dragover" | "dragstart" | "drop";
PointerData => "pointerlockchange" | "pointerlockerror" | "pointerdown" | "pointermove" | "pointerup" | "pointerover" | "pointerout" | "pointerenter" | "pointerleave" | "gotpointercapture" | "lostpointercapture";
SelectionData => "selectstart" | "selectionchange" | "select";
TouchData => "touchcancel" | "touchend" | "touchmove" | "touchstart";
ScrollData => "scroll";
WheelData => "wheel";
MediaData => "abort" | "canplay" | "canplaythrough" | "durationchange" | "emptied"
| "encrypted" | "ended" | "interruptbegin" | "interruptend" | "loadeddata"
| "loadedmetadata" | "loadstart" | "pause" | "play" | "playing" | "progress"
| "ratechange" | "seeked" | "seeking" | "stalled" | "suspend" | "timeupdate"
| "volumechange" | "waiting" | "error" | "load" | "loadend" | "timeout";
AnimationData => "animationstart" | "animationend" | "animationiteration";
TransitionData => "transitionend";
ToggleData => "toggle";
// ImageData => "load" | "error";
// OtherData => "abort" | "afterprint" | "beforeprint" | "beforeunload" | "hashchange" | "languagechange" | "message" | "offline" | "online" | "pagehide" | "pageshow" | "popstate" | "rejectionhandled" | "storage" | "unhandledrejection" | "unload" | "userproximity" | "vrdisplayactivate" | "vrdisplayblur" | "vrdisplayconnect" | "vrdisplaydeactivate" | "vrdisplaydisconnect" | "vrdisplayfocus" | "vrdisplaypointerrestricted" | "vrdisplaypointerunrestricted" | "vrdisplaypresentchange";
2022-11-18 04:00:39 +00:00
2022-11-18 06:31:14 +00:00