2023-03-24 12:43:51 -05:00
use dioxus_native_core::{
real_dom::{NodeImmutable, NodeTypeMut},
use rink::{render, Config, Driver, EventData};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
struct Counter {
count: f64,
button_id: NodeId,
impl Counter {
fn create(mut root: NodeMut) -> Self {
let mut myself = Self::default();
let root_id = root.id();
let rdom = root.real_dom_mut();
// create the counter
let count = myself.count;
let mut button = rdom.create_node(NodeType::Element(ElementNode {
tag: "input".to_string(),
attributes: [
// supported types: button, checkbox, textbox, password, number, range
("type".to_string().into(), "range".to_string().into()),
("display".to_string().into(), "flex".to_string().into()),
(("flex-direction", "style").into(), "row".to_string().into()),
("justify-content", "style").into(),
(("align-items", "style").into(), "center".to_string().into()),
format!("click me {count}").into(),
(("width", "style").into(), "50%".to_string().into()),
(("height", "style").into(), "10%".to_string().into()),
("min".to_string().into(), "20".to_string().into()),
("max".to_string().into(), "80".to_string().into()),
myself.button_id = button.id();
impl Driver for Counter {
fn update(&mut self, rdom: &Arc<RwLock<RealDom>>) {
// update the counter
let mut rdom = rdom.write().unwrap();
let mut node = rdom.get_mut(self.button_id).unwrap();
if let NodeTypeMut::Element(mut el) = node.node_type_mut() {
("background-color", "style"),
format!("rgb({}, {}, {})", 255.0 - self.count * 2.0, 0, 0,),
fn handle_event(
&mut self,
_: &Arc<RwLock<RealDom>>,
_: NodeId,
event_type: &str,
event: Rc<EventData>,
_: bool,
) {
2023-04-17 13:44:44 -05:00
if event_type == "input" {
// when the button is clicked, increment the counter
if let EventData::Form(input_event) = &*event {
if let Ok(value) = input_event.value.parse::<f64>() {
self.count = value;
2023-03-24 12:43:51 -05:00
fn poll_async(&mut self) -> std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn futures::Future<Output = ()> + '_>> {
Box::pin(async move { tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000)).await })
fn main() {
render(Config::new(), |rdom, _, _| {
let mut rdom = rdom.write().unwrap();
let root = rdom.root_id();